
Reeva's Diary

This story is fictional romance novel, about a girl, Reeva Smith. A normal Nigerian girl living a normal life but things change when she leaves boarding school to join her older brother in a new school. She goes through a lot during her studies in Nigeria and it didn't end in highschool. She became depressed because of the things going on in her life. She let her mom down and she lived with guilt almost throughout her life. Will she be able to get over this guilt? Will she be miserable forever? Will she see the light in the dark tunnel she has gotten so familiar with, that she thinks she will stay there forever? Will she be able to trust again after what people have done to her? Will she love again? Will she have a cold heart that fate made her have forever? All these questions will be answered if you patiently read to the end. And please read beyond the prologue it's a little boring.

moon_rite · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Today is going to be the 4th day since me and Michael started dating. He has been super nice no doubt.

We went out yesterday it was so fun. He bought a bracelet for me it's so pretty.

The day after tomorrow is the schools dinner night. Anyways today I'm going to school I dunno I woke up and I'm having this feeling like something's gonna happen today.

I do the morning rituals you know brush my teeth have a nice bath and dress up duhh.

We all kinda slept in today cuz we watched movies to I think 11:30pm.

I go downstairs to grab breakfast with my siblings and when we were done we rushed to school.

We got to school 8:25am and classes are to start by 8:30am phew we made it*cleans imaginary sweat*.

As soon as I entered my class two minutes later our form teacher walked in.

"Good morning class" Mr Fred said

"Good morning sir" we all chorused

"As you all know the schools dinner night is this Saturday night as it's a ritual in the school you can come with dates if you want" Mr Fred briefed us

People started murmuring, it's been a huge gist in school.

"Keep it down and let's get to business" Mr. Fred said

He was teaching his subject economics. He was using all this economics language I don't understand.

I swear I will drop this subject like what concerns me with demand and supply curve or elasticity in demand and supply it always destroys my result with either B or C, but I'll try to read it more often so this time my result will be perfect.

I dunno how I managed till the end of the class but it was over. Other teachers came and taught their subjects.

When it was time for break I and Stephanie walked to the cafeteria to meet ory friends.

We all greeted each other, bought our foods and started eating. We finished eating and started talking.

"Our tests are coming up o" Cedar informed us

"When is that?" I asked, not like I'm unprepared I am always prepared but I like to increase preparations when tests are close

"The week after next week"Olamide said.

"Let's study at Ayomide's house after school na" Troy suggested

"No my grandma is around and she's really annoying, we can study somewhere else" Ayomide grumbled

"Maybe we could study at Collins place" Destinie suggested looking at each of us.

"Don't look at me I don't have a say I'm new here" I said in my head

"Yeah you guys can come my parents wouldn't even be around and maybe after studying we could have some fun" Collins said

"Where do you live?" I asked

"Don't worry I'll come and pick you at your place and we will go together" Stephanie told me

"Ok" was all I said

We still had about twenty minutes till the end of break.

I got a message from Michael telling me to meet him at the school's garden and I smiled.

I walked to the garden it was empty cuz most people are in the cafeteria, then I saw Michael.

"Hey Michael" I said walking towards him

"How are you cupcake?" He said smiling at me

"I'm good, how bout you?"

"I'm ok"

We were talking, it got to a point where he held my hands and I blushed showing my deep dimples.

"I love your smile cupcake" he said cupping my cheek and looking into my eyes like he was able to see my soul.

"I love your smile too babe" I said

Before I was able to think he claimed my lips with his I was too shocked to kiss him my eyes were open.

The kiss was so emotional, he bit my lips for entrance I was so weak that if he didn't hold my waist I would have fallen down on my knees.

I allowed him kiss me passionately I closed my eyes and returned the kiss with the same vibe wrapping my hands around his neck using my tongue to play in his mouth.

His lips are so soft and heavenly I could taste smoove in his mouth it was sweet and I bit his lips and we pulled away from each othertrying to catch our breaths.

"I really like you cupcake and this kiss confirmed it all" he said blushing

"I really like you too babe"

"You know I like it when you call me babe" he said and I blushed

"And I love it when you call me cupcake" I said smiling abd he pinched my cheeks

We talked about somethings for a while.

"Cupcake break is almost over and I don't want you to be late for your class so we gotta go" he said

"Ok babe, call me"

"U don't need to tell me that cupcake" he said giving me a little peck on the lips.

He walked me to my class holding my hands when we reached my class there was no teacher in the hallways so he bent *he's about 6ft duhh*down to kiss my forehead and left.

I saw some students staring at us *aproko* I am so happy I am dating this guy.

I entered the class few minutes later the teacher came in. The teacher taught till her period was over and so did the other teachers till school was over.

I and Nathan went home.

Stephanie came over to pick me to Collins house. We arrived at his house the other's arrived not too long ago.

"Hey guys" I and Stephanie said

"Hey" they replied

"Now that we are here let's start" Collins said

"Everyone will summarize and teach the topics in the subject they are good at" Olamide explained

I taught maths, Olamide taught English, Collins taught Economics, Ayomide taught Civic, Troy taught History, Stephanie taught Animal Husbandry (we offer the same trade subject), Cedar taught Food and Nutrition.

"This was interesting I understood better than when the teachers teach" said Stephanie smiling

"We are gonna ace this test" Cedar said

"You guys should not forget to study your remaining subjects and these ones again too to avoid failure" Destinie said

"Ok ok all work no play and no food makes Collins a dull boy and I don't wanna be dull so. Ummm the maid made jollof rice and fried chicken would you guys eat" Collins said.

Did I tell you guys Collins parents are stinky rich like really rich they live in a beautiful mansion.

"Of course who doesn't like free food it's even jollof rice and fried chicken sef abeg if there's salad add for me. And soda to step it down" Cedar said making all of us laugh.

This boy likes food ehn and is funny sort of. The maid brought the food and drinks and we all ate to satisfaction.

"Let's play truth or dare" Destinie said

"Yeah sure" Stephanie said. This girl loves this game.

I can't really mention all the questions and dares cuz we played about the rounds. They spined the bottle and it landed on Cedar.

"Cedar truth or dare" Ayomide asked

"Truth" Cedar replied

"Cedar who is your crush?" Ayomide asked

"Oga food is my crush abeg" Cedar said and we all started laughing

The bottle was spined again and it landed on Stephanie

"Stephanie Truth or dare" Cedar asked

"Truth abeg" Stephanie replied

"Are you dating Reeva's brother Nathan?" Cedar asked

"Yes" she replied blushing

The bottle was spined and this time landed on Destinie

"I dare you to kiss Troy" Stephanie said talking to Destinie

She kissed him and we were all whistling and hailing her it was a nice scene cuz Destinie is a good kisser and Troy didn't seem bad in returning the kiss. The bottle was spined again and it pointed at me.

"Truth or dare Reeva" Destinie asked me

"Truth" I replied

"Ok are you dating Michael from twelfth grade?" she asked me

"Yes I'm dating Michael" I replied her smiling remembering the kiss we shared today

"You that just came to this school how did you manage that" Olamide asked

"I am meant to answer one question not two" I told her.

We played a few more rounds and we went home. When I went home I started feeling a little weak but I ignored it.

Today is Friday, I woke up feeling a bit sick I was weak I needed to rest I just couldn't go to school.

My mom came to my room wondering why I hadn't come downstairs to eat and I explained to her that I couldn't go to school my mom knowing me well knew that I just didn't want to skip school but was actually sick.

My siblings left for school and my parents to work. I brushed my teeth and bathed with warm water and dressed up in lazy house clothes a pair of baggy sweatpants, a baggy sweatshirt and my flip-flops.

Few hours later around 1:20pm I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and to my surprise I saw Michael standing there with dominos pizza.

"Hey Michael how are you, what are you doing here, how did you know that I am not in school and how did you even know I am at home" I bombarded him with questions

"Babe chill to much questions first I'm fine second I came to see you third I went to your class to look for you and didn't see you fourth Nathan told me you weren't feeling too well and I said why not keep you company so I bought pizza and soda, so after break I came here" he said rather too quickly smiling at me

"Oh ok come in I" said smiling at him and he kissed my forehead and walked into the sitting room.

"Ok we will watch a movie" he said and he chose romance.

While watching the movie I excused myself to get a glass of water I stood up to go and he stood up after me and grabbed my wrist pulled me back and hugged me from behind and started placing kisses on my neck I enjoyed it and soft moans escaped my lips.

He turned me around looked into my eyes and started kissing me passionately he held my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and was gripping at his hair the kiss was filled with so much lust.

I closed my eyes savouring the taste of his mouth he used his tongue to play with mine a bit.

He bit my lips earning a soft moan from me still in the kiss then he started rubbing my breasts it was pleasurable.

He cupped my ass spanking it a few times making me moan his name I was surprised at the sounds I was making.

And then he claimed my lips again nibbling on my lower lip sucking at it passionately and then we pulled away gasping for air.

"I love you Reeva" he said with so much emotions still holding me and I blushed.

I wasn't too sure if I loved him yet but I know I have a lot of feelings for him after all I haven't fallen in love before.

"I wanted to know what it is like to get a lil bit intimate with you and I love it it's addictive and and I just can't get enough" he said looking at me in the eyes. Gosh he's serious.

And then I turned to get water and then he hugged me from behind and said

"I love you Reeva you have no idea" and I blushed happily and he let me go grab my water God from all this kissing I was really dehydrated mehn.

When I came back we completed the movie ate our pizza and drank soda. We finished everything and it was time for him to leave.

"See you tomorrow cupcake" he said holding my hands in his while walking to the door.

"See ya" I said and he kissed my forehead and left.

Omo what is happening, is my life turning to one of these Wattpad romance novels.

I got to my room and texted Stephanie about everything that happened Gosh I love my life now.

I took some drugs in the morning my mum is a nurse so she just prescribed drugs for me to take after telling her what was wrong with me.

I'm feeling a lot better after my afternoon doses. When my mom comes back she is going to give me money to buy my dress for tomorrow.

Stephanie will come over so we can buy or dresses together at the mall.

After waiting for sometime my mom came home.

"Hey sweetie how are you feeling" she said walking into my room

"I'm feeling a lot better mom the drugs worked really quick like magic and thanks for letting me stay at home" I told her.

"I know you weren't feeling well and you don't like skipping school so" she shrugged

"Mom please I need money to buy my dress for tomorrow's dinner night at school" I told her

"Ok I'll transfer eighteen thousand naira to your account but when are you going to buy it" she said

"Stephanie will come over and so two of us will go together, why did you come home early today?"

"I came because of you, I took permission" she said

"Thanks mom" I told

"You welcome" she said walking out of my room

"Be a good girl okay don't let these small boys deceive you all they want to do is to get into your pants when they are satisfied they will dump you they don't actually care. And remember you promised me to be a virgin till you get married" Remember when I said my mum can advise urrgh

"Yes ma I know that" I said while praying in my mind that she should send the money and leave my room

My mom sent the money to my account and soon Stephanie came.

"Hey girl how are you doing now?" Stephanie said hugging me

"I'm better now I've taken some pills" I told her

"Good now so let's go get our dresses for tomorrow" she screamed with joy and I closed my ears

We arrived at Lozzy mall and went to the dress section. We searched for dresses and tried different ones.

After hours we finally found the dresses we love.

Mine was a purple long flowing gown with lilac and white colored designs and shiny stones on it. It had an off shoulder and a long slit that ends a little bit above my knees stopping on my thigh but not to high.

And Stephanie took a red dress it was so beautiful too. We already told the guys the colours we would buy so we could match. We took our dresses to the counter to pay.

My dress cost me eleven thousand naira while Stephanie's dress cost her ten thousand naira. I picked a silver purse worth five thousand naira.

I have silver jewelries and a pair of silver heels at home so that was what I was putting on. After everything I went home to rest.

My mind just keeps drifting to Michael I dunno but if this is how love feels I think I'm in love and I'll confess my feelings to him tomorrow. Tomorrow's the D-Day I'm so happy 😚💜.