
When life gives you lemons

Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse, I am faced with having to move and start all over. I couldn't take it anymore. I am not a punching bag for him to take his anger out on. I am not all those horrible names he called me. I am a person, damnit! I have finally had enough. Before I get to far ahead with this story, let me introduce myself. My name is Cora Daniels. I live in a small town just outside of Portland, Oregon. When I say small town I mean small town! Everyone knows your business. Anyway, let's get on with the story. It was the middle of the night in December. I was just getting off work when I was caught in traffic. Got to love a good snow storm right? Not! It took me about 30 more minutes than usual to finally make it home. When I walked in the door I greeted by my drunk husband. "Where the hell have you been?" Austin had asked me. "I was caught in traffic due to the snow storm" I replied. Austin was not your average man. in fact, I wouldn't really say he was a man at all. After I explained to him why I was late getting home, I was attacked. Austin was very controlling and had a drinking problem. He would always use his drunkenness as an excuse to why he hit me. I couldn't tell anyone about what was happening because he was a very manipulative person and the whole town thought he could do no wrong. The one time I finally tried to get help, the own police did not believe me. They really thought I hurt myself as a way to get attention. Anyway, after Austin was done hitting me I made my way to the bathroom to clean up. I look in the mirror and my left eye is already swelling shut, blood is dripping out of my nose and my bottom lip was about 10 times bigger than usual. I finally mustered up the courage to leave Austin and never look back. I wait for him to pass out from all the drinking he had done, pack my bags and get out! I make my way to this tiny little motel and sleep there for the night. The next morning, my mind is flooded with all these thoughts. "What am I going to do?" Where am I going to go?" "I am leaving my job behind, how am I going to live?" I finally gather myself and call my friend Julie. "Julie, Austin has hurt me for the last time. I finally did it, I packed my bags and I left" Julie is my very best friend. We have not seen each other in a couple of years due to how controlling Austin was. "Are you okay? how bad are you hurt?" Julie asks. "I am pretty banged up and don't know what to do right now, I just know I had to get out as quick as I could" I tell Julie. "Come back to Kansas. You can stay with me until we get you established and I am not taking no for an answer" Julie replies. After some careful thought and consideration I finally agree that moving back to Kansas is my best option. I will be far away from Austin and able to start a new life. I grab my bags and load them into my vehicle. Time for me to check out of this motel and hit the road. I get into my car and start driving out of town. I make a promise to myself right then and there, I am leaving this town and never looking back. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I will not let Austin win. I will not go back. I will make the best out of this situation and start over.