
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

009: Lure

Draco looked down at his plate of pasta in a daze, as he thought back to what had happened a few minutes before. It's not like he was shocked, just startled at the sudden action. For all he knew, Hadrian could have been doing that with everyone.

Listen. There are times where you have to know your boundaries in situations as such. Especially when you are at risk of being seduced by the Golden boy. Draco went back to eating, while making conversation with Katherine.

'Hey Draco, did you feel that?' Cecil asked after Draco had finished talking to Katherine, 'What?'

Cecil didn't talk for 2 minutes before he said, 'That tug. Plus have you noticed anything different?' Draco thought for a second. Unlike Hadrian, he didn't need to take 2 thousand years to figure it out.

Draco's eyes widened, 'My head feels lighter, but its still pounding. Plus the cramp is gone. Do you mean, what I think you mean?' Cecil hummed in agreement, 'We met our mate.'

Draco froze, his hand leaving his fork, '...What?'


'But who. I made eye contact with about 15 people today.'

'Well, we better find out soon.'

(Hey. Do you remember when Draco and Hadrian made eye contact? But Thalia ended up erasing his memories? You do? Good, just wanted to know.)

Draco noticed he had finished his dinner, so he saw no reason to stay any longer. He got up and made his way to the door, where he had the thought to go to the Astronomy Tower to clear his head.


'I'm sure that is our mate.'

Hadrian paused. His fork left abandoned on the plate pasta they were having for dinner, "Pfft, oh please. I know I've been flirting with Malfoy, but you don't have to assume." He muttered, as he took a sip from his cup of pumpkin juice.

Alex let out a sigh of frustration, 'So, you mean to tell me that, your heart doesn't flutter when you see him? Your thoughts don't linger on what you could do to him if alone? You have never felt the urge to stare at him, just to admire him? You never-'

'Okay, okay. I get it. But is there any proof of that?' Hadrian thought, as he continued to eat his pasta. It took 3 minutes for Alex to reply back, 'Didn't you feel that tug, or perhaps the fact that your headaches have reduced significantly.' Now Hadrian had not realized that.

He was used to the headaches, that it just felt like someone was scratching his brain. But now, it felt like someone was tugging on his hair, 'When did that happen?'

'When you made eye contact with him.' Alex said, clearly annoyed with how slow Hadrian was being. He had explained to him all about this, but he still seemed to be confused.



A mate can be anyone to a creature. Either male or Female. Human or creature. It can even go back to family members. The only way to identify one as your mate, is to make direct eye contact, or experience intimacy with one another. Before one finds their mate, they experience a sufficient amount of pain. The longer it is stalled, the more pain they feel.

It can go from simple headaches, to full on migraines. The pain can be in your head, leg, or your whole body. The pain doesn't reside completely once you found your mate. You still feel a little pain when away from your mate, the longer you are separated, the more unbearable it is.

There are some occasions were some are rejected by their mate, which leads to an unimaginable pain and death. No one who is rejected by their mate can avoid death. They could either go crazy from the pain and soon resort to suicide to make the pain stop. Or the pain will just slowly kill them.

Either way, it is very important to have a mate.


Hadrian's eyes widened as the information dawned on him, 'I totally forgot about that part...Oh no. It's Malfoy we're talking about.'

'Yeah but-

'-He hates my guts, he would never agree.' Hadrian interrupted Alex's reasoning.

'I mean-

'-I don't want to die yet. I'm still a virgin. And I haven't delt with Dumbledore yet.'

'There is-

'-My life is practically over-

'HADRIAN!!! Calm down, we can't say for sure.' Hadrian mentally looked at Alex with a 'Seriously?' look. 'We're talking about Malfoy here'

'Exactly. We're talking about Malfoy. Don't you see how he is around you? Or when you make eye contact in general? I see it, and I'm like your inner eye. Proves how blind you are.' Alex stated with hopelessness, as to how he was a lost cause. Hadrian seemed to be thinking about, until it a clicked.

But just because Malfoy acts like that with him, that didn't mean he would want him as a mate. He knew that they both didn't have a choice in the matter. But it still bothered him. He was so deep in thought that he hadn't realized that Dinner was over, until Neville, who was now sitting next to him instead of Ron, nudged him.

He got out of his stupor, before quickly looking toward the Slytherin table, only to see that Malfoy was gone, 'Shit.' Hadrian got up abruptly, before leaving the table after saying goodbye to a few people.

He had been too consumed by the urge to find Malfoy, that he hadn't noticed Hermione trying to call him from the other side of the table. Hermione, now feeling dejected, just ate her food in silence.


Harry had looked all over, after he had gotten his invisibility robe from his trunk. He didn't have a plan, or a reason for why he was looking for Malfoy. He just had to find him.

After a while, he was about to give up, until he remembered, the Astronomy Tower. He pulled the robe on him more securely incase of running into Malfoy mid-way. He walked up the stairs quietly, before his nose was assaulted with a heavenly scent.

It was a mix of vanilla and mint, which went oddly good together. He crept further up the stairs before standing in front of the door, which was left slightly ajar. He peeked through the crack, to see a sight only one can dream of seeing.

Draco Malfoy with his hair down, which hang gently by his face, as he sat on the ground stroking a fox curled up beside him. He smile was gentle as he continued to stroke the fox.

The moonlight wrapped around him like a halo, and Hadrian could not look away. Draco tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear before smiling widely. He was clearly having a conversation with his familiar, which Hadrian knew from experience.

Hadrian was contemplating if he should talk to him, but wouldn't that be too soon? He was testing out options, as Alex nagged and begged him to proceed with talking to him.

His eyes lingered on the now exposed shoulder, due to the now big top, that used to be Draco's favorite. Ever since his Inheritance, his clothes became too big, since his shoulders and overall body size, became slender and curvy.

Which was way different from his once broad and straight body stature. Now Hadrian has been a lot of things over the years, Sad, Angry, Happy, Cautious, and of course reckless. But never had he been so...

So...Aroused and confused, all at once. He was looking at Draco's lush features that he hadn't seen the white mist wafting through the air from Draco.

Once the mist caught up to him, Hadrian's eyes glossed over, and his face went blank, with no emotion. An unknown glint in his eyes, as his lips formed a wistful smile.

Draco just unlocked another ability, Lure.