
002: Denial and acceptance

We finally had waken up.

It had taken some time, but finally we had managed to wake from slumber and "help him". Right now he was in a basement, with the rabbit and him lying around. He was at a corner of the room, bracing himself to not lose control. He had already been around a day without eating anything, and the ones that got him here hadn't brought him any food.

"I am hungry!" "Please bring me food" "Just bring me food, I will do whatever you ask me too!" but no one answered him. If he had been a girl, it might have been different, maybe a guard would come, bring food, and take advantage of 'her'. But he was no girl. The guards probably pitied him, but they wouldn't risk so much for so little. In fact, not so little, nothing. So we had to... how say it... Pressure him a little bit. We had long since guessed their intentions. They wanted the kid to kill the rabbit, and eat it raw. Nasty, but it would train him a little bit agains things like that. The purpose of such a training, we couldn't say for sure, but they probably wanted either a war machine, or a cold blooded assassin. It was good news for us, since he would need to kill later on, to... prepare him a little bit. So we began pressing him on. "Kill the rabbit and eat it" such a simple and short sentence, we repeated it to him endlessly. In normal conditions, no one would agree, but having eaten nothing since a long time was certainly not a normal condition. But he had endured pretty long. 3 days. During the midnight of the third day, he killed the rabbit, opened it, and ate it hole. in fact, he had only left the bones. But as expected, he didn't actually had a pale face while he was doing it, neither he seemed nervous, and although we knew the reason why, it was still shocking to see a nine years old kid doing that. Now we had taken the hardest step, make him kill. After this, the true training would begin.