
Lies Intent

I was born in Evalon , a big city. It was a beautiful Friday, a black haired, stunning baby boy came into this world . He was quite handsome if you ask me (even though I never actually saw him, I mean .....me). It happened that the day if my birth was the day darkness struck the world. I was seen as a curse, the sole cause of the calamity that now seemed as their fate, but, was I? I'm not a huge fan of writing activities ,boy I do love talking, so I'll make this brief, maybe....

I think Baron was his name, but the world called him Bandon , don't ask me why. He was the wizard who took control over the world,with force and blood,he blackened our light, we should probably clap for him. Apparently, the people believe that I caused him to come, with my birth, like... how wise of them. Under Brandons rule, many lives were lost, pain, blood, screams and years became the cycle of life. All who tried to oppose Bandon felt his wrath. I don't think they lived to tell the story. He called himself king, forcing us to treat him accordingly, we didn't have a choice .His reign was terror for the people, and it had to end ,it really had to. Five years ago, I was fifteen years old. I was living a normal life (which was obviously not so normal being under a dark wizards rule), I remember the day I began my journey,the fight for freedom,my destiny.

It was a sunny afternoon, I stepped out of my house sluggishly and yawned lazily, looking beautiful as always, and shirtless. I can't remember clearly, but I think I was on mums errand, doing something I now have no memory of. That's when a friend came over, his name,Will.

"Hey Will, how's it goin' ?" I greeted.

"Nice enough" he replied, studying my activity.

"Busy? Master Grut said to call you, said he has something important to say" he continued.

"okay, wait lemme grab a shirt real quick" I said, then I walked in, told mum of Master Gruts call and headed out, with Will. It took about five minutes fifteen seconds to get the Master Gruts house ( obviously the time estimated by me should be about ninety nine point nine percent wrong ,by my calculations, which might be wrong also , I hate math ). We stepped in, walked over to Master Gruts usually spot and as expected, he was there. He shot me a serious look that got me thinking back, hard, trying to find any recent wrong I might have done, but nope,none.

"Morning,Master Grut" I greeted,not expecting a reply given his expression.

"Morning" he said."Jin, I called for you" he continued.

"Yeah, Will said so,em....have I done anything wrong?" I asked, feeling serious heat.

"No Jin,not at all,the time has come Jin"

Okay, at this point, I was very confused."What time has come?" I thought. Thoughts ran through my head until the short lived silence of maybe five seconds was broken by Master Grut. He must have seen the confusion on my face.

"You seem lost" he smiled.

"I'm sure so, I'm lost in your maze like words" I said.

"Me too" Will notified.

Master Grut says a lot of things that make no sense, makes one wonder if he really is sane, and he says them all with a smile,but, this was different, he was smiling yet I could see seriousness hidden within, oh my! Once, he told me to get him a particular useless plant from a hill some distance away,he told me to walk all the way there,then from the top of the hill jump down ( and get a few dozen stunning broken bones and handsome looking bruises), then walk through the dark den River ( an unusual River which suddenly appeared when Bandon appeared), a river no one has survived entering, that's a swim of death. He then said to get him as many of the plant as possible. Why? Till this day I have no answer. I did get him the plant though,oh yes, but not from the death he sent me to, but rather, from his backyard. I did well, didn't I ? Good job Jin.

Back to the situation: Master Grut told us( Will and I ) to follow him, which we did, still confused. It was a big surprise when he murmured some words to the wall and some sort of portal opened up. By this time,I thought I was crazy,like,I was one step above lost.

"Oh my God!" Will exclaimed, to no one's surprise. As for me, I droped my jaw. Will couldn't help it, he had to speak.

"Master Grut, what in the world is this? How'd you....what....?" yeah, he ended up not really speaking.

"Welcome to my real humble abode" Master Grut said with a laugh."It's time" he continued.

" Time for what?" I asked , curiosity filling my bones.

"Come in first, the secret lies in another secret" he said, he then stepped into the Portal. Will and I stepped in also without much thinking ( I mean, what's the worse that could happen? Gulp.) I found myself in an environment completely different from where I was like "just now" . This was a training ground, no doubt. I could see weapons and ,em...well, weapons,lots of 'em, and, Master Grut was gone.