
Reflections of Us

Daniel wakes up abruptly, his mind foggy and his heart racing, only to find a girl lying beside him. She looks eerily similar to him, almost like a reflection from a dream. As reality blurs and they grapple with the uncanny connection between them, a haunting question looms: is she an error of existence, destined to disappear as mysteriously as she appeared, or is there something deeper binding their fates? They must navigate this surreal mystery before time runs out.

DaoisteqHaDS · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Behind the Scenes

Daniel had grown up in a small town near the Swiss border, where one of the constants in his early life was attending the local church with his family. His parents, being deeply religious, instilled in him a sense of morality and compassion from a young age. Daniel listened attentively to the sermons and lessons about kindness, empathy, and helping others.

Even as a child, Daniel displayed a gentle nature and a willingness to lend a hand to anyone in need. He would often help the elderly carry groceries, assist his peers with their schoolwork, or offer a kind word of encouragement to those who seemed down. His involvement in the church gave him a strong moral compass and a desire to make a positive impact on the world around him.

As he grew older, Daniel's empathy and kindness only deepened, shaping him into a thoughtful and caring young man. These qualities made him a reliable and trustworthy friend to those who knew him. Despite his kind and compassionate nature, Daniel struggled with shyness and often found it difficult to engage in conversations with others. This tendency made him appear quiet and reserved, which, over time, created a sense of distance between him and his peers. While Daniel had the desire to connect with others, his quiet demeanor and reluctance to speak up often kept him on the periphery of social circles.

One notable exception to this distance was his friendship with Aiden, his best friend. Daniel and Aiden had known each other since childhood, as their mothers were friends. This long-standing connection allowed them to build a close and enduring bond. Aiden understood Daniel's quiet nature and never pushed him to be someone he wasn't. Instead, he appreciated Daniel's thoughtfulness and reliability. Their friendship provided Daniel with a sense of belonging and companionship, a safe space where he could be himself without feeling judged. While Daniel might have been distant from most people, his friendship with Aiden remained a source of comfort and support in his life.

Meanwhile, in the attic, Diana lay on the mattress, alone with her thoughts. She prayed numerous times for a way to lead a normal life. She asked for guidance and strength to navigate the challenges ahead. After finishing her prayer, she looked around the attic. It felt really empty—just an old mattress in the corner and the provisions she had brought up. Then, she saw the window and walked towards it, opening it wide to let in the fresh air. The view outside was beautiful and serene: a lush park with green maple trees and children playing happily. She breathed in deeply, feeling the invigorating effect of the cool air.

As she gazed out the window, her eyes were drawn to a ladder propped against the wall of the house below. The sight of the ladder sparked an idea in her mind—this could be her way to enter and exit the house discreetly. This discovery melted away her worry about having to sneak in and out of the house, and she could breathe easier, feeling calmer and optimistic.

Daniel descended the attic stairs, his mind still processing the conversation with Diana. When he reached the kitchen, the aroma of curry welcomed him. His mom, Carmine, had prepared one of his favorite meals. They sat down to eat, and he appreciated the warmth and comfort of being home. Midway through the meal, Carmine surprised him with a question.

"So, why don't you invite Diana over sometime? It'd be nice to get to know her better," Carmine suggested, her voice warm and inviting.

Daniel nodded, trying to hide his nervousness. "Yeah, maybe I will," he replied, keeping his tone casual.

They continued to enjoy their meal, chatting about their day and other light topics. Daniel felt a sense of calm and comfort in the familiar setting.

After dinner, Daniel made sure to take another portion of curry, sneakily placing it in a bowl and thanking his mom for the meal before heading back upstairs. He opened the attic door and softly called out, "Hey, Diana..." but quickly stopped as he realized she was asleep.

Diana was curled up on the mattress, facing away from him. Her hair spread out across the mattress like tree vines, giving her a peaceful, almost ethereal appearance. She looked serene, her face relaxed and gentle in slumber.

Daniel gently set the bowl of curry next to her, careful not to wake her. Just as he was about to leave, he took a moment to observe her. There was a softness to her features that made her look endearing, even in sleep. Drawn by her tranquil appearance, Daniel found himself creeping closer to her. He pulled the cover up to keep her warm, feeling an unexpected surge of protectiveness. As he watched her sleep, he couldn't help but think about the strange circumstances that had brought them here and the mystery that surrounded her existence.

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