
Reflections of the Moon: The Talented Third Young Miss

Jiang Yingyue is the 21st century's genius surgeon who is renowned for her talents. Born to a wealthy family, her parents were strict with her and pushed her to succeed at everything. At the young age of 23, she is already a head surgeon at the biggest hospital in China. With beauty, money and talent, she is living the perfect life, until one night, a car crash takes it all away. The next moment, she wakes up in a strange world as a 10 year old girl also by the name of Jiang Yingyue. Strange people, who wear ancient costumes are calling her Third Miss? Was she in a historical drama?! Was she dreaming?! Had she gone crazy, perhaps?! The biggest shock of all was finding out that she was now the famously useless Third Young Miss of the Left Prime Minister's household... From a renowned talent, she had been demoted to this useless girl?!! Her siblings and family make fun of her? The people in the streets mock her? Alright, well one day she would show the world her talents and pay them back ten-fold. How will she adapt to this new and unknown world? Follow the beautiful Yingyue in her journey as she grows up and finds her true love. Disclaimer: This is an original novel, but the cover photo is not owned by me.

Gentle_Breeze · History
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: Open your eyes

A blinding brightness jerked Yingyue's eyes open - a round circle of light was shining down on her... Wait... ceiling lights?? She was back to her world?

The unreal memories started coming back to her... Her wide eyes took in the surroundings, bed, IV drip, flowers... She was lying in a hospital!

Yingyue remembered those two brights lights before the darkness had hit her... Was she in a car crash...?

All those odd memories, and being in a child's body... that couldn't have all been real, could it...? She shook her head. However real it felt, there was no way that it was possible anyways...

Working night and day in a hospital for the last few years of her life, she was so familiar with this environment that it was like the back of her hand. She immediately found it odd that all the curtains were tightly drawn, and there was simply... an odd silence...

She quickly removed the IV drip, flung off the blanket and started pacing towards the door. Apart from a sharp pain at her temples, she realised that her body actually had no problem moving at all. If she had just been a car crash, there was no sign of any such thing.

Reaching for the round door handle, her heart started racing... just exactly what was going on??

She twisted it open and was again hit by a bright ray of light - this time, from the sun. Not able to make out what was in front of her, she blinked a few times to clear up her vision.

Yingyue's mouth dropped... She had never felt such a sense of utter shock...

Before her was a field of luscious green grass. It fell flattened like waves with each gust of wind and quickly sprung up again as it subsided. Besides the soft hushing sound of the moving grass, there were no other sounds at all.

Still in a state of disbelief, she clutched her painful head. She strode into the sea of grass. Something must be wrong with her... She must be hallucinating again! First that weird dream of the child, and now this field of grass... Was she having some sort of coma dream perhaps??

Wild thoughts ran through her mind, but as she stepped into the long grass, nothing had felt so real before... The tussles of grass tickled her legs and her bare feet could feel every grain of soil beneath it. The breeze flicked small strands of her hair about, caressing her cheeks... The fresh air filled her lungs.

As if remembering something, she turned to go back to the hospital room, but the door had simply disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place.

Frozen in shock, Yingyue started to take small steps backwards, still not understanding what was happening, but only to trip on something hard and tumble backwards.

The expected thump of the ground didn't happen... instead, she was falling deeper and deeper into a large hole. Darkness instantly surrounded her and that luscious green sight was now nowhere to be seen...

She looked down and could see the ground quickly approaching. Her stomach lurched, and again she felt an unfamiliar feeling bubbling inside. She shut her eyes firmly and braced herself for impact...

... only that none came... Yingyue slowly opened her eyes... She could see that she was a few meters off from the ground... suspended in the air!

Thump.. thump.. thump.. Her heart pounded.

This all felt so real to her. Every single breath she was taking, she could feel the rise and fall of her chest...

She slowly released her tightly clenched arms, afraid that any moment now, she would hit the ground. Her stiff arms stretched out by her sides, opening up inch by inch until they were fully extended...

Working in a hospital, she had gotten used to emergency situations and thinking on her feet... However, at this current moment, her mind could not possibly take in what had been happening within the span of only a few minutes since she 'woke up'.

By this time, the pain in her temples had increased immensely. It was like there was something building up quickly, unable to find a release. All of a sudden, a blinding light emerged from her forehead, and with it, the pain was gone.

The brilliant lights before Yingyue forced her to cover her eyes... until she heard a gentle voice...

"Yingyue... Yingyue... Open your eyes."

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has been continuing to support me in my very long break. Going forward, the schedule is one chapter/week! The release time is Monday 5pm AEST each week. Plus as a bonus, I will occasionally have a mass release! It would be amazing if you can send powerstones, comment and review my novel to let me know how I'm going!

Again, thanks so much everyone. :)

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