
010.3 The Young Apothecaries

My name is Labe. I worked as an apothecary in the Rimia Holy State. Well, more like 'apprentice apothecary'. My teacher found me nine years ago, and decided to adopt me. My parents abandoned me, but to be honest, I am happy with my family in the apothecary guild. We do our best to help people with their diseases, but if we don't do it well, they might die, so it's a big responsability... But seeing the grateful look of a client after some hardwork is the best reward I could ever get. I live in the guild with my grandpa, Glefnim, and the rest of the staff of the guild. I was brought up by Glefnim, and he taught me many secrets of plants, alchemy, how to mix them, and many healing techniques of different elements. Even if I had no friends of my age, I lived happily with my grandpa and the staff. In fact, maybe it's because I didn't have any friends of my age, that I was far more comfortable when talking with adults, and had a behavior unfit for my age (setting aside that I always was taller than most kids my age), and furthermore, after talking and seeing the treatment of many patients, I slowly became able to notice other people emotions, on a rough manner. Even if they wanted to hide it, I still could manage to figure out more or less how they felt.

When I became 10 years old, Grandpa allowed me to help as an assistant to the staff. I had to be very precise in the amount of each material, so in the beginning, I was scolded a few times, but nothing happened to the patients since they always checked if the amount was correct.

And well... If I had to describe how my Grandpa lived, well... He was always in his room, making tests and trying to digure out the cure for certain diseases. I never knew how he checked the results of the experiments, but I never asked.

But one day, something terrible happened, and I was forced to open my eyes to a truth I wished I had never found.