
Start new game plus?

Gloom thick and ripe in the air bogs my breath to stomach wrenching gasps. Abysmal black, so lush it's seems a dream, greets my fluttering eyes and agonized purples that cannot dilate in time. Stif numb limbs created further delay to perceiving my surroundings. Movement only caused pain as it felt like needles pierce my fingers and toes down to my shin and elbow. There's nothing to do but wait for this terrible sensation to wither by. One haggard breath escapes and condensed to a frosty white. Pins and needles quickly change to uncontrollable shivering as the chill sets in. Below is a stone and metal slab, not even a single cloth but what's on my skin lay under me. Damp and smothering darkness with frosty air..."am I underground?"

Mustering all the strength I had left my body pulls forward clenching some sort of wall that enboxed me. Only when I sat straight and raised my head did it all seem that much more strange.

Breaking the darkness as a oddly familiar sight. Setting just above me in a quiet neon color is the question "Start New Game Plus?"

Mmm sorry I didn't know how to follow up, maybe I'll come back to it if someone ever wants