
RED: The Urban Legend of Srimnet

Hung- a Vietnamese International student came to Srimnet for his forensic science's bachelor degree. In Srimnet, there are tons of urban legends, and the RED eyes serial killer is one of the most famous. Day by day, people keep talking about a small monster that only appears in raining night and hunts for other heads. Our Hung is a big fan of this story and he decides to find out the truth behind this little monster...

E_Chan_can_write · Urban
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5 Chs

The girl that lurks in the night

Hmmm… Let's see… Disinfectant and the bandages cost 11$, and 23 dollars for 5 Japanese bentos at a convenience store.

I sighed to myself. Just like that, one fourth of my hard-earned salary that I worked so hard for just *poof* gone, like a gust of wind.

A girl just appeared out of nowhere, chased me relentlessly like a maniac, the I had to performed first-aid on her and missed my bus. God damn it… guess I'll to wait for another hour for the next bus to arrive here at station 31. With an empty stomach along with losing too much blood, it must have drained her of her energy.

The bandages didn't stop the bleeding right away but at least it closed of her wounds which help her somewhat stable. She's a god damn monster I tell ya, a normal person would never be able survived what she's been through.

When the last bus arrived, the sunlight was slowly threading it tender touch between the old apartment buildings. The broken glasses fragment sparkles by the sunlight radiance. I carefully place her hand over my shoulder, and help her get on the bus. The driver was giving us this look filled with curiosity and suspicion in his tired eyes, even when he's the one that signal us to hop on.

"She fell down the stairs"

I immediately throw the made-up excuse right at him, before he even got a chance to utter a word, then I brought her to the first row of seats.

Luckily, there were no other passengers beside us and a Beret wearing gentleman in the last row seats – which means that there would be less attention being directed at me and the girl. This old piece of metal doesn't seem to have any cameras on it, which more or less eased my worries...

I sit on the chair next to her, I pulled out my phone, plug my earphone in, then drift away to those soothing classics. The sky is beginning to brighten up.

"The journey" home was uneventful, only a few passengers hop on and off the bus in that one-hour trip. Every single one of them just go on with their day, completely ignoring us and head straight to the last row of seat.

Hmmm… In the end, which makes sense now I'm thinking about it. A couple of guy and gal on an early bus, the gal is wearing a thin dress which show a lot of her skin and not to mention about the bandages that is warping her like some a shitty mummy costume on Halloween night. And then there's me, mud all over my clothes and body with a slash right on my face. Maybe because of that, they think we are in some kind of abusive relationship.

Right when the bus stopped at the station, the girl aslo start to gain consciousness.

"Where…where are we?"

She asked me with a tired tone in her voice.

"Station 12. Can you walk ?"

I felt so tired after that "shit-storm" of a night yesterday – oh wait yeah there was an actual storm yesterday. Well I know for sure that I have to skip today classes to look after her.

"No~~ I can't… too hungry."

She suddenly whispered in my ears, her soft and gentle voice created an electric current that start zapping frantically inside me, from head to toes.

"Ay yo can you move away a bit? You were just trying to kill me earlier."

" Tiiiiired… Gimme a piggy-back ride pwease… I can't walk now more."

She's trying to coddle up with me, like a cat would do. Her cute and innocent face made me questioned my own memory: Wasn't she trying to kill me earlier?

But it would seem that my words didn't quite reach her. I crouched down and lifted her on my back, using my own shoulder as something for her to hang on too.

Huh. She's pretty light. Giving her a piggy-back ride is actually easier than carrying a luggage. Beside, that soft and warm feeling emitting from her body is a hundred time better than any beds or mattresses ever made. Can I just keep her as a teddy bear ?

"Oui, oui, you really think that I wouldn't try and kill you again, would you?"

Once again, she whispered in my ea.

"With your current state, I don't think so"

"Oh really ?"

She said that as she placed her hands on my throat, with her sharp and pointy fingernails directly at the artery on my neck. Well… she's sure act like a cat, but now a house cat that for sure.

"With just a flick of my fingers, you're going to have a hard time stopping yourself from bleeding out..."

If I said "Go ahead, I'm not afraid of you" then it would be a bad move and it cost me my life for just that one line. She's totally not joking around – and I was too confident when I gave her a perfect position to strike me from behin.

Swallowing my throat, I slowly turn my head over to her.

"Then uhh, you don't want these bentos? Worst case scenario, I can just throw them down the ditch right by us."

"Tch. You're boring… Can you at least act afraid for once? You are really killing the mood here..?"

She said that as she retreat her hand, and calmly place her head on my back.

In the sweet love of the Bruce almighty!! Thank you, you magnificent magical bentos. And you too my trusty wallet, you guys saved my ass once again! When we get home, I will place you on a fucking pedestal and pray to you guys every single day. As long as I still draw a single breath on this Earth, I will pray to you every day.

Right now, I don't even have single once of regret left in me for buying these bentos!

The road ahead is only a couple hundred meters away, I had only walked for a few minute but I felt like I just dragged my ass all over Mordor. Every second that passed by, the fear of Death growing ever stronger and stronger on my back. Just when I passed through the dorm door and dropped this "package" off me, I can finally sigh in relief and eased my stress away.

My mouth wanted to scream out loud "FUCK THAT WAS SCARY", but man shall never show his weakness, especially when there is a lady in a room with you.

Speaking of the opposite sex getting in to your room, then this is my first time – for the rest of junior high, I didn't really create that much connection with the girl in my school, the most I get out from them are just stopped acquaintances. But everything changed when the nation attacked… wait no when I went to Srimmet's Medical University. I got the chance to talk and interact with other people, even some skin-to-skin action from time to time. But I only got the chance to it in Penor's forensic examination room, yeah which mean I touched dead people lol.

So having a "live" sample which is breathing and moving like this in my room, makes me a little bit excited and anxious. My heart beats faster and my breathing get quicker the more I thought about her.

"This feeling, would this be…"

While I'm mumbling in my mouth, the moment I looked where she was standing. All I got was her creepy smile with blood-red eyes, such a "lovely" look she got on her, it's like a predator stalking it's prey.

Uhhh. I kind of gets the situation that I've gotten myself into: excitement.


I tried to pinched myself to keep myself calm and collective. I must keep my pokerface on.

"Soooo yeah welcome to my crib. You can just leave your shoes outside…"

I told her that as I looked down to her silky white bear feet.

"Or not, never mind then…" I quickly saved the situation with "Just make yourself at home, alright?"

She nodded then walked into my room. She just nonchalantly walks in without a care in the world.

In just a brief moment, all of the five bentos that I bought from the convenient store just completely "evaporated". I ate one and the remaining four went to that strange girl. She chowed all four of them down to the last grain of rice.

"Thank you for the meal."

She placed the empty bento on the table then laid her back onto carpet on the floor.

"It's a bit cold but it's still pretty good."

"How long have you been out there without food for? You've surely been starving since you eat like that."

I told her that, while I clean up the bentos on the table, to give some free space for us to rest.

"Four or maybe five I don't remember. If I didn't meet you I would have starved to death on the street by now."

Uh-huh. If it wasn't for me knowing a little of martial-art or maybe if it was someone else than they could have been slain by her blade. It's hard to describe this odd girl personality.

If her face didn't have any of those scars on her eyes and cheeks then she could have been one of the the most gorgeous gal ever met. Since it was dark earlier, I didn't get a chance to have a good look of her face but now, when the light shines everywhere, her beauty of this dangerous beast start to show itself.

Under the sunlight, her black silky shoulder length hair starts to sparkles like a black pearl. Those hungry reddish eyes when closed look so dazzling - with them eyelashes on fleek fitting with that high Westerner nose. Her pale white skin radiance with this alluring mystery vibe to it. Her black short onesie dress showing off a lot of her skin, I can't take my eyes of her for a single second.

However, there's this menacing aura surrounding her, she's not to be taken lightly. This is different than any other danger or threat that I have ever faced, she's truly something out of this world.

After I'm done cleaning, I carefully look around, then closed the window curtains, scooch over beside her, sitting down on the floor with my leg crossed.

"Ok, it's time to talk about the elephant in the room, don't you think?"

I said that as I gave her this curious look on my face, and what I get is just a very annoyingly black response from her.

"Uhh… What do you want to talk about?"

She who is still lying on the floor, responded to me in a robotic monotone voice.

I sighed, and started to asked her some basic questions.

"What's your name?"

"Don't remember."

She answered immediately and continued on:

"If you want, you can just call me JJ like Papa and everyone always said."

JJ huh?... That sounded more like a nickname than a name.