
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prologue- Tragedy

"It has been far to long Scylinus, do you remember who I am? I have come to retrieve the fabled blade of the Red Dragon. I have come for your redemption." This man, I know him, yes I remember now! As the haze of this strange place I seem to have drifted into began to clear I saw the demon standing above my wounded father.

"You're here to strike me down Myakou...with my own sword, with the Laison Blade. You have become such a coward that you would kill me while I sit here beneath you injured and unarmed. Always have you been brash but never dishonorable, do you desire the Ancient Syon Blade, The Red Dragon Blade, so much that you'd stoop so low to obtain it? You speak of redemption yet it is you who needs such a thing. What is really going on here, Myakou why are you doing this, who is it that really wants the blade?" My father questioned him without fear.

"Shut up you old fool! Who I work for is of no consequence to you, now tell me all you know of the Red Dragon Blade, or I swear to you by the Dark Lord I shall strike lightning down upon you with the Laison blade you once owned."

This man - Myakou, this dark man, with such a cold chilling voice, steady and calm yet furious and demonic. Perhaps he is a demon that my father once defeated, come back now to take revenge upon our family.

"ANSWER ME MYAKOU! Or I won't reveal to you any knowledge I may have about the blade you seek." Father...why did you have to be so stubborn, what sword could be so powerful you would risk your life for it, I don't understand. "Then your secrets shall die with you and your sons soul shall be released from the veil of darkness," Myakou let a hint of a grin escape his emotionless face, undoubtedly taking pleasure in what he would say next.

"But do not worry, for it will not be long that the rest of this village shall join you in your unholy slumber. In fact, I think I'll head over to your so called wife after I remove this head from such a pathetic excuse for a body, with that Myakou raised father's sword as it began to glow a bright blue almost blinding to my eyes.

"That's enough Myakou, swear by the sword to spare my wife and I will tell you all I know." Myakou stared at my father ready to strike, and then a sly grin formed on his face as he nodded his head in agreement. "All I know is this; "The blade lies dormant in the soul of a fiery child darkened by grief and driven by revenge". Now please take my sword and leave this village forever!"

Though his voice held strong I watched as father sat bleeding beneath Myakou. Painfully looking onward past the dark mist that surrounded him.

Myakou unfettered by the helplessness of a dying man spoke calmly, "I greatly appreciate your bit of information; sadly enough it was not sufficient to saves the lives of the ones you care for and certainly not your own. I will take great pleasure in the spilled blood of this family and will receive pension from the Dark Lord when I bathe this village in crimson blood.

But for now, it is time for you to suffer the wrath of the sword you once honored, as the Seirei." Myakou slashed the great Laison blade down upon my father sending thousands of volts surging through his smoking body ripping it to shreds.

In the end, as Myakou walked away laughing to himself at such a glorious slaughter, I gazed upon the steaming flesh of my father's remains.

My father had been killed.