

"Huh? Where am I?" says Bob, a 16 year old boy after waking up to complete darkness.

"The last thing that I remember is me on my way home from school when all of a sudden I hear a gunshot, after that everything went dark. I'm pretty sure that it was a stray bullet since I don't remember ever making any enemies, unless it was some deranged psycho who just wanted to commit a murder. Anyways this place can only be one of two things, it could either be eternal darkness where my soul is doomed to wander for the rest of eternity. Or I could be in the process of being born again, lets just wait and see."

A while later I was no longer in a pitch black place and was instead inside of what looked like a hospital, in front of me was a woman with black hair and blue eyes who was holding me in her arms. After wards I see a nurse bring in some kind of crystal, which she proceeds to poke me with. Once she does, a blue screen appears above it which says.

[affinities: deflection/reflection, negation, disable]

Once I see this my eyes instantly lit up.

'This means that there is magic in this world, just like in the novels and manga/manhwa, I can't wait to practice my magic and see how far i can go with it.'

<mother> "deflection, nullification, and disable magic huh? my little Bob is going to grow up to be a pretty great mage." she says while smiling and looking over my affinities.

I however, took no notice as I was to busy wondering what kind of awesome things I could do with my new found magic once I have the time.

once we were taken home by my father, and I was fed, it was already night time so I was put into my new room and was put in a crib, however, I already slept the entire way here so I wasn't tired but pretended to sleep anyway so that my parents left and I could practice my magic.

I first started by seeing if I could feel any mana in the air around me, after 10 minutes of trying I could, next I tried seeing what I could do with my magic. I tried to give it a shape, I couldn't , I tried moving it, I could but that didn't do anything, and after a while of trying to do different things, I gave up and got the idea that I needed to see a spell or attack in order to use my magic, but it does drain my mana, so I kept doing it until my mana was empty and when it was my head started hurting so I just went to bed.

The next morning I woke up hungry and started crying to get the attention of my mom so that she could feed me, after she did I started training my mana again before going to sleep. During my training I tried to see if there was any difference between how the different skills change the mana and there was. With reflect, the mana joined together as if to catch something, with deflect there was less mana present then reflect, with nullify nothing happened, I guess that I need a target to actually test that one, same thing with disable.

----------3 months later----------

After three months of this my mana has significantly increased, when I first started I could only do this for 30 seconds, now I can to it for 3 hours. 'I'm progressing pretty quickly, or so I think.' anyway, it was on this day that I first tried to escape my crib and I succeeded. Afterwards I tried to crawl out of my room, it was a little difficult at first but I got the hang of it after some practice. Once out of my room I started to crawl around the house while I had the chance and after exploring every inch of my house except for my parents room due to some noises that started after they fed me and I pretended to sleep, I tried to find somethings to test my magic out on.

'come on while I have the time, something, anything, huh?'

I then noticed that a potato was leaning over the edge of the kitchen counter, so I crawled at a fast speed (or at least as fast as I could get while crawling in a baby's body) and bumped into the counter, causing the potato to fall. When it did, I willed the mana around me to go underneath the fallen potato and once it did, the potato was suddenly flung upward at twice the speed that it was falling at almost causing it to hit the roof.

'cool' I thought to myself, but then I realized that the potato was now falling from even higher than it was before, this is when he go an idea.

'is there a limit to what I can do with my magic?' with that in mind he willed the mana to cover the potato, and once it hit the ground.


it didn't make a sound

'I am going to experiment and abuse the heck out of this magic' he thought.

This is my first ever chapter of my first ever novel. I would really appreciate it if you could give me your feedback to help me grow.

PotatoLord69creators' thoughts