
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Road to Level 10 (2)

"What was that?" Link asked. It had been years since he last saw that message. The first time he saw it was when he got the system, it activated whenever Link was near a Portal/Dungeon.

<That's odd>

"What do you mean? Why did the system detect a dungeon?" Link was confused.

<The system detected a Dungeon near you. But Dungeon Portals don't open in this world. unlike yours>

"Can we do something?"

<No, the connection was lost. The Dungeon closed>


<Not sure>

Link found it very hard to sleep, but he eventually did.

In the morning, he went to his Class and did the usual. He started practicing the Viper Sutra and Bai was impressed by his quick learning. He complimented him, Link was able to master the skill in a few days.

"Well, you reached the highest Level with the Skill, i can't really show you anything new. Now you just have to practice with it until it becomes muscle memory" Bai spoke. He was fond of him. Link was the first student that Bai couldn't think of anything to teach or help him improve at. He can only wait until the second year to introduce him to other skills and techniques, but for now he can't do anything more.

Link was in his own spot practicing The Viper Sutra. He jumped while turning in the air and kicking, as he dropped down he ducked and performed a series of Dagger attacks. It was smooth and well performed.

He kept jumping from left to right, performing what looked like Aikido. Link noticed this as he got better and better with it. He did not know if it was a coincidence or not.

<Viper Sutra> <100 / 100>

<Martial Art Mastery Limit Reached>

<Viper Sutra> <0 / 200> <1>

"What happened?" Link asked.

<I believe that's the second Level of the Martial Art>

"What is the second Level? How am I supposed to Level it up if I don't have the Techniques to practice?" Link was confused. The only reason the Viper Sutra is slowly growing was because of the Techniques that Bai taught him and he practiced, but now he does not have anything new.

<You're gonna need to get your hands on the second Level if you want to improve it any further>

"So the system isn't going to like give me it or allow me to use Mana or something?" Link asked.

<No, The Story of Genes is a special case, since there are no actual techniques for you to use but it focuses on the Body's Evolution and improvement. All other Martial Arts must be practiced to Level them up>

"Didn't you say that the system will help me with it?"

<It is helping you. For example, Bai and all others must practice all the time even if they master it so they don't grow rusty and lose their proficiency. But you do not have to worry about that since the system will take care of it for you. You don't even have to practice it for years and you'll still be as good as when you first Mastered it. If you want more than that then go get another System body>

"Ok ok, calm down" Link continued "Bai told me about the second Level, but he said that I have to buy it with Points."

<Then Buy it, the Martial Art is pretty useful. It helped you a lot with your fights, especially against that Minotaur, it was faster and stronger than you but you still managed to not get hit even once.>

"The second Book for the Martial Art is for 1 000 Points Zero. Where would I get my hands on all those Points? It took me a long time to save the 500 Points for the Core. Remember?" Link has been doing missions since then, but the Missions he was allowed to get were limited to the first area. Either Hunting or Gathering Missions could only get him at most 80 Points per one, and he might not even be able to find the specific Creature or Plant on the same day.

<Tough luck i guess>

Since there was no reason for Link to practice the Viper Sutra anymore, he sat there looking at his Status screen.

He was thinking about adding all his Points into Strength. He might have been extremely strong for his age but compared to creatures like the Minotaur Link noticed that he was lacking. Even his speed couldn't catch up with it.

"Should i add everything to strength?" He asked.

<I think that's a good idea. Your speed is way above what an average Level 2 Mage can do, even your strength is impressive but it is not up there yet, and being just fast might not do you much good>

"I guess you're right" Link added all 3 Points to Strength. He could feel his Body improve.

Class ended, and Link prepared to go out hunting again. He could not wait to reach Level 10. The Shop would open if he does reach that Level, and he couldn't wait. From what Zero told him, the shop will not use money like the one in his old world, but it would use materials.

For example, If Link wanted a certain Armor or Equipment, he has to get the materials specified by the shop to get it.

And for the Skills, Link has to use Skill Points to unlock the Skills he wants, which scared him for a bit, but Zero informed him that there was a way for him to earn Shop Skill Points.

"Hey Raol, let me get another Mission, preferably A Hunting Mission" Link greeted the man behind the counter. Raol wore his usual uniform, but he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Sorry Link, i can only offer you Missions inside the Academy." Said Raol.

"What? Why?" Link frowned, his primary reason for getting a Mission is so he could leave the Town, but now he's being told that he can't.

"There has been 4 deaths this morning" Raol continued "A pack of creatures have taken camp in the Second Area, something seems to be happening and the Academy have ceased all actions outside"

"Why not send some professors to take care of them? What seems to be the problem?" Link asked. The Professors were Level 5 to Level 6 powerful Mages. If something dangerous was close to the Academy they could take care of them quite easily.

"We did, the four deaths are of 2 Students and 2 Professors. The Principle stopped any further scouting of the area until he finds out what is happening, The Creatures seem to be Level 3 at most, but for some reason the Life Signs of whoever gets close to the area vanishes." Raol pointed to his left. A group of people in black Robes were talking to an old man, they looked intimidating. "Those are from the Mage Guild, they were informed by the principle of the situation and are here to investigate"

Link was disappointed, but he could do nothing about it. Even he was not stupid enough to risk going anywhere. After a couple of minutes he left the Mission Hall without taking any Missions.

<What are you going to do now?>

"What can we do other than wait for this to blow over?" Link sighed.


"Report" A man wearing a black Robe spoke. His face was covered by the hood.

"Yes Sir. We've detected some powerful Mana Pulses in that Area. The Level 3 creatures there were not the ones that killed the Students and Professors." Another Robed man spoke in a fearful tone.

"Then what did?"

"We are still investigating Sir, but our guess is that a Powerful Creature from the deep Areas has taken residence there. And the Mana Pulses are indicating the growth of a Treasure, we're not sure what it is"

"I'm not sure if this is good or bad. If a Treasure is about to appear in the Area we must call for reinforcements, Creatures will swarm and a huge fight might happen. We can't let anything happen to the Academy"



Thank you for the votes and comments, please keep it up <3


Currently :


-- Beast Souls :

<Wind Wolf's Beast Soul> <Dagger> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Sky Turtle's Beast Soul> <Armor> <Basic Level 3>

<Ruby Python's Beast Soul> <Glove> <Basic Level 2>

<Water Fox's Beast Soul> <Halo> <Intermediate Level 1>



-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Divinity>

<Level 9>

<29 / 10 000 Exp>

<HP: 45 / 45>

<MP: 2075 / 2075>

<Strength: 13>

<Agility: 15>

<Stamina: 10>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Counter Instinct> <Active Skill> <2>

<Blink> <Active Skill> <1>

<Shadow Eater> <Passive Skill>

<Wind Blade> <Active Skill> <1>

<Wind Affinity> <Passive Skill>

<Consume> <Active Skill>

<Instinct> <Passive Skill>

<Mana Shield> <Active Skill>

<Heal> <Active Skill>

<Air Boost> <Active Skill>

<Bite> <Active Skill>

<Ambush> <Active Skill> <2> (10 Minutes)

<Heat Vision> <Active Skill> (1 Minute)


<1 Skill Point Available>


-- Martial Arts :

<Viper Sutra> <0 / 200> <2>

<The Story of Genes> <0 / 2 000> <3> <Apex Predator>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>
