
red riding hood adult version

very adult themed

Heith_Inghels · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 5

My dick was sliding in and out of red like mad. Red seemed to be enjoying it thoroughly. My foxy girl decided she wanted some too. She slid out from behind me stopping licking red and my dick. I looked back at her and smiled, like any guy would. She leaned up to my ear and said she wanted me in her ass. I slid out of red, and slowly slid my prick up my foxy ladies ass.

At this point red decided to be a jealous bitch. She stands up and kicks me right in the side. It hurt badly, I roll away fast. Jumping into the bushes to get away from the red devil. Foxy jumps after me, because she wants nothing to do with red anymore. Red shoved all her clothes into the basket, scooping it up as she ran away.

I hoped it'd be the last time I saw her.

I followed her to find out where she was going to go next. But this time I'm not getting anywhere near her.

Red found a little stream to get cleaned up in. Stripping her clothes off. Slowly sliding into the running water. She found a little area that was about waist deep and sank her whole body into it.

She appeared to be enjoying the water rushing over her curvaceous body. Until out stepped behind a tree a young buck, he didn't see her right away. Slowly he lowered his head down to the water to get a drink. Red held very still, because she didn't want the buck to come into her pool. The buck got his drink and lifted up his head, spying the young lady in the pool where he was just drinking. He snorts the left over water out of his nose. Then he starts wading into the pool.

The buck walks in a little deeper, the water barely up to his chest and stomach. Red reaches up out of the water slowly, and starts rubbing the bucks head. He grunts in satisfaction, and licks her face. She takes that has a hint of acceptance, and starts sliding her hands down the buck's muscular sides. Slowly she runs one hand down to rub the buck's stomach. The buck just snorts in approval.

Red slides her hand even further back to caress the bucks growing member. She starts massaging it with both hands getting it fully erect. Bending over to get a better view at the buck's hardness. Eying the monster 14 inch cock she got an idea to lick it. Leaning in to flick the head of the cock with her tongue. The buck had other ideas and made it bounce into her mouth almost gagging her. He forced the cock into the back of her throat till she couldn't swallow any more and started moving it in and out.

She tried to back up to get that thing out of her mouth but the buck sensing her movements anticipated it and put his head down to make her backside push against his horns. So she had no choice but to suck the cock or get stabbed by the horns by backing up anymore. Red tried to bite the bucks dick, but every time she tried he thrust in making her gag, and unable to bite. She then tried to hit the buck's sides and even swing at his balls. The buck grunted then thrust his dick back into her mouth harder. Her fists of fury fell just shy of hitting his balls.

The buck pulled his dick all the way out of Red's mouth. She started gasping for air, and fell to all fours. Leaving her ass and back just barely out of the water. The buck walked around and started to straddle Red while she was still gasping for air. Red only had a chance to gasp air in as the buck's dick penetrated her pussy fast. She was locked in to that position by the buck's weight on top of her and his powerful front legs on either side of her head. If she slid backwards she was pushing herself further onto the cock, if she slid side to side she couldn't get very far cause of the way the bucks legs were on either side of her head, and the strength of the bucks cock. If she shifted too much, he just flexed it causing her to move back to the required position.