
Redemption: a progression fantasy LitRPG

The Earth was transported to the planet with the highest concentration of powers, where an all-out war is being fought for its control. Many powers lurk in the darkness, ageless dangers in every corner, ancient races attempting to reclaim their places in history, everlasting terrors crawling through every place seeking cracks to enter, and the abyss returns its gaze. It's fortunate that Alex is the most well-prepared and qualified human according to the system to lead them, but unfortunate that his position was stolen and handed over to his bully. Alex: Well, if I can't lead Earth, there must be another way.

DaoistcnZmFA · Fantasy
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42 Chs

8 Meeting

Although it wasn't too hard to dodge them due to my improved footwork, the situation had already spiraled out of control. It was clear that they intended to kill me instantly when they saw their advantageous position, so I couldn't hold back any longer, or I would risk my own life.

I quickly scanned my surroundings and began retreating in a specific direction. The three guys continued to pursue me, and I had no opening to exploit where I wouldn't get hurt. It made no sense to exchange blow for blow with these pawns. After all, I was aware that Balthor had brought them precisely to sacrifice them for his benefits.

At one point, there was a blow I couldn't avoid, so I had to intercept it with my mace. In a vulnerable position, I received a lash on my back with a piercing sound.

Unable to retaliate, I had to quickly adjust my position, stumbling as I fled and receiving a couple of punches in the process.

The whip's strike left lacerations on my back that needed immediate attention. I abandoned all notions of dealing with these people at this moment and simply ran at full speed in the opposite direction of the main hall. Although other young men came out to intercept me, they quickly stepped aside when I feigned a strike. Their lack of experience in these situations prevented them from seeing that I neither wanted nor could fight. If they had stopped me, it would have been their victory.

I continued running north until I returned to the building where I had started. I had to fight my way upstairs until I finally reached the rooftop. There, I could finally catch my breath.

"Damn it, system, if you have anything for me, now is the time," I pleaded aloud. Somehow, I hoped the system had something that could help me. I activated the bracelet interface and started navigating the options. Obviously, there would be no magical solutions to my problems.

"Curse it," I sighed. I carefully reviewed my options. I was injured and exhausted, and if I didn't treat the laceration on my back, it could get worse soon.

Suddenly, I remembered something. "What happened to the rewards for defeating the walker boss?" That was why I had been intercepted, after all. I scrutinized the interface more closely and found the victory notification. When I tapped it, I finally received my rewards.

"10,000 points have been distributed among the fight participants, along with the opportunity to establish an outpost or upgrade an existing one for the expedition leader or the most active member."

This time, the system's message seemed to favor me. It was as if the system was genuinely giving me a chance. When I touched the outpost icon, I was given the option to choose the area my outpost would cover. Of course, there was a warning that this outpost had to be defended.

Without much thought, I selected the entire rooftop area for my outpost. Although it might have been better to choose the entire building or several floors, I wasn't in a position to fight the walkers roaming inside right now.

Once I confirmed my choice, a tent appeared in the center of the rooftop. I staggered slowly toward it and finally felt relief. From this tent, I could access the store and other options. I quickly bought a health potion and a stamina potion, drank them both, and collapsed in place.

In a secret space

"When will the new reinforcements be ready? We're losing miserably against the enemy hordes. The elven and dwarf empires haven't even withstood a single blow before they started complaining about deaths," Antonidas said, I feel a headache coming on. The war was escalating, and I still couldn't get reinforcements.

"Hero Antonidas, the integration process is not yet complete. Unfortunately, I cannot interfere with their integrations. I can only wait for them to finish their trials, and then I can have them under my command. For now, I would like you to maintain your assignments and defend your positions."

I focused my gaze on the elven hero Aranar. Although his smile could be cordial, this guy was too vicious. I knew the counteroffensive was destined to fail due to the lack of forces on our side, and yet, he sent a great elven empire to die in vain. What really bothered me was that he had dragged the dwarf empire into it as well.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Aranar? Destroying the last dwarf empire is a significant setback for our side."

"They're just ants. What does one more empire, or one less, matter? Another one will come to take its place soon. There's no need to worry about trifles."

"You're too worried, Sera. Stop meddling in these matters. Let us fight against the demon hordes, and you focus on bringing more cannon fodder. It would be easier if you loosened your power a bit."

This bastard knew how to push my buttons. Well, if your mother didn't teach you respect, I will.

I raised my arms and began circulating my power. Soon, an oppressive presence took form and started to crush all the heroes present. They all tried to resist my power, and seeing their stubborn faces, I had no choice but to increase the flow of my mana, amplifying the power of the field.

"You will learn to respect the power of Sera, for my name is noble and demands solemnity. I will tolerate no further lack of etiquette in my presence."

A golden halo descended upon me, and the strength of my dominion increased even more, making the present heroes kneel.

"While the realms and cultures you come from have fallen, it doesn't mean you can send others to their demise. You are here and still alive because you agreed to continue working with me. Unlike the demons, I don't demand submission of the soul, but if you continue sabotaging other races fighting for me, I might have to."

I could see fear growing in all the heroes present when I mentioned the soul contract. Although I may have acted hastily, I really couldn't afford to let more kingdoms and empires fall to the demon hordes. The process to attract more reinforcements was slow and tedious, so I preferred to proceed with caution. After all, the enemy side could do the same.

"All right, Sera, there's no need to punish these little heroes so much. For now, the Celestials have decided to take a small step forward. It seems that God has blessed the next generation, so we hope the newcomers have great potential."

My face brightened. Finally, some good news. If I could truly obtain a blessed ruler who could fully utilize the powers of the system imposed by God, it would be a turning point in the war. Moreover, with the help of the Celestials, I might be able to stop the demon onslaught in its tracks, giving us precious time. Maybe I could even expedite the integration of the next worlds.

"Thank you very much for your favor, sir. Know that my gratitude will be reflected in the next tribute."

The Celestial smiled and, as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.

Once free of his presence, I couldn't help but grind my teeth. These damn Celestials continued to leech off me, and yet, I couldn't do anything to stop them. When I won this war, I could get rid of all these vermin. At that time, it wouldn't matter if they were kings or anointed emperors, heroes, or Celestials, they would all bend their knee to me or perish.

Although I am the consciousness and essence of this world, I can't help but rely on these people to fight against the demon hordes. In ancient times, I could have simply banished them with a flick of my hand, but somehow, they managed to steal part of my power and consciousness and corrupt it with their demonic magic.

Just thinking about those damn vermin and their despicable theft made my blood boil.

Suddenly, a light began to dance around me and turned into a beautiful cherub.

"Tell me, little angel, what's happening?"

The little one waved his angelic arms, and his face changed expressions several times. However, not a word came out of him. It wasn't necessary because I could understand all the information he was trying to convey.

"I see, so there are already some worlds ready for integration. Well, heroes, I must be going. It's opportune for me to ensure that the newcomers use my power and join my side. It's the only way to ensure they have any chance of defending against the demons."

The heroes in the room chuckled self-deprecatingly, but I ignored them. There was no need to worry more about it. Hopefully, they would learn their lesson.