
004:Soul severing and yet more training

Today we severed his sloth. I had Kuro prepare while I kept talking about the soul severing so that the pain would be just for an instant. Usually, people would have to sever the soul themselves, and either they needed to do it as fast as possible since it would be hard to keep consciousness due to the pain, and if consciousness is lost during the soul severing... You are pretty much screwed. You die. That's why it must be done swiftly.

And about his physical training... Both me and Kuro used the energies inside him to cause more small injuries to his bones, muscles, tendons... and get him to become stronger, since after years of nurturing geniuses, we discovered that physical training caused tiny injuries to the body, and that when these injuries heal, the bone, muscle or whatever it was becomes a little stronger. But after the soul severing, the injuries began closing and healing in the same instant they were made, slowly, but surely. The both of us knew that was regeneration. A very bad regeneration ability and slow, but just like all soul skills, it had talent to become stronger. We needed to keep training it and make sure it becomes a reliable backing for him. And well, about him losing consciousness, it was expected. Erasing sloth doesn't mean erasing the ability to sleep. It just means he doesn't feel the need to, neither he needs to. Well then, it was time to see what happened now.