
reencarn en baki

esta historia trata de una persona que rrencarna en baki como un hanma sin sistema

DaoistFbFq1w · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

reencarno en baki.

Hello, I am a new writer but I hope you like this novel. I would like you to advise me in comments that you would like if there were


Hi, I'm Santiago, I'm from Brazil, I'm 25 years old, I'm a capoeira fighter and a master of this art like Mar, today I was going to a fight but when I was about to go a truck ran over me, the first thing I thought was trun-kun and I died.

It was like being asleep and when I woke up I was a baby, santiago: what happened where I am what happens to my body it is very small I am a baby how can it be possible to reincarnate, calm down Santiago, this is a golden opportunity, I will start again, I know what will happen in the future,

mom: hello baby here you are beautiful I will call you Santiago Hanma

santiago: hanma that's not from an anime, it can't be reincarnated in baki.