
Record Of Ragnarok Meeting Buddhas Best Friend

When Ragnarok gets started, Athena wants to fight but also wants to see her best friend again.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Round Three

She was enjoying watching the humans. Buddha touched her hand. "Be happy like this forever," he said. "It's nice seeing this smile on your face," he added. Athena smiles. "I will, friend, I promise," she said. "The child growing inside you is a part of me, but to be honest, I can't wait to see what he or she becomes," he said and bit down on the hard candy. "Kinda wish I could speed this up," he laughed. Athena laughs. "Sorry, but you can't," she said. "I wonder if he or she will be a god," she said. Buddha laughs. "Same, I am wondering that as well," he said. When Hercules fell to Jack the Ripper, Athena held her belly and smiled. Buddha smiles, seeing it. Zeus said something softly. Athena swallows, feeling something; she shakes it off and continues to watch the fights. Buddha yawns and glances at Zeus and touches Athena's stomach, and calms the pride growing in her stomach. Athena smiled and saw Poseidon was next. "daughter, fight me," he said, pointing to Athena. Athena stood up and ran jumps down. Buddha swallows, seeing the family drama. "Just let her be happy," he yelled. "I will kill that thing growing inside you," Poseidon said. Athena looks. "Try it," she said. She pulls out a sword. "You have made a mockery of your family Athena. It's time you get to cut down," Poseidon said. "All I want is to be happy. How hard is that," she said. Buddha knew something was wrong. He felt it. "Athena, don't" he yelled. Buddha was rushing down. Zeus stopped him. "What's wrong, Buddha," he asks. "What did you do," he said. "All she wants is to be a mother, and you will take that from her. What kind of person are you" he said. Zeus laughs. "I am not taking the child from her; I just gifted the child with something," he said. "Bullshit," he said. The fight started, and Athena felt an overpowering Pride to win. Her eyes went red. "Fuck Athena, don't, please remember," Buddha yelled. Athena shook her head and pushed it down and got in a clear head again and fought. It was too late. The pride growing inside her to win, she soon cut down Poseidon she was breathing. Buddha ran down and touched her stomach. His touch weakened her pride, and she claimed it as she looked around. "What happened," she said. "Nothing, come with me," Buddha said, taking her to his room and sitting her down. "Buddha, you okay," she asks. He nods. "You just need to be in peace, is all," he said. She nodded and sat with him.