
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasy
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197 Chs

The God Of All Creation

"Zero, what is happening?" Link asked. He did not expect something like this to happen, which confused him.

<As it said, you've reached the limits of your Race. I believe your genetic code must be changed to advance, hence the Race Evolution>

"What would happen if I pressed yes? Would my appearance change? Like growing a third eye or some sh*t?" Link asked, he can't have something like that happen or people will notice and question him.

<I believe not, it's an Evolution, not a Race change>

"You believe not? Listen Zero, i need something concrete because i can't risk something like this"

<You are human, and you will look like one, even if it came to your body changing it won't be something big or noticeable by others. Plus it's not like you have a choice here, if you want to grow stronger then you have to go through with this>

Link took a deep breath, he had some worries but it was either now or never "Ok, let's do this"

<Commencing Evolution...>

<This might be too painful Link, so get ready> Zero suddenly spoke.

"Wha.." Link didn't even finish what he was going to say when his body shook.


Every bone broke at the same time. Link couldn't stay awake for a second before he passed out, his brain could not handle that level of pain.

His Body started to slowly tear apart. His flesh fell and bones turned into dust. As time went by, Link's body disintegrated, leaving nothing behind.

The room went quiet, nothing happened for a while.

A small light shone where Link's body was.

It slowly but steadily started to shine brighter and brighter. Turning the room into pure white, blinding all who would look inside.


A loud drum like sound echoed in the room, the light still as bright as ever.

Thump! Thump!

It happened again, sounding more like a heartbeat. The light started to slowly dim, the silhouette of a body lying on the floor appeared.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

It got louder and louder until the light vanished. Link was lying there naked, his body was still radiating some light.

It slowly started to dim until it vanished. He opened his eyes, looking around the room.

"What happened?" He mumbled, barely able to sit up.

<Congratulations on your evolution>

"What?" Link frowned. He managed to get himself up and walked to the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror looking at himself.

His face changed a bit, making him look more cute than handsome. His eyes were of a different color now, they were light purple, radiating charm. His lips were redder than usual, while his hair was smooth, reflecting light.

"Oh no, what happened to my handsome face" Link touched his face all over, he was disappointed.

<Why are you sad? Girls nowadays like cute boys rather than the rough handsome types>

Link sighed, opening his status screen.


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Divinity>

<Level 8>

<1 142 / 6 000 Exp>

<HP: 40 / 40>

<MP: 1145 / 1145>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 15>

<Stamina: 10>

<2 Stat Points Available>


"What the hell is a divinity?" Link asked.

<The God of War really went all in didn't he>

"What does that mean?"

<The Divinity is a legendary race, one that lives with the Gods. They are descents of the first God, The God of Creation. Using his own blood, flesh and powers he created this race.>

"Why would he do that?" Link asked.

<Long story short, The God of Creation was a tyrant, he took everything and killed all who opposed him, but his reign of power came to an end when the gods rebelled. A destructive fight that lasted for years accrued, which have ended up with The God of Creation's death, but before his annihilation, he managed to cast a spell. One that used all his powers and body to succeed. He created a being, he attempted to use it as a vessel for his soul, but he was rejected by it, it had its own consciousness.>

"He attempted to move into that body because his own was dying?" Link asked.

<Yes, but he was killed by his own creation. The Gods found it a deserving fate, they studied the new being and successfully managed to create another, using all their powers combined.

A male and a female, their offspring bore the perfect genes, they were the almighty race, created by the blood and flesh of a god and all their powers, so they named them Divinity. They were not allowed to leave the heavenly realm, stuck there for hundreds of years.

Until they were all wiped out. With time, the God's started to view them as a threat, so they annihilated the whole race>


<I believe fear of The God of Creation was still planted in their hearts, seeing the Divinity's power and development speed they've decided to stop it then and there before they became a threat>

"How did I become a divinity then? Did The God of War hide something?" Link asked.

<The God of War created a technique that would assist in the user's evolution, he never specified what race they would evolve to>

Zero continued

<The divinity might not exist anymore, but they did exist at one point, making their race a part of the evolution tree. I do not know how you were lucky enough to become one, but it is a blessing as well as a curse. The divinity is a race hated by all the Gods, so you better keep it to yourself or you'll be hunted by the God Hounds>

"Isn't this slowly becoming a cheesy anime or something, I don't care how good this race is, how do I change back?" Link rolled his eyes. He did not want another thing to worry about, he had enough on his plate and now he became the enemy of the Gods.

<You can not change back Link, this is not makeup, but you do not have to worry. it has been thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years since the Divinity were all killed. The Gods would not believe you even if you told them yourself.>

"So, what now?"

<Now you live your life like normal, it doesn't have to be a big thing>

"What about my appearance? How am i going to explain this?" Link asked, looking at himself in the mirror again.

<You'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen?>

"I swear to God, if you've just jinxed it i'm going to put you on mute somehow for the rest of time"


"What is happening?" A beautiful woman ran inside a dark hall.

12 figures stood there looking at a giant statue, it was of a figure covered in armor, the place was too dark to discern what color or shape it was, but the eyes inside were shining in a dim light. They looked down on the 12 figures standing in front of it.

"Why is the statue on?" The woman asked.

"It's his Magic, how is it reacting when he's dead?" A voice spoke from the group.

"It can't be. Right?" Another asked.

"No, we've killed him"

"We even made sure to banish all what remained of him to the Abyss, it's impossible"

They stood there in silence for a while, looking back at the statue.

"Do you think he'll take revenge?" A deep voice spoke, it came from someone in the 12, his figure was huge, his shape was beast-like.

"Don't spout nonsense" A voice said angrily "He's dead, end of story"

"Explain what is happening then" A panicked female voice echoed.

The hall was huge, 12 statues stood on each side of the hall, while the one with the shining eyes stood in the middle like a king, judging all who stand before it. Behind it, there was a phrase written on the wall, radiating pressure.

'You Who Stand Before The God of all Gods

The God Who Rules All

The Almighty Conqueror Of The South Realms

The God of all Creation

Bow Down

For He Is Before You'


Thank you for the votes and comments, please keep it up <3


Currently :


-- Beast Souls :

<Wind Wolf's Beast Soul> <Dagger> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Sky Turtle's Beast Soul> <Armor> <Basic Level 3>

<Ruby Python's Beast Soul> <Glove> <Basic Level 2>

<Red Hawk's Beast Soul> <Sword> <Advanced Level 1>

<Water Fox's Beast Soul> <Halo> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Black Ox's Beast Soul> <Armor> <Advanced Level 1>


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Divinity>

<Level 8>

<1 142 / 6 000 Exp>

<HP: 40 / 40>

<MP: 1145 / 1145>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 15>

<Stamina: 10>

<2 Stat Points Available>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Counter Instinct> <Active Skill> <2>

<Blink> <Active Skill> <1>

<Shadow Eater> <Passive Skill>

<Wind Blade> <Active Skill> <1>

<Wind Affinity> <Passive Skill>

<Consume> <Active Skill>

<Instinct> <Passive Skill>

<Mana Shield> <Active Skill>

<Heal> <Active Skill>

<Air Boost> <Active Skill>

<Bite> <Active Skill>

<Ambush> <Active Skill> <2> (10 Minutes)

<Heat Vision> <Active Skill> (1 Minute)



-- Martial Arts :

<Viper Sutra> <69 / 100>

<The Story of Genes> <0 / 2 000> <3> <Apex Predator>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>
