
trips start and !?

***Next morning***

Cara woke up and saw van sleeping on couch . She get out of bed and get to wards van and looking him sincerely as he was looking an angel as sunlight was striking his face !! 

All of sudden van woke up and look cara so closed to him . He asked what happen ?? What are you looking at ??

Cara hmn nothing sorry !! And she starts getting shy as she change the topic .. i am going to get ready for school!!

Van : wait will u able to go school ?? Are you actually fine ?? 

Cara : yes I am what happen to me I feel a little unconscious 

Van : actually last night..

Cara : last night what ?? And why you are sleeping on couch here !?? What has happened last night ? Looking him in wonder !!

Van : hmn actually nothing !!

Between  Good morning  ...

Are you getting ready for school? Are you going??

Cara : yes I am going!!!

Later ,  Van and Cara eagerly made their way to school, excited for another day of laughter and learning. As they entered the classroom, their classmates greeted them with warm smiles and cheerful chatter. Little did they know that this ordinary day would soon take an unexpected turn.

Suddenly Irene came and shout , guysssss we are going on trip from school ...

Next moment class teacher enter in class room 

And said "Class, I have an important announcement,"  her voice carrying a mixture of excitement and anticipation. "We have received a wonderful opportunity for a school trip. We will be going on a three-day adventure to a beautiful coastal town!"

The classroom erupted with excitement as students cheered and exchanged joyful glances. Van and Cara's eyes met, and they shared an unspoken excitement. The thought of embarking on a trip together made their hearts race with anticipation.

However, amidst the sea of elation, Cara's smile faded. Van noticed the change in her friend's expression and immediately grew concerned. He knew about Cara's stalker—a shadowy figure who had been tormenting her with anonymous messages , with letters and eerie encounters. The thought of being away from the familiar surroundings of school and exposing herself to potential danger troubled her deeply.

Van gently placed a hand on Cara's arm, offering comfort and support. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Cara took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I'm just worried, Van," she confessed, her voice quivering slightly. "What if my stalker follows me on this trip? What if something terrible happens?"

Van understood Cara's fears all too well. He had seen the toll it had taken on her, the sleepless nights and constant paranoia. But he also knew that letting fear control their lives was not an option. He squeezed Cara's arm reassuringly. "We'll stick together, Cara. I won't let anything happen to you. We'll be extra cautious, and I'm sure the teachers will take every necessary precaution."

Cara managed a weak smile, appreciating Van's unwavering support. "Thank you, Van. I don't know what I would do without you."

The days leading up to the trip were a whirlwind of excitement and preparation. The school organized meetings with the students, emphasizing safety measures and assigning chaperones for each group. Van and Cara found solace in the fact that they would be traveling with a responsible and vigilant teacher, Mrs. Anderson, who had a reputation for being exceptionally caring and observant.

And then class  continuous ~ 

And they get back to van's home ...

He said to cara get ready we will go for some gorecry shopping.

Cara ohkayy wait for me I am coming!!

As they were walking on streets van said he will make spicy chicken do you like chicken asked cara .. 

She replied with exiting yes I loves chicken!! w

 Van so we need to to gather all the necessary ingredients. 

As they entered the bustling marketplace, they were greeted by the vibrant sights and sounds of various food stalls and vendors. The aroma of spices and freshly cooked meals filled the air, making their stomachs growl with anticipation.

Cara and Van's first stop was the poultry section. They carefully selected plump chicken breasts, ensuring they were fresh and of the highest quality. Van, being the meticulous one, examined each piece while Cara engaged in a friendly chat with the vendor, exchanging cooking tips and recommendations.

With chicken in hand, they moved on to the spice section, where row after row of colorful containers awaited them. As they perused the shelves, they found an array of exotic spices, each promising to add a unique flavor to their dish. They picked up cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and a few other secret ingredients, excited about the fiery taste they would create.

Next on their list were the vegetables and herbs. Cara and Van maneuvered through the crowded aisles, skillfully selecting fresh bell peppers, onions, and cilantro. Their cart began to fill up with an assortment of vibrant colors, representing the explosion of flavors they were about to unleash in their spicy chicken.

As they made their way towards the checkout counter, Cara's eyes caught sight of a special hot sauce display. Intrigued, she couldn't resist the temptation and grabbed a bottle of a renowned hot sauce, known for its intense heat. Van, ever the thrill-seeker, encouraged her choice, anticipating an extra kick in their dish.

With their shopping complete, they left Gorecry Shopping and headed back to Cara's place. The excitement grew as they unpacked the bags, organizing the ingredients on the kitchen counter. They exchanged mischievous glances, knowing they were about to embark on a culinary journey together.

Cara and Van spent the evening chopping, marinating, and sautéing, expertly combining the ingredients to create their signature spicy chicken. The tantalizing aroma filled the kitchen, leaving them salivating in anticipation.

Finally, the moment arrived. They plated the spicy chicken, garnished it with fresh cilantro, and added a drizzle of the hot sauce Cara had picked up. The friends sat down at the table, eager to taste the culmination of their efforts.

As they took the first bite, their taste buds exploded with a delightful burst of flavors. The chicken was tender and succulent, coated in a fiery blend of spices that danced on their tongues. The hot sauce elevated the dish to a whole new level, adding an intense heat that left them reaching for their glasses of water.

Cara and Van exchanged satisfied smiles, proud of their spicy chicken masterpiece. Their adventurous trip to Gorecry Shopping had paid off, creating a memorable evening filled with laughter, friendship, and culinary triump .

Later they started thinking about did they go to trip or not .

Cara and van sat on couch and call irene's dad and told him about trip.. he replied that she can go on trip and so get back to her house.

Van looking forward at cara with intense sight.

Phone hangs up

Van are u really going?cara hm what should I do?

Van:  you should go after the trip atleast!! 

Cara okay as she also wants to stay with him .

Two days later.

Finally, the day of the trip arrived. The students gathered at the school entrance, bags packed and anticipation bubbling in their hearts. Mrs. Anderson greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Good morning, everyone!" she exclaimed, her voice full of energy. "Are we ready for an unforgettable adventure?"

The students cheered in response, their spirits lifted by Mrs. Anderson's infectious enthusiasm. Van and Cara stood side by side, their nerves gradually giving way to excitement as they saw the genuine dedication their teachers had put into organizing the trip.

As the bus made its way to the coastal town, the students chatted animatedly, their laughter filling the air. Van kept a watchful eye on Cara, making sure she felt safe and supported. The presence of their classmates and teachers created a shield of protection around her, easing her anxiety 

*Suddenly the bus driver stop the bus*