
Redemption (Fated To Be)

A couple is blessed with four beautiful daughters, Elle, Fiona, Tenshi and Goody. Their mother, Grace could not wish for anything else, aside from taking care of the household, she runs a small supermarket. Their father works at a transport service agency, although they were not a rich family they were contented until their father, Elon, started cheating on his wife and neglecting his fatherly duties to his wife. Coming out of her fantasy world, Fiona starts to realize that the world is not all bed of roses, seeing as a similar situation is happening in he lives of her friends she cries herself to sleep thinking about how heartbreaking it is to be in that situation and finally decided after multiple heartbreaks and insults from her classmates that she is not going to get married... ever Let's see how that decision works out for our darling 15year old Fiona

Fiona2she · Teen
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8 Chs



The next few weeks went by with me and Zona building the foundation of our friendship, we had lunch together, worked on school projects, went to the park, ate out, we even went to the beach on the weekend. I would be lying if I said I didn't still like Zona, although he looks cuter than before, he's still the same person I knew years ago.

I really want to celebrate my birthday but our financial situation is not exactly good so my mom's sticking to the old birthday breakfast because we can't even afford to waste money on a cake right now. You might be curious of how we go to this point, well it would interest you to know that my dad is planning to start his own company so he's saving up for it and now we have to minimize our expenses just so he can make it work.

The school year is almost half way through but I still haven't started preparing for the mid terms but I'm not really bothered because I can ace the test even without reading.

  "Ona, come down for breakfast" my mom yells, I groan, I wasn't ready to get up yet. It was a Saturday and since I didn't make any plans with Zona or the girls, I have to stay home "I told her to stop calling me that already" I walk down the stairs in slow sluggish movements "Why do you keep calling me that, mom? Why give me Fiona if you're not going to call me that?!" I whisper yell when I see my dad's at the table today, he usually doesn't eat with us so I'm kinda surprised. "Oh, Fiona. Good morning, darling. Take a seat" dad said... smiling wait did he Just call me darling? I must be imagining things, yeah it's just my imagination. I picked up the mango juice and take a sip "Your birthday is in a few weeks and I was thinking of throwing you a party" before I know it I'm choking on the juice "Oh dear, be careful" mom passed me a glass of water, I drink hungrily before taking deep breaths "I thought we didn't have the budget to start spending money excessively, why do you want to throw a party for me?" Although I am thrilled with the idea, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was going to be a catch "Well, I would like to introduce you to some very important people. If you can get on their good side, I'm sure we can work something out so they can partner with my company. I was hoping you would try to become friends with their children, strengthen the bond so it would easy to convince them to work with me" I nod my head understandingly " I understand but why me, why can't Ellie do it?" I turn to face Ellie who is already eating "Well your sister will be going back to college next week and you are very good at observing and reading people's body language" I eye dad "How do you know I'm good at that?" He just chuckles "I know my daughter has many talents" he said with a small smile"But there's something else your father wants you to do for him" mom speaks up when she sees dad hesitating "He was wondering if you could use your gift to check if any of them could be a threat in future" I frown "It's not a gift, it's a stupid curse" why would they want me to use it? I can't exactly control what I see but if I see them, it wouldn't be hard to get a glimpse of their future. I sigh "You know I haven't used it for a while now and what I see is always unexpected" my mind goes back to the time where I saw my neighbor die, I thought it was just my imagination but the next day an ambulance came to take his body. I studder at the memory "We understand dear but right now you're the only one we can turn to so that your father's business would be a success" I narrow my eyes at mom "When did you become so concerned with his affairs?" She looks surprised but I don't care, people know me for always being straight forward and not beating around the bush "Well, if your father's business is a success, I plan on owning up to 10% of the company's shares and work under the advertising department" my mouth forms an oh shape, I nod my head. I feel happy that mom doesn't want to feel dependent and remain as a common housewife anymore "For your sake mom, I'll do it" I say before I start eating, I see dad's expression change to one of hurt but I don't care.

After breakfast I went back to my room and decided to do some reading, when my phone buzzed, It was a message from TJ. TJ is one of my childhood friends, because of how close we are, we refer to watch other as brother and sister but he's been acting weird lately and I have a feeling as to why but I don't want to believe it

TJ- "Hey babygirl, you busy?"

Me- "No, what's up?"

TJ- "Wanna hang out? I'm bored"

Me- "You got a phone right? Entertain yourself, I'm busy"

TJ- "Please, I have something I want to tell you"

Me- "If it's so important call me or you can tell me on Monday. I can't come see you cuz I'm busy"

I drop my phone when he doesn't reply back and continue studying. TJ and I go to the same school but we hardly see each other because I'm in the sciences and he's in the arts. We still make time to see each other once in a while, I wonder what he'll get me for my birthday this year. My phone starts ringing and I connect it to my earpiece, I accept the call

"What's up bro?" I hear him scoff

"That's how it is now, not having time for me?" I groan

"Come on, you know I have a lot going on right now" I hear a sigh from his end

"Well, it turns out I'm not important enough for you to tell me that you're sick. I heard you were rushed to the hospital, what's wrong?" I start to panic

"Oh, it's nothing serious. I don't really know how to say it over the phone, maybe next time we meet I'll tell you"


"So what's so important that you ruined my study session?"

"Well, there's something I wanna tell you" whenever he says that, it's always something important or interesting

"Okay, I'm listening. What is it? A new girlfriend? Did your parents change their mind about moving? Or is it something-" he cuts me off

"Calm down girl" I take deep breaths

"I'm calm, I'm calm. Now that you've called me, you might as well just tell me already" I place my full attention into what he was about to say

"Well, you see... I like you" I frown, I understand what he means but I play dumb

"I know you like me dummy, I'm your sister" I laugh at the end

"I don't mean that kind of like, I mean I like, like you. I have feelings for you Fiona" I observe a moment of speechless silence

"Say what now?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I chuckle

"Very funny bro, are you going to tell me why you really called me because I need to get back to studying"

"Nevermind, see you Monday?" I nod but stop when I remember that he can't see me

"Yeah sure" the line disconnects.