
Chapter 5

Things started to roughen up for the Hong family, they could no longer afford the things they once looked down upon, the children had to change schools cause the former had become too expensive to manage. Sometimes, Cuzon would sit and cry all night wishing all the pain he had caused his family would just go away with him, but it didn't. His wife occasionally told him that their situation was not his fault but he found it hard to believe it. Despite his handicapped situation, Cuzon still tried hard to make sure the family had a roof over their heads, clothes on their bodies, three square meals and a school for the children, and although things were not as rosy as they used to, the family still survived and managed everything they had for three more years until the blister really hurt, the blood became bad and the situation became worse for the Hong family.

As the new board of Cuzon's company were using devious means to get rid of the old staff, there was need for new ones, more than half of the staff had already been replaced including the former CEO, even after he had been demoted, and they were replaced mostly by the family members of the new board, while the random ones were just very beautiful ladies who got into the company using their beauty and flirty ways, due to these reasons, the company had lost real talents and was bound to go down one way or the other, Cuzon didn't really care, as long as they gave him his pay complete, he had no problem nor special plans with them.

Seeing the vacancy notice board, Zhao Yan thought it would be nice to work on such a place, besides he had already given up his past so he should have no problem, with his hopes high, he stepped into the office on the day of the interview and was directed to the CEO's office for a "private" interview, as that was the new rule. As he knocked on the door of the office, he straightened his back and he heard some bustling in the room and could hear a man's voice telling him to hold on a bit. A few seconds later, a woman, probably in her mid twenties opened the door and left the office, adjusting her short black skirt with one hand and straightening her hair with the other, Zhao Yan looked at her and scoffed as he knew exactly what had been going on in there some time ago.

"come in" the man in the large chair said and Zhao entered, closing the door behind him, have a seat, the man said again, Zhao could not see his face as the CEO turned his back to him, and all he could see was the big black chair, after a few moments, the man swirled the chair around and met Zhao with a big smile, and as he saw Zhao, his expression changed immediately which showed he was not delighted to see him. Zhao noticed the disappointment and felt irritated, he sat straight and introduced himself, the man just looked at him in a dum way, and asked some irrelevant questions which Zhao answered all. After a moment the man looked him in the eye and said "According to my analysis, you are not capable for a job here, so you can leave" Zhao felt perplexed and replied; "Analysis?, but you didn't even write a thing and the questions you had were very dumb, so which f**king analysis"

"Hey mister, I get to do the talking around here, and it seems I was correct, you have no experience and lack office training, so good day." the CEO replied with a tone of anger, but Zhao wasn't letting it go easily, now fuming with anger as well, he said blatantly; "is it the same training that got over ten workers killed three years ago"

The CEO's eyes were flaming with fury, in an instant, he got up and slapped Zhao on the face so hard that it actually bled, Zhao felt stupid, he could not do anything and he silently cursed himself for it, the man picked up the phone and called security, Zhao got up quickly and took a good look at the office and soon, the guards were there and they dragged him out all the way to the last floor and they pushed him outside onto the floor, the CEO checked through the window and threw his documents at him from his office, Zhao got up to his feet, wiped the blood from his mouth, and began to pick the documents, some had been blown away by the wind into the pool in front, and he couldn't pick them, he looked around and saw a lot of fancy cars within the premises which showed how rich each individual was. He raised his head on the man's direction and shouted with anger welled up inside him; "this is not over". Having said so, he walked out of the office premises mumbling and grumbling to himself.

Two days after the interview, Zhao found out that the vacant job he applied for had been given to a lady, beaming with anger, he always how she got the job. He thought very hard on what to do, being a former street thug, all he wanted was a new life for himself yet these people had wronged him, having nowhere else to go, he left his room and went to the spot where his former gang members stayed.

On getting there, the gang members were surprised to see him cause he made it clear that he was done, seeing him back here only aroused questions among themselves, however, since he was originally their 'pal', they had to listen to him.

With bloodshot eyes, Zhao explained everything in detail not leaving out the fact of encountering a female at his office, his disapproving look and also the slap he had received and the news about the job being given to a female. The gang members were obviously annoyed but this was not their fight, he had forsaken the gang for greener pastures, but now he wanted their help? His words alone would not convince them to help him.