
Red Dragon Emperor of Reincarnation (High School DxD)

A Young man dies. He believes it to be the end. Until he awakens somewhere not in this Universe, conversing with a system thought to be from fanfiction. When the system gives him the option to visit and travel among his favorite Anime, game, movie, and TV Universes where will he go? To High School DxD of course!

G3neral_Kenobi4_ · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Kuoh Academy & The Occult Research Club!









"Wake up, or I'll kill you.


Wake up, or I'll cut you up. Wake--

"I'm so tired... I need to turn this stupid shit off." Pressing down on the alarm clock to turn it off, getting out of bed and stretching. I check what time it is.



[Time for your Daily quest!]

*Quest Received*

[Daily Quest - Getting Ready to become Powerful!]

Reward: 500XP [x1 250 [HP] potion] [x1 150 [MP] potion]


After receiving my daily quest, I get up and head into the bathroom so I can take a shower, but when I'm taking off my shirt, I can't help but marvel at a seemingly one day transformation.

'How in the fuck can I go from no muscle and flimsy arms to... to... THIS!'


Coming back from my 10km run I proceeded to go through the rest of the exercises and stopped around 7:10.

[Instant Dungeon: Open!]

Walking through the blue swirling portal I am greeted by the same warm dungeon hub as before. I walk over to the firm wood door and place my hand on it.

Please select the Dungeon Type:

Undead (Lvl. 1 - 20)

Enchanted Forest (Lvl. 20 - 50)





*Quest Received*

[Do it Twice]

Objective: Complete the Tier 2 Dungeon. The Enchanted Forest.

Reward: 12,000 XP [?]


Holding my right hand on the door. I extend my left hand and use I most recent skill.

[Summon: Crimson Soldier]

3 magic circles form on the ground and 3 white and crimson armored soldiers rise out of them. When the magic circle disappears the 3 soldiers drop onto one knee.

"Your Majesty! I live to serve!"

"Your Majesty! I live to serve!"

"Your Majesty! I live to serve!"

"Good. Now rise my soldiers." I say trying to sound cool and regal.

I select the [Undead] dungeon and watch as an orange portal begins to form.

"My soldiers!" I yell.

The knights all shift their attention from the portal onto me.

"I want you to go in there and kill as many things as possible!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" As those words leave their helmets the orange portal finishes forming and they all run into it, with the portal closing behind them.

'Now we'll see how high their level is by the end of the day, but before that I need to take a shower!'

Waking out of the dungeon hub and back into my bedroom. The blue portal closes behind me and I get ready to go take another shower.

Before going to take another shower though. I remembered that I had forgotten something from yesterday's rewards.

Opening my inventory, I quickly find the item that I am looking for.

[Gold Chest]

Reward: [?]

Wanting to rid my body of the sweat and grim that I earned from working out I quickly select it and press 'open'.


[Perk Gained:]

[The Bigger the Oppai, the Better] <Perk>

Info: Increased Affection and Obedience with large-breasted women.



"ISSEI!" I hear my mother screech.

"Oh... Sorry mom!" I yell back. Exiting my inventory after closing the [Perk gained] tab. I grab my Kuoh academy uniform and bolt into the bathroom so I can make it there on time.


Standing outside Kuoh academy I can't help but think that whoever designed this place did an outstanding job. Only to realize that the gates are closed, and the school doesn't open until 8:30.

'What the fuck?!'

'High schools in America start at 7:00 in the morning, what is this bogus!'

Mentally cursing myself for not realizing the change. I try to find ways to pass the time and that's when I remember that not only did Sung-Jin Woo shape up after he got his system, but he also got a haircut.

Going on google maps because surprisingly they're in this universe except their owned by one Ajuka Beelze. I searched for the nearest open hairdresser.

'Totally going to ignore how he just took out 'bub' from his last name.'

Finding one that was 20 minutes away was perfect since it gave me just the right amount of time to get there, get my haircut, and get back to Kuoh academy.


Looking into the mirror after receiving my haircut I can't help but think. I look sharp!

Thanking the lady that did my hair at such an early time in the morning. I begin to make my back to Kuoh academy and low and behold there is one crimson beauty standing right in my path.

Using [Perverts Gaze] as I walk up to her, I'm surprised by her status.

Name: Rias Gremory - Heiress of House Gremory - Crimson-haired ruin princess and Empress of Annihilation

Race: Devil - High Class

Level: 67

HP: 2,500

MP: 10,000

Affection: 10 | Obedience: 0


After walking with Rias for a few minutes and her explaining that she and I are devils and that she was my master, she asked if I was okay.


That left Rias dumbstruck with her mouth slightly open. She quickly regained her composure however and at first, I wasn't sure why, but I figured it out soon enough.

"H-How?!" Exclaimed a few males of Kuoh academy as we walked through the main gate.

"I-Impossible! Not with that guy!" exclaimed a few others.

"That vulgar brute, of all people?!" exclaimed Murayama and a few of the other girls.

"R-Rias onee-sama..!" exclaimed Katase.

'Damn Issei, they really do hate you.'

Upon walking into the main school building Rias turning and looking at me.

"I'll send someone for you later."

"Send someone?" I ask, attempting to sound clueless.

"I will see you again later, after school." She quickly walked away after that without waiting for me to respond.

"Ummm... Okay then."

* --> Bloodlust Detected 1 meters to your left! <-- *

Snapping my head left I watch as Motohama tries to stop the incoming punch that Matsuda is launching directly towards my face.

All I can do is smile. Even if he was an athlete previously this mother fucker has nothing on me.

That's proven right as when the punch lands all it can do is begrudgingly move my face an inch to the right. Compared to Issei in the anime who was launched into a nearby stone column.

"W-What the hell?!" Matsuda exclaims.

Before anyone else can blink I quickly grab his wrist and twist resulting in me almost breaking it, almost, but not quite. I then throw a right jab right where his nose is, making his head fly backwards and him falling on the ground. Now groaning in pain.

-50 Affection and +20 Obedience with Matsuda... Affection: 0 | Obedience: 25

-35 Affection and +20 Obedience with Motohama... Affection: 5 | Obedience: 25

"What the fuck Issei?!" exclaims Motohama.

"I-I think you broke my nose!" Yells a muffled Matsuda as he tries to hold his now bleeding and possibly broken nose.

"Good, that'll teach you not to fuck with me." I say before walking away like a badass.


~ Rias Gremory ~

Walking up the stairs after telling my newest pawn that I would have someone get him after school. I can't help but smile when I think about him and the eight pawn pieces that it took to reincarnate him.

"So, he's the one?" I heard my longtime friend Sona Sitri ask.

Taking me by surprise at her being there, Sona quickly adds.

"Good day, Rias."

"Good day, Sona."

Walking over to the railing she's looking over. I eye my pawn about to be punched by one of his perverted friends.

"It's not like you to make him part of your household so full-tilt." Sona continues while keeping her eyes on my newest pawn and his friends.

"Oh, no?" I question.

"Well, it's kind of like I've gotten a dumb younger bro-"

"What the fuck Issei?!" I hear from down below.

Sona and I both look down to where we see one of Issei's friends on the ground with his hand on his nose that's... bleeding?

"I-I think you broke my nose!" I hear the one holding his nose say.

I turn my head to look at Issei.

"Good, that'll teach you not to fuck with me." Issei says back before abruptly walking off.

I turn my head and look at Sona as she stares wide-eyed at what just happened.

"--Oh, really now?" Sona questions.

"Sona can you not take action against him I'm sure there was a good reason as to why he just did what he did." I ask Sona before she goes full 'President of the Student Council'.

"Rias, he just punched another student and possibly broke his nose." She responds calmly.

"Sona, I still need to introduce him to the rest of my peerage today after school, and I can't do that if he has detention or whatever other punishment you have planned for him." I tell her hoping that she'll listen.

"... Fine. I won't, but if this happens again Rias, there will be consequences."

"Yes! Thank you, Sona!" I thanked her before walking away and to my class.

'Now, who do I send to get him? I think I'll have Kiba do it.' I mentally tell myself before walking into my class and sitting down in my seat next to Akeno.

After telling Akeno what happened I grew worried for Issei as Akeno grew a wild smile and began to mutter things to herself. I couldn't make out much of what she said but one sentence I heard made me grow a red tinge to my cheeks.

"Ara Ara~, I wonder if Issei will treat me like that too~."


~ Issei Hyoudou ~

+8 Affection and +2 Obedience with Akeno Himejima... Affection: 8 | Obedience: 2



Remembering where my class is had proved difficult, but after looking around in my bag and finding a crumbled-up piece of paper with the words 'Class: 2-B' I quickly made my way there.

After sitting down in my seat, I received a notification from the system.


*Quest Received*

[Attend School]

Objective: Attend your first day of school.

Reward: [?]

Seeing Motohama come in without Matsuda and glare at me when we locked eyes.

That brought a smile upon my face.


Thankfully, the class turned out to be very easy for me. Everything taught was about stuff that I had learned in my previous life, at least I think so, so there were no surprises or challenges on my first day.


[Attend School]

Objective: Attend your first day of school.

Reward: [Student] <Perk>

[Perk Gained:]

[Student] <Perk>

Info: All non-combat skills level slightly faster.

I lift my head up when I hear the girls start screaming.

'Here comes Kiba!' I think excitedly.

Finally, school was a fucking bore especially when you know most of, if not everything there is to learn. Also, who the hell wants to re-learn Algebra?!

"Kiba-kun!" "Kiba-kun!" I hear the girls continuously shouting.

The girls begin to crowd around him and I'm about to get up and just walk over to him, but then I thought better of it, so I continued to sit there acting like I didn't know he was there.

"Please, excuse me." Kiba says.

"Go ahead, go ahead." The girls practically squeal around him.

"It's not very tidy, but go ahead." I heard Katase add.

I suppress a scoff at that.

'What the fuck? Who responds with 'It's not very tidy, but go ahead?' I think mentally.

"Hey, hi there." Kiba says while walking over to me.

"Sup, Kiba, how's it going?" I turn my head to look at him and speak.

Surprisingly he rolls with it.

"Pretty good Issei, I'm here on an errand from Rias Gremory. Would you mind coming with me?"

After he says that I push my chair back, grab my bag, stand up and begin to follow him out the door.

"Oh, no! Kiba, walking together with that sleazy Hyoudou!" Murayama says.

A tick mark appears on my forehead, but I press on and ignore it.

"You'll be contaminated, Kiba!" Katase says.

'What the fuck am I, the plague?!' I mentally yell.

"Kiba, I won't have you pairing up with that sleazy Hyoudou! Even if he does look better today!" One of the other girls says.

'Okay, this is getting ridiculous!'

"Damn, shut up already!" I yell before walking out with a smirking and amused Kiba.


Nearing the ORC, I can't help but admire the buildings' unique beauty. At three stories tall, it's been freshly painted a nice white color to stand out against the trees and greenery surrounding it, with a black roof and green vines creeping all the way up to the second story.

Heading inside the building, the style becomes distinctly different. With dark wood floors, and wood-paneled rooms and hallways, all of which lead up to the third floor where the main 'office' is.

The door opens and Kiba and I step inside. There sitting on the couch eating chocolate is the first-year, Koneko Tojo.

"That's Tojo Koneko, a first-year." Kiba says while seeing me look at Koneko.

Koneko turns her head at the sound of Kiba's voice. Kiba then proceeds as he sees Koneko look at me.

"This is Hyoudou Issei."

"Hi, there." I smile and wave.

Koneko nods and then goes back to eating her chocolate.

Turning to my right I see the shower with the busty figure that is seeable through the curtains.

'Holy Shit!'

"President, your clothes are ready." I heard another voice add, which is who I presume to be Akeno.

"Thank you, Akeno." I heard her say.

'I know this was originally to hook Issei in and have him accept becoming a devil, but damn if it isn't working on me too. Not that I was going to reject being a devil or her pawn in the first place.'

"Pervert" I hear to my left.

I turn and look at Koneko and she has another chocolate bar?

'Where the hell did that come from?' I think to myself. Before remembering that she called me a pervert.

'All right looks like I'm going to have my own personal quest! Increase my reputation and make people not think that I am a perverted asshole!'

"Ara~" I turn back to my right where I heard the new voice.

"Ara, Ara~. Ufufufufu..." Recognizing the voice and seeing the busty body of Akeno Himejima coming towards almost made me get a hard on right then and there.

'Calm down you bitch!' I mentally yell at myself.

"You are the new club member, right? Pleased to meet you." Akeno says bowing before standing back up straight, making her breasts bounce.

"I am the vice-president, Himejima Akeno. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." She says with a slight blush adorning her cheeks and giggling.

"Isse-" I stop myself for a second before remembering that last names come first in Japan.

"Hyoudou Issei. The pleasure is mine, truly." I say ending with an almost sultry smile on my lips, which I quickly get rid of after seeing Akeno have one of her own for a second.

+5 Affection and +1 Obedience with Akeno Himejima... Affection: 13 | Obedience: 3

'Hot damn, she is fine!' I think before tearing myself away from my thoughts to focus on the voice of Rias Gremory as she steps out of the shower.

"Thanks for waiting. Sorry about this. I had track today and I just needed to freshen up a little."

'I'd love to see her in a tracksuit, and if the whole Riser situation plays out like it did in the anime, then I'm quite sure I will!' I mentally squeal.

"No, don't worry about it." I say in an attempt to calm myself down before I start stuttering like a fool.

"Okay, all of us are here now. We welcome you into the Occult Research Club." She says after having all of us sit down on the two couches in front of her office desk.

"But the Occult Research Club is just an assumed front. Sort of a hobby of mine really." She continues, and after nodding my head she resumes her speech.

"I'll get right to the point. We are Devils." She said while smiling and looking directly at me.
