

Hello everyone

I understand that most of you do not care anymore but i thought i needed to explain a few things

Due to some issues with Webnovel, the contract and some rude fucking editor i dropped Reds Reset out of anger, plus i had too much going on in my life so it was the perfect time to focus up

Anyways i'm back, but might not continue Reds Reset for now until i catch up again and if and when i do i'll upload a short chapter catching you guys up too

But before you leave i wanted to tell you that i've started a new Novel as well if you still have some hope for me

"My World Traveler ability in the Appocalypse"

I'm having fun writing it so it'll be a priority over Reds reset for now, at least until i actually continue reds reset...

Anyways, thank you for reading my Novels and i hope i see you in the comments over there again <3