
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Unexpected Meeting (2)

"Grandma?" I said while looking at the old woman in front of me.

Grandma still looked the same way as i remembered her.

Even though I don't remember much about my childhood but I still couldn't forgot grandma's face.

The way she smiled at me. How she used to spoil me and made all of my favorite dishes.

How can I forget those good moments?

I looked at the old woman in front of me. She was shocked by seeing us and some other feeling was in her face that I don't know how to identify.

The old woman dropped the basket she was carrying because of the shock.

"Anastasia? Is that you?"

I could sense the sadness in her voice. Looks like she was truly surprised by our return.

I couldn't wait any longer. I quickly ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Anastasia? Oh my goodness. Look how big you have you grown up." Grandma said while wiping her tears, her voice was still shaking.

She kissed my forehead and looked at Emily while smiling. "And you must be Emilia. You have grown very well too."

Emily was just looking at her dumbfounded and gave grandma an awkward smile.

Grandma just laughed. "Looks like you don't remember me very well. You were just a baby when we first met. So nice to meet you Emilia"

Grandma gave her hand to Emily for a handshake.

"Don't be too formal with me grandma. You can call me Emily." Emily smiled and said with a sweet tone. "And by the way, I have heard a lot about you from Anastasia."

That's a lie because i never told Emily about my childhood. She is bluffing.

"What a lovely child you are Emily. Just like an angel." grandma giggled.

Like an angel?



What a joke.

A few minutes ago Emily was screaming like a crazy woman and now look at the personality change.

Is this how psychopath gets created?

Grandma should wait and spend some time with her and then she'll find out what type of demon Emily is.

I wanted to laugh when grandma called her angel but I controlled my laughter because I didn't wanted to ruin the emotional happy moment.

"Yeah. Of course. What an angel." I said sarcastically while looking at Emily. But In return, she started giving me death glares.

Even though grandma was happy by seeing us. but her eyes were waiting for someone else.

"Who are you looking for grandma?" I asked her.

"Ohh, No. I just thought that, did you two came here alone through another city? Or did Claudia came with you?" she asked.

I don't know how to reply to that.

Should I tell her that mom just dropped us and told us to stay with grandma for a few days?

But wait! If mom called grandma then she should know that Me and Emily are the only people who are going to come.

So did mom called her or not?

"Grandma did mom called you to inform that we are coming?" I asked grandma but she shook her head in no.

"She didn't call me since she left. Sometimes I tried to contact her but she never picked up the phone. I thought maybe she was busy and would call later but she never did"

The pain in her voice was touching my heart.

A daughter who abandoned her and didn't even contacted her back was a very painful thing to endure in an age like this.

But here she was showing us that everything was fine.

I don't know why mom decided to leave this village. But whatever her reason was. She should have never left her mother alone.

I hugged grandma from behind. "Whatever happens in the past, let it be there only. but I promise you, I am never going to leave you again" I said while kissing her cheek.

"And me too.." Emily came running and hugged grandma.

"You both are sweethearts" grandma laughs.

It was so nice to see grandma laughing. I hope she keeps being happy like that.

"But anyway it's getting late now. Let me take you to our house" Grandma said and started looking towards the closed gate that Emily tried to break before.

"And one thing, Don't ever enter this place, alright?" grandma said with a serious tone.

I looked at the huge gate. It looked very normal. But the gate was broken from the upper part. It felt like someone tried to open it various times with great strength but failed miserably.

So I should stay away from it? because grandma would not say this without any reason.

"But grandma, while I was looking for an exit here. I heard a scream and it sounded like a man's voice with all that anger and rage." Emily said while giving extra information that she didn't told me about.

"It is just a trap to call you in, But never fall for it. This thing inside is very dangerous, so it is better to avoid it. This is the reason why this area was forbidden centuries ago." Grandma said and shrugged.

The old man we met earlier was also talking about some forbidden forest.

Is this the area we are not supposed to go.?

But I don't understand If the thing inside it was so dangerous. Why did they just lock it?

I mean there are high chances of the thing granny is talking about to come out from the door.

I don't know why I was feeling this way. But I wanted to go inside it. It was like, someone was calling me in. It felt like this place waited for me to arrive here from decades.

My curiosity was calling me in. I wanted to know what was inside it. Will grandma tell me about it?

"But grandma... What is inside this gate?" I asked her. "And if someone opened this gate then what will happen?" I waited so she could answer.

"You know Anastasia, Some things are better if they stayed unknown. And about someone opening the gate." She chuckled. "It is impossible. The gate chooses the person by seeing its capabilities and then only they are allowed to enter." She stared at the missing posters. "Sadly some people were unlucky enough to go inside the place. When someone goes insides they never come back again. There is a rumour that they get stuck in a loop."

So this village also has an urban legend?

But most urban legends are fake and even I am feeling that this story grandma is telling might also be fake.

What if someone is tricking the villagers? Maybe they might have spread this rumours so they could do illegal activities here.

There is a possibility. Right?

The scream Emily heard about? Who might it be?

Maybe I'll sneak in here sometime to investigate.

They say that curiosity killed the cat. I hope I don't end up being killed.

Atleast cat have nine lives but what about me? i only have one.

"Woah! Listening to this, I am feeling scared. When I go back home I am going to tell my friends about it. I am sure they have never heard about it." Emily said while gripping her phone tightly and started smiling like a devil.

God knows what weird things go in this child's mind.

"But anyway let's get going. You guys must be tired. We only need 2 minutes to arrive from here"

"Follow me." Grandma said while picking her basket and moving ahead of me.

I took my suitcase and started to follow grandma.

While leaving, I turned around and again stared at the gate.

I am definitely coming here again.


I know what you are thinking. You might be thinking that I acting like a horror movie's protagonist. Right?

Well. You are not wrong but don't be scared. I know when to run and when to fight.

All you have to do is enjoy and watch the drama unfold.

Woah guys, A mysterious forest?

What would you do if you heard about a forbidden forest?





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