
008: The bird's progress and the prince's work

The girl had been fighting monsters once every month. We let her... digest a little bit the near death experiences. Unlike the other, she wasn't a good fighter, even if she had read more. For some time, we had left the prisioner prince alone, and let him with two workshops. I wanted to see what he created (if he created anything at all). Tonight, he will be put to sleep and we will see how he fared. I only left him some poor materials, and only molds for accessories, but I wanted to see how they were. After some time, we decided to put the bird and the prince together in the same cage. I wonder what will happen...

Both, me and Kuro were surprised. He was progressing too fast. Setting aside the melee skills, that were going rather well, we were pleasantly surprised that he was fast on the uptake of alchemy and forging. The both of us wanted to teache him, but I asked Kuro to allow him to grow by himself a little bit. We need to keep him from depending on us. If we helped him in absolutely everything, he would begin to lose creativity, and further more, he was experimenting. That was definitely something good. His improvement in magic... His dots had become impressive. He had thought of a way of strengthing his dots quite safe, and in theory, it should be possible, and furthermore, he managed to purify all the dots to the 100%. He even added the impurities to other elements after sorting them out... He was becoming skillful. Still, I don't want to tell him about elemental evolution. If he did it, he would stand out too much, and maybe THEY would come. If THEY come, we are screwed. We can only do our best to keep him improving silently...

Dots' "mechanics":

Purity: Increases the effect that the element will cause.

Density: Increases Priority, while it decreases stability (meaning that an explosion will require less force, of impact)

Radius: It increases the range of the absorption, burst and emission(This is a technique that hasn't been mentioned yet in the main story).