
red lagon

A crazy idea I had after finishing Teen Wolf, The Originals and Black Lagoon. Rokuro Okajima Aka Rock was happy with his life returning to normal in Roanapur after the fiasco in Japan until his normality is shattered whenthe supernatural finally comes to in Roanapur bringing an 790-year behind conflict back into Rock's life.

Xander_Haris · Anime & Comics
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the cruel revenge

790 years ago

"Onni-cha save me!"

A little girl's screams echoed through the wooden city. it was night and the flames ate the wood of the houses with people running everywhere fleeing in fear

"Fuyomi!! Fuyomi! Wait for me, Fuyomi!"

A young samurai ran desperately towards the screams and when he arrived, he found himself in front of 10 men dressed in black and with masks.

His eyes were firefly yellow and he carried a black katana like the very same shadows holding a little girl by the neck.

"Unleash my sister her demons"

The angry young samurai drew his sword and attacked the men, closing the distance between them and attacking the first. The objective was to cut down the man in black.

But, the blow was easily parried by the man in black, who didn't even look him in the eye.


The little girl cried again when the masked ninja pointed his sword at her, and the young man roared in fury, sensing that his sister's life was in danger.

"Oh, sure"

The young samurai roared, putting more power into his sword budget, but, the man in black didn't even move and finally looked at the young man.

Without saying a single word, the ninja swung his sword, unbalancing the young samurai, and slashed him.


The girl cried and seconds later she was stabbed by the ninja's blade.

"Nooo! Fumi"

The samurai fell to his knees with his guts spilling out of his body, and could only see his sister going limp from being stabbed.

His vision failed. His body finally slumped and completely limp, and all he could do was watch his vision fade and see the ninjas start trotting through the burning village that he could do nothing about.

"I... will... Kill... All... You"

He swore, feeling his vision blur and his death giving signs that it was near. That's when one of the ninjas stopped in front of him, looking at him with his firefly eyes.

"So you're going to dump me? Damn..."

The young man closed his eyes, accepting death, as there was nothing else to do. He couldn't fight anymore.

It was at that moment a red blur passed by him and threw the ninja away who fell rolling on the ground and quickly got up

"Ohh, a Yokai! I've never seen your type before"

A female voice spoke in front of the young samurai who could only see blurry and foreshortening to see who the girl was, he saw it to be a red-haired woman with a blue kimono

The ninja pointed his sword at her and all the other ninjas looked at her, turning towards her and putting themselves in battle stances

"Hey, hey, hey, 10 against one? That's unfair"

The girl spoke smiling and once again it blurred disappearing and all the ninjas were thrown back with the woman once again stopping in front of the young Samurai

even knocking down all the ninjas, she clicked her tongue shaking her fist and the ninjas got up

"Damn it, I hit it hard enough to break a vampire's neck and it only shook them! I'm at a disadvantage here."

She muttered, then glanced at the young samurai from the corner of her eye.

"Boy, do you want to live? Even if you lose your humanity?"

The samurai snarled with the last of his remaining strength, shivering with his strength and consciousness slipping away.

"Great, I'm Sayo Nijima, and you?"

"Rokuro Okajima"

"A Good Name"



Rock got up from the bed scared, sweat falling through his body, and his expression was one of fear.

"Fuck, fuck, why did I have to remember that shit right now!"

Rock punched the wall and got up putting on his usual business clothes, lighting a cigarette, and pulling smoke into his lungs he sighed.

He exhaled and opened an electronic door next to his bed and pulled out a bag of red liquid. Inside the electronic door were 10 bags.

"Damn, my stock is running low!"

He put his hand to his forehead with a sigh, got up and drank all the liquid in the bag, and threw it in the trash.

"I'm going to have to talk to that which from the church of violence again, but first I'm going to work"


Last night

east of roanapur

In the middle of a deserted area of the island dominated by bandits,

A woman with black hair and blue eyes, Asian mixed, she was very beautiful, but there was something like scales on her skin.

She walked like a robot through the forest into town, drawing the attention of the civilians in the area who watched her with interest, until 9 men in Hawaiian shirts stopped and looked at the woman.

"Hey, hey, look what we got here! Shitty cosplays!"

One of the men mocked the woman

"That's right, let's make fun of this idiot"

"Nerds in this part of the world!"

"These fuck want to die hahaha, oooh, she's even pretty"

the woman just ignored them and continued her march past the men, when the guy who looked like the leader was disgusted at being ignored

"Who the hell do you think you are to ignore me, you"

He drew his gun and fired twice. The two shots hit the back of the woman who didn't even move as if she hadn't felt anything.

"Damn bulletproof vest"

"Hey you idiots, kill her"

"Boss, opening fire here is not a good idea"

"The Moscow hotel bandits will kill us, not to mention the triad"

"Shut up and kill that idiot"

Obeying the chief's order, the henchmen opened fire on the woman.

The shots flew hitting mostly civilians on the sidewalks and the woman didn't move even being shot by the shots, but they only moved when her eyes flashed with a yellow crack and she attacked

it was a quick attack, she advanced not giving the bandits time to defend themselves and cut them down, but, before killing everyone, something caught her attention and she ran disappearing in the crowd


"Kanima? It's been a while since I've seen a Kanima!"

An old woman in nun's clothes sighed and left, not before chanting a spell and making people who were panicking

"it looks like things are going to get serious, first an ancient vampire, then a bunch of Russian werewolves, and now a kanima, it would be great for me if the vampire killed the Kanima, but that guy seems to have gotten used to peace, already the werewolves won't show up until they're sure they have a chance against the vampire."

After finishing the spell she left for good. But, she forgot to check the dead, unlike other creatures, she didn't have super hearing and didn't realize that 2 of the bad guys were still alive


"Fucking Rock, you shit late"

"Sorry, sorry, so what's on for today?"

Ravy slammed her fist on the table, already irritated by Rock's delay, and Rock awkwardly apologized.

"There is a massacre, in the center of the city, area of the Hotel Moscow and Triad"

"Seriously, did anyone have the nerve to start a massacre there?"

Rock was surprised and it was a fact that not even the international mafias dared to directly anger the Moscow Hotel and the triad.

"I know! It sounds crazy, someone wants war, it was, 7 marthis cartel thugs and 9 civilians, the bullets that killed the civilians came from the cartel thugs"

Benny commented scratching his hair and playing with his computer and showing the information

"Wait, what the hell would a European cartel gain by picking a fight with two of Asia's biggest mafias?"

Ravy couldn't understand the thought and asked completely confused

"No, I think they wanted the fight, I think they defended themselves!"

Rock sighed, looking at the screen, and saw all the destruction of bullets on the walls and the bodies on the floor.

"I think so, too! It looks like an ambush, but without the corpses of other enemies, which means that either the cartel guys had really bad aim, or..."

"The enemy tricked them into missing shots!"

"Damn, using dirty tactics!"

"From what I heard from the report, Balalaika sent, it was a black-haired woman who killed everyone!"

"Aaah, no, Roberta again?"

"No, her profile does not match the woman who killed them, she was smaller than Roberta, but Balalaika wants to resolve this personally, calling all involved and allies to a meeting"

"Great, things are getting serious!"

Dutch sighed, and everyone else but Ravy also sighed, understanding what it meant.

'Kill, the enemy of mother'

Rock then looked away, hearing a whisper from a child. He shook his head and cursed his irritating habit.

"Rock, what do you hear?"



in an unknown place

In a very small room was the most dangerous place that could be in the entire city of Roanapur. There it was, Balalaika and his henchmen from Hotel Moscow, Cheng from the Hong Kong Triad, Andrea Moliziene from the Italian Mafia, and Yolanda from the Church of Violence

With them were Sister Eda, The Black Lagoon Quartet, Rock, Dutch, and Benny

"Finally we're all here!"

Chang joked humorously while sitting on his sofa with two henchmen standing beside him.

"So what was the point of calling all of us here?"

The blond man with an angry tone took the lead, he was Andrea one of the captains of the Italian mafia of the city of Rome and one of the big shots of the new generation of Roanapur

"There was a massacre, 7 henchmen of a European cartel and 9 civilians were killed, the 7 were killed by some unknown person and the 9 civilians by the 7 henchmen"

Balalaika sighed as he lit a cigar and took a puff of smoke before looking around at everyone.

"The problem is that those unknowns who killed the henchmen were not killed, despite having killed the 7 with knives with paralyzing poison and not weapons, that is, they were great and nobody saw them"

"An unknown enemy, how interesting"

Cheng chuckled, placing his foot on the table and attracting an uncomfortable look from Andrea and a pathetic look from Balalaika.

"knives, poisonous... damn"

Rock whispered to himself as low as possible, but it didn't go unnoticed by Balalayka who looked at him with interest.

"Oooh, boy, do you know something?"

Balalaika looked at Rock shrewdly, showing powerful intimidation in his gaze.

"Me? No! Why would I know?"

Rock scratched his head looking as innocent and silly as possible and at that moment a small smile appeared on sister Yolanda's face.

"Ohh, come on boy, are you going to say you've never met a Kanima? I'm sure you noticed when you heard Miss Balalayka talk about the knives?"

Rock rolled his eyes covertly and looked at his sister with a slight feeling of anger with the message 'you trying to fuck me, motherfucker'

No one noticed Rock's gaze other than sister Yolanda, because everyone looked at her curiously.

"Sister, you know something"

Chang was the first to take the initiative, looking kind but under his dark glasses, he had a shrewd look.

"Boy... what's a Kanima?"

"Wait, Balalaika, it must be a misunderstanding, isn't it Rock?"

"Yes, that idiot is a complete idiot, you saw him in Japan, right?"

Dutch and Revy tried to shield Rock from Balalayka's question even though they had no idea what was going on, but that didn't change the fact that the Russian woman didn't shift her gaze to Rock and Mr. Chang was also interested.

"I would also like to know, why sister Yolanda's question"

"Indeed, it's an interesting question! What is a Kanima?"

"Hey, don't be fooling around, he doesn't know!"

Revy snapped her rage and pulled out her pistol only to have it held by Dutch.

"Calm down Revy! Rock you don't know anything, do you?"

"Aahhh, okay, I know something, not who killed the European cartel goons, but, I know about the Kanima"

Rock clicked his tongue and let his partners look at him in surprise.

"so talk!"

Balalaika commanded impressively making Rock's two partners tremble

"Well, the Kanima is weapons of revenge, It comes from a very famous urban legend, called, the hero becomes the monster someone hires the Kanima to get revenge and they start to lose control of their attitudes involving innocent people in their revenge and end up becoming Kanima too"

"Ohh, you know, nice words! you told the legend right"

"How did you know I knew about the legend, Irma Yolanda?"

Rock shot her with a hidden smile and a mischievous look.

"Hahaha, that's a pretty obvious kid, you buy books and we're smugglers! So..."

"Leaving that aside! I think I understand, an organization that provides soldiers to take personal revenge on their clients... When the client crosses the line he is captured and brainwashed to become a Kanima soldier, a good way to get soldiers "

Andrea thoughtfully gave her theory to everyone, he was cold but had a chill

"They're so good they've managed to become an urban legend, troublesome!"

"waaa so we have an underground organization offering revenge we are in Roanapurm everyone here has something to get revenge hahaha they want to make gold! I hope I'm not next hahaha"

Chang complained with a laugh, looking quite relaxed.

"Troublesome! This organization will make a lot of mess if left alone! And another thing, sister? The boy knows the legends from books and you?"

"I am an old woman Miss Balalayka, an old religious woman who has traveled the world doing good deeds and seen things in conflict areas that no one should have seen"

'you are a witch! of course, you saw

Rock thought irritably at the fact that the sister was compromising her.

'Did she change sides?'


Another place

"Rock, you son of a bitch, how did you know something like that?"

"I read it, I told you! Revy"

Rock timidly responded by being grabbed by the collar by Revy and then Dutch pulled out his pistol and put it to Rock's head.

"You're not lying, are you? I want to trust you"

Dutch's words showed that he didn't want to kill Rock, but if he had to, he would.

"Dutch, what are you doing?"

"Calm down, calm down, let him explain!"

Benny was the calmest one in the situation and put himself in front of Dutch and Revy

"Okay, I know why, I've seen a Kanima before!"(Rock)

Rock replied with a sigh, getting everyone's gaze

"But, weren't you a salaryman?"(Benny)

"I was, but, before being a salaryman, I was in a group of delinquents, I had a rebellious phase" (Rock)

Rock didn't lie, before he became a salaryman, he was part of a very violent organization of supernaturals bent on hunting down troublesome supernaturals that could lead to their discovery by humans.

"Are you a delinquent? With that sly face of yours? No kidding!" (revy)

"Let me guess, one of your delinquent friends did something to someone and the Kanima came after him, did sister Yolanda know about that?"(Dutch)

Dutch took the gun from Rock's head and sighed in relief that he didn't have to kill his employee.

"She must know! After all, she knew a lot about me when I arrived on the island" (Rock)

"How do you know??"(Benny)

"She told me! Threatening as a guarantee that I wouldn't say anything about her drug dealing" (Rock)

"Fuck, how did I not realize this was going to happen?" (Revy)

"Is she a super spy to know about Ago like this?"(Benny)

"No, she probably pulls the plug on those who do business with her and must have researched all of us since we have information that compromises her" (Dutch)

Dutch was the calmest and rational in the idea, why did he think that something like this would happen, since he knew that powerful people cornered have two ways of acting, either with threats, or violence

"Why did she only go after Rock?" (Revy)

"Because he is the most fragile, you would have reacted with violence, Benny already has the information leaked and I have Balalaika's favor" (Dutch)

that was easy logic Dutch thought of since he didn't have the full statement.

"But, now we have a problem, Rock lied to everyone and if it gets out, he's screwed, that is, we're screwed" (Dutch)

"Why did you lie, you idiot?"(Revy)

"Why, I saw a Kanima and came out alive, think about it Revy, don't you think one of them might think I'm the target? Using me as bait or even trying to turn me in, Balalaika probably wouldn't do that because he's on good terms with Dutch, but Mr. Chang and Andrea can't say the same thing!"(Rock)

It was true, Rock didn't want to be put on the defensive with everyone there watching, after all, he would be forced to defend himself. Which wouldn't stop him from taking a shot or two, or showing his power.

What would he have to explain why he would be alive after being shot, as he was in animal blood, he would probably feel the shots and be stunned depending on the caliber.

But how would he explain when the wound healed, or how he didn't die after being shot in places like the head?

"That's true, if they wanted to use Rock as bait, or even give him away, it would happen that we would have to defend him" (Benny)

"Of course, we don't abandon a mate, you're right Rock, you could have started a shootout if you told the truth" (Dutch)

"Tch" (Revy)


In Balalaika's room were the two biggest of Hotel Moscow, Balalaika and Boris, the mafia leader and his right arm

"I do not like it!" (Balalaika)

"What do you hear?"(Boris)

Balalaika smoked his cigar and grimaced

"Both the sister of the church of violence and the boy from Dutch are hiding something" (Balalaika)

"Are you sure?" (Boris asked)

"Yes, the boy seemed quite annoyed with the nun, who seemed to want to have fun" (Balalaika)

"Does that mean she knows something about him and he's pissed off about it?" (Boris)

"No! I think the boy had the nun as some kind of ally, but, she jumped aside and wanted to screw him!"(Balalaika)

"so, the boy could be one of the Kanima?"(Boris)

"No! But, I think he knows them!"(Balalaika)


Before Boris answered Balalaika, the phone rang and Balalaika answered it.

"Ohh, Dutch, yes I got it, that was it! Thank you" (Balalaika)

"Did something happen?"(Boris)

"Yes, I found out what happened, the boy, before being a salaryman, was part of a gang and was the target of the Kanima's revenge, that's why he knew! The nun knew that because she researched him and used him as a threat "(Balalaika)

"I see, his remorse for saying something, he could be used as bait or a bargaining chip! But, why did the nun research him?"(Boris)

"the nun has some connection with the Kanima or was also the target of revenge, so she kept an eye on them and found out about the boy"


"Sister Yolanda, who are these Kanima?"(Eda)

"Girl, you must keep your eyes off some things, I keep my eyes shut from you being the CIA, but, if you put your skinny little American ass on issues that shouldn't be eliminated! Got it?" (Yolanda)

Yolanda's eyes gleamed with mischief and Eda was forced to take a step back with an unpleasant feeling of fear that she didn't know where it came from.

"What are you?" (Eda)

Fear was what was in Eda's voice

"Just an old woman who sold her soul to the devil a long time ago! She's here!" (Yolanda)

"Who?" (Eda)


The older nun pulled her gun and pointed it towards the front of the church, Eda looked and saw a small woman with black hair, walking slowly through the church then Yolanda shot hitting the woman in the head who took a step back crouching, and soon turned He straightened and his eyes slit and glowed yellow.

"What the fuck is this?" (Eda)

"Welcome to hell girl" (Yolanda)

To be continued