
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 56

Damian was going to back yard with his family. When he reached, he see the big opening portal and thousands of evil spirits and monsters everywhere. At the top of the staircase, Damian saw the black wing demon and the prince of darkness. While he looked at there, the white wing start attacking the black wing to reach the prince of darkness. Damian was looking carefully over there and recognize the bracelet. At the same time, the vampire warriors and their master Godfrey arrive. Godfrey ran up to Damian by cutting the flying demon down. Damian heard the noise from his back and they look at each other. Godfrey noticed something is wrong with Damian so he asked, "What is going on here?". Damian said, "We must hurry to defeat all the evil warriors down to reach there". Godfey looked up there and see the demon girl who wear the black bridal gown and huge black wings. Damian said, "She is Selena". Godfrey said, "I know what you mean". They made a quick decision and draw the route to go up there. After that, they separate their ways to go up there.

The prince of darkness received his full power back. But he confused upon fighting his brother and enemy. Thus, he used the demon girl to cover him up. The girl Selena turned into fully demon. So, she was fighting the prince of light for protecting her master. Lucifer was standing right behind her. The prince of light was not attacking Selena because she is human. Angel warriors had the tight rule to not breaking in any chances. Therefore, Lucifer used this girl to avoid the attack from prince of light. Prince of light was attacking the girl and warn her to move aside if she don't want to die. The girl was not stepping back and keep fight him back. So, he used his weapon to cut her down. All of sudden, he saw the werewolf jump in between them. Then, the wolf took the girl away. At last, this is the time for Lucifer and Michael. Lucifer was trying to escape from there. But there was no way out. When Lucifer turned around, he see the god Odin, Loki, and Morrighan. Then, he turned back to his brother Michael and ask, "Did he send you here for stopping me again?". Michael said, "Stop doing such thing to destroy the heaven and earth". Lucifer said, "He love humans than us". Michael said, "Why you haven't change?". Lucifer said, "I hate him and I want to destroy everything".

On the other hand, the werewolf Damian was taking Selena away from there. The wing demon girl was attacking him continuously. On the right time, Godfrey was coming up to help Damian. When she saw Godfrey, her eyes color change back to normal. But it was not taking long. Then, the other demon came out from the forest. Both of them looked at there and ready to attack. However, that demon was moving up closer to them without holding the weapon. Godfrey was asking the demon, "Who are you?". That demon was moving forward to them by saying, "I am her father and I need to take her to the person who can help her". Godfrey said, "How can I trust you?". That demon told him, "Here, look at this ring and symbol on my right chest". Godfrey saw the same symbol on his lover's right chest too. However, Damian could not trust the demon. When Damian ran to fight the demon, Godfrey is holding him from the back and said, "Wait stop". And then, they saw the demon is approaching to Selena. Selena was smiling up to him and said, "Hello, father what wind take you here". They both gasped and said, "Father". The demon was calling, "Mia, I must take you back to home". Selena said, 'Sorry, father I must stay here for helping master". But the demon was tying her up with the special rope and drag her along with him. Godfrey and Damian stood at there without move a bit.

Demon King Zhaphyrs took his army back to Thule without helping his master. Lucifer was screaming up to him, "Come back here Zaphyrs". Zaphyrs was shouting back to Lucifer, "It's enough, I won't let you control and use my daughter again". Then, Zaphyrs flew away. When he spread his wing and hold his daughter tight, he see the familiar person lie on the white marble ground with full of wounds. He was seeing how Lidia and the other witches turn into ashes. And then, he looked at his daughter. His daughter was laughing and told him, "Do you see how they end?". Zaphyrs said, "Enough, let's go home Mia". Selena said, "Why are you forcing me?". Then, Selena was closing her eyes and speak out the spells. Zaphyrs knew the ropes can't hold her anymore. So, Zaphyrs was taking out the dagger and cut his hand. After that, he put his blood on her thin black mark on her forehead and draw the symbol. Selena suddenly stopped and lose concentration. At that time, Zaphyrs carried his daughter along with him to Thule.

Witch Angela saw the demon king Zaphyrs and Selena. And then, she saw the end of the black magic witches. Along with Angela the white witches from the academy were surprising to see the ashes. Finally, the battle ended and the prince of light take the prince of dark away from human world. Before he go, the goddess Luna and other gods try to put the evil, devil and others back to their world. Thy also tried to close the portal. But they could not close it well. They understood she must come back here to close it. Therefore, they made the temporary seal for closing the portal. And then, the goddess called the vampire and werewolf families to talk. Then, the goddess went back to heaven. The two families left at there for guarding the portal.

At Thule, the demon king Zaphyrs put her on the top of the waterfall where the moon light can lean on the red stone. Selena was changing the voice when the moon light touch the stone. The stone was existing on the amulet which she wear around her neck. That was being the one which she take from the witch. Zaphyrs knew the connection between the moon ring and this amulet can treat her back to normal girl. Thus, he put her above the waterfall. The blue moon rose up high above the sky but the dark clouds are covering up the rays. While they waiting for the moon rays, the dwarfs and trolls were carrying the necessary things up to there. Selena was looking around and stay quiet. At that time, Zaphyrs saw the moon rays are reaching over them. He was ordering the dwarfs and trolls to lit the lava stones. They used the hell fire and golden coins to lit the lava stones. And then, Selena's eyes turned black and scream louder. Zaphyrs looked at her carefully and see her skin and wings burn down. It was burning until the horn disappear. When everything gone, Selena fall down to the ground. The flower bushes surround her also burn into ashes. And then, those ashes flew by the wind. Zaphyrs was looking at her without moving a bit. He thought she will okay. Zaphyrs moved forward to her after a few hours later. The burning stones were still burning and it's hard for him to go up there. And then, Selena's hands were start moving. Therefore, the dwarfs were moving the stones to the other side and then Zaphyrs step forward. Then, he called her name, "Selena". She was making a sound back to him. And then, he looked carefully by saying, "Welcome back". A few days later, she fully recovered. So, the demon king Zaphyrs take her back to home. Then, he was going to meet her vampire fiance. Godfrey was shocking to see them while he is guarding around the portal. The winged demon king was landing on the ground by holding the girl in red dress. Godfrey looked carefully and shout up to his men, "Don't shoot, they are not enemy". Then, Godfrey ran up to them. Zaphyrs was telling his daughter, "Go". Selena got her full memory and feel shock. Godfrey was running up to her and hold her hand. Selena said, "You are still waiting for me". Godfrey said, "You are my first and last love of my life". Selena said, "What if I will still alive or die". Godfrey said, "No matter what I will be here". Selena said, "Okay". Then, Selena was entering into the temporary seal and head towards the portal near the fountain. After ward, she was holding the red moon amulet in her hand and starting the ritual by using her blood. When she started the ritual, they all see the red light wave spread wide from the portal. Godfrey was watching without moving a bit. A demon king Zaphyrs also standing behind Selena in the temporary seal. Selena did not what is the last to finish the ritual. The red rings were winding up high and high and then everyone close their eyes and hide behind the huge columns and walls. The explosion occurred and Selena fall down to the ground. When they opened their eyes, they feel back to normal. Godfrey was the one who is not hiding behind anything. He was falling to the ground when the wave hit him.