
006: Escape | Training | Supervision

Yesterday we left the young master Naoh in a boat that would lead him to the higher dimension. Now I just had to deliver the young miss and run away myself. 2 weeks ago, the Lunar Kingdom fell. The Young Master Azezal was caught by the Blood Empire, and his whereabouts are unknown. He is probably dead. We left the young master Labe in the Rimia Holy State, a country that excels in medicine. He was the first to be 'exported'. A week later, we left the young mistress Ronagma in the Ouma Republic. And then it was the young master Semso who we sent to a Higher plane. Now there is only left the young mistress Delgamane. We are going to stay at the Blood Empire. We believe it is the place that will be less searched. 'Hide in the most obvious place, it's the place that they won't search.' "Stop right now!" I heared the voice of a man, and the horses stopped. "What do you want? If it's mone-" I was pierced by an arrow. To be more exact, my heart was pierced by an arrow. It seems I die here. I hope that young mistress Delgamane won't suffer too much. I would like her to survive, but it is just a wishful thinking, I know it is hardly possible... but if she does... I hope she can live longer than me. It's a pity that I can't accomplish the last wish of her majesty. Who am I? The butler of the Lunar Kingdom. I was pretty old, so death isn't a fear for me. If it hadn't been today, it would have been tomorrow. Young mistress Delgamane and young master Azezal are my only regrets... Goodbye, World.

He improves too fast. Both me and Shiro are surprised. I have to put up hard requirements for him, but even so, he manages to acomplish them. We need to do our best to keep him from becoming prideful, but to be honest, I'm worried that we are putting his standards too high. I am worried, that if he goes to the outside world, he is gonna make a commotion, saying crazy things that we actually told him. To begin with, it is not normal for a kid to begin training so early, not even among nobles. However, we can't worry about that. His future is unknown, and he could even die tomorrow. We must focus on what we have ahead. Soon,he will begin using energies to fight, although I would rather if he used the knife. He hasn't been able to practice too much. If they give him a new weapon, we will make it so that he just practices 4 days, and the 5th day is for training with energies, and the sixth for physical training. Now, a new 'tribulation' awaits. Let's see how he does.

The kid is impressive. Even I, as the emperor, haven't seen or heard of a talent like him. He is dagerous. He kills swiftly, and he has good instincts for battle. More and more, I want to groom him into a killer. War is something for many, not one. It wouldn't be appropriate to use him for that. I want to see how he develops, and how he will impress me further. Now, let's see how he faces his next 'test'.