
Chapter 8

Crashing into the glass wall was more painful than the others, it felt as if this one was much stronger than the rest but Cuzon didn't mind, in a few seconds he would be safe on the floor; ' so he thought ' As he crashed, he felt a warm and bright light shine upon his whole body and he wondered why, he had closed his eyes to avoid getting glass fragments into them, but this unexpected light tempted him to open them, and he did, opening his eyes and seeing the source of the light, Cuzon's heart skipped a bit, the sun had actually shone on him in such an ugly moment, with his lips half curled in a smile, he thought to himself: " my death will be beautiful and quick " and he left himself for nature to handle.

Everyone in the building were engulfed in bloodshed, now they were all killing themselves as if they were under a spell, the employees were now killing the thugs and the thugs were even killing one another, suddenly in the midst of the whole drama, there was a loud unusual crack of something, and the sound stopped everyone from what they were doing and they all moved to the direction of the sound, as they stared out the window, they all could see Mr Cuzon Sun Hong's body in the pool with his skull half buried into a vertice of the company swimming pool, it was the breaking of his head that made the loud noise. After seeing this, most of them vommitted as they saw blood and brain matter oozing from his head into the pool, it was truly a nasty and disgusting sight. Way up the building, on the twelfth floor, Zhao Yan stood at where the glass had been broken and stared at the lifeless body of the man on the pool and wondered what came over him to commit suicide. Behind him was the gang leader, and he looked at Zhao with concern as he didn't know what he gained from throwing a man twelve stories down, seeing how engrossed he was in the sight, the leader thought of how crooked up Zhao's mind up to actually enjoy such cruelty but he didn't have time for criticism, sensing the cops on their way, he rushed at him and pulled him away from the spot. Zhao was a bit confused and the leader told him the cops were coming, they both entered the elevator and he pressed 13 aiming for the 13th floor, Zhao was surprised, he looked at the man with a little shock on his face, but all the man said was " relax " On getting to the thirteenth floor the man headed straight for the CEO's office and Zhao was dumbstruck, this greedy man was still interested in the loot of the safe, but before he could voice out his thoughts, the man had disappeared into the bathroom and Zhao became perplexed, what exactly was this man doing. Slowly he entered the office and looked to the direction of where he had seen the safe and he became shocked to his bones; the safe was opened and empty! Sensing Zhao was no longer behind him, the leader came out of the bathroom and found Zhao staring at the safe and then directed his stare at him. Seeing the look on his face, the leader understood and said;

" well, I guess he knew we were coming and emptied his safe before escaping "

" what the hell are you talking about "

" I came to this floor for the safe and the CEO, but the safe was empty and there was no one, I searched for anything valuable and got attracted to something coming from the bathroom and I went to check it out, turns out its a secret exit from the building "

" so why didn't you go and why are you trying to save me as well? "

" I don't know, guess you were the only one worth saving, the rest are dummies "

Zhao was not convinced but he had no choice, so he still followed him to the bathroom and escaped through the secret exit.

Meanwhile, on the other floors, there were pile of bodies scattered around and some people were still alive cowering in their own fear not knowing what happened exactly but they steadily waited for the cops to arrive and take them away.

As the cops arrived at the scene, a cop who was desperate for a promotion decided to catch a thug alive and jumped into the premises without reason, once he laid his eyes on the sight of a century; Cuzon's body in the pool, hot vomit spilled from his mouth without control and he had to close his eyes to steady himself and once he did, he cursed beneath his breath; ' these people are sick '

Few streets from where the incident had happened, Xie Guang at the top of a twenty storied building and watched in awe as the cops took away his employees and the thugs, his father had been really annoyed with him when he arrived at the building and even gave him a beautiful hot slap on his cheek which had made him slightly confused, he had done a lot of stupid things in his life, things that were of great importance to his father, but all the man ever did was talk to him in a harsh manner, but now just because he didn't leave his workplace on time as commanded, his father had slapped him and he had no other choice but to ask the reason why he did so even when he never asked his father why he did any of the things he did, he had been forced to do so. After asking, his father was a bit surprised and didn't say anything but just took him to the roof top of the building and pointed to the direction of his company, Xie had watched in horror as the old employee; Mr Cuzon fell from the twelfth floor, although he didn't see the landing, but he was sure it would not be good. For a second, Xie was happy his father had called him away, but a realization suddenly struck him, his father knew the raid was going to happen and that was why he had told him to leave the office early, and it also justified for his overpowered anger, with thoughts rumbling through his mind, for the first time, Xie actually cared for someone other than himself, not just anyone, but the whole of his office staff especially Mr Cuzon, and with a sense of courage he had never felt or had, he turned to his father with teary eyes and said in an almost angry tone;

" all those people, you knew this was going to happen and yet, you kept quiet about it, now see what you have done, why father? "

Clearly dumbstruck by his own son's new behavior, the father fumbled with words before being able to actually speak in an authorized tone;

" you should be grateful for me saving your life rather than asking me questions "

" but how? " Xie asked once more

" what do you mean by how "

" how did you know there was going to be a raid at the company and why didn't you inform the police, why didn't you inform me! "

" hey boy! watch your tongue, how dare you ask me questions, have you forgotten who I am, I am the one who raised you when you mother left, I took care of you, I clothed you, I schooled you, and every dum and illegal act you committed, I covered them up for you, so don't you think you have the right to question my authority over you! "

" you know dad, you are right, you did a lot of crazy things for me but they were wrongful things you should have corrected not covered, I may have done a lot of stupid things in the past, I may be a selfish person, I may not be as intelligent as others but I know I am not a murderer and that is something I am proud of "

" what are you trying to say, Xie?"

" I am saying that you are a monster, Dad, you killed all those people just for what reason, because you have the power?, since thats the type of man you are, I am disgusted to have you as my father and today marks the end of the day of me being your son! "

Saying these, Xie swooped around angrily and headed for the door on the roof leading to the inside of the building, but was stopped by two of his father's bodyguard who had stood there like lifeless figures, they grabbed him up and he fought feverishly for his freedom all to no avail. Then his father walked over to face him and Xie once again spat with anger and vigor;

" just kill me already, thats what you do "

" i must say Xie, you have grown balls but you still don't know the ways of the world and thats why am here, to teach you how to survive..."

" spare me the lecture, Dad, I would rather die than have you teach me any thing anymore "

His father looked at him with a cold glint in his eyes and motioned to one of the bodyguards who immediately hit Xie on the back of his head making him unconscious instantly and the other tossed him on his shoulder as if he were just a piece of clothing, seeing this, the father got a little pissed and spoke angrily;

" be careful you moron, he is still my son and I will not hesitate in killing you if you hurt him, besides he plays a large role in our plan and most not be injured till the time comes, is that understood? "

" yes sir " the large bodyguard said with a hint of fear in his voice,

" good, now lets move, the others are waiting, our plan was a success, Mr Hong will no longer be a threat to us " with these words, Xie's father walked towards the other with the two bodyguards following closely behind with one of them carrying Xie Guang on his shoulder with utmost care for he still shuddered at the words of his master, which were in not empty threats.