
Part 8

Grell was bored. He wanted to meet his son's new contractor soon, but he couldn't bend destined too much, or it caused too many fluxed timelines that couldn't be dealt with. He had finished the work at the Burnette mansion, which was easy considering his time with his relatives.

"My Master,"

"Death, what would you like,"

"I heard that you were bored and have found a job that will be fun to do until you meet with Ciel,"


"Yes, Master,"

"Well, on with it,"

"There have been some problems in India 30 years ago with the ancient Gods,"

"And how would this be fun,"

"There is a battle going on between the Goddess Kali and the demon Raktabija that needs to be stopped before they destroy all of India, which will affect the timeline your adopted son is a part of,"

" Now, that would be interesting. I wonder about how a conversation with the two of them would be,"

"Then I'll be sending you there immediately after finding you some appropriate clothing,"

Grell snapped his fingers, and his clothes changed in seconds(Sinbad clothes without excessive jewelry). Grell had his long hair in a braid with gold ringlets holding his hair in place. He was ready to fix the past, so there could save the future of India.

"Well, my Master, once you have completed your goal in the past, just call me to come and get you,"

"Of course, Death, as this is time travel, I'll be back in a Techincal matter of minutes,"

"Then I will see you then,"

Death shot a black beam at his master that could be faintly seen in golden clocks spinning counterclockwise. Grell, his master, had disappeared and would be back soon. Death couldn't wait for the story his Master would tell him.