
Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Cyril's mind is in a mess. Everyone thought that he was dead. However, the truth is that he survived the catastrophe and wanted to return home as quickly as possible. But just a few days after the news of his death, he already found his lover together with another man! Finally, he realized that the catastrophe he met wasn't an accident, his death was plotted by them to get rid of him! He couldn't take the pain of being betrayed by the woman he loved. He found himself searching on the internet for a way to die. He wanted it to be painless if possible. However, as he was searching, he heard a demon's voice behind him. "I can help you..." The cold voice coming from the depths of hell sends a shiver up his spine. On that night, Cyril made a deal with the Demon. And later on... he will call it the Demon's Curse. *** [ WPC #202 Silver Prize Winner ] *This story is about Cyril who made a deal with an interesting Demon... a demon with a unique method of taking his prey's life. *The pacing is slow at the start but once the MC had a full grasp of the things he can do, the pacing will get better. (: *I do not own the cover art. just found it on google. if it's yours and wants me to remove it, let me know! Discord: xlntz#6223 *** 2 chaps/day starting on dec 1 [ PS: The book wouldn't be a super long series so the premium was a bit early. ]

xlntz · Fantasy
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259 Chs

The Plan

"Ugh… Can you at least let me know how much time do I have exactly?" Cyril asked after realizing that every transaction with this demon requires a payment.

The payment wasn't even through money or some sacrificial rituals that he had seen on TV! It is through his own life force!

"I can answer that, Contractor… You still have 3,345 days or about 9 nine years and 2 months." Xagan, the high-ranking demon, answered with a smile. He doesn't seem to be a scary demon at all.

"Haa~ Just what did I put myself into…" Cyril dropped to the floor as he felt weak talking to this demon.

The average life span of a human is about 120 years. When he met the demon, he was already 32 years old so he only had a remaining 89 years if he didn't get into an accident, which is not impossible.

"Wait, why are you still here? Are you going to wait until my Awakening?" Cyril suddenly asked.

Well, his deal with Xagan is related to his Awakening. So he's thinking that this Demon would somehow help him awaken to a higher rank in the next month.

"No, not really… I will be with you until you die." Xagan answered bluntly.

"Huh?! What else do you want?" Cyril asked in exasperation.

He then felt that his talk with the demon would take quite a long time so he decided to take a glass of water to calm himself.

"I just want you to die… But as I said when we first met, I can't kill you directly… So go ahead have another wish so you can give me more of your life span already… You wanted to die anyway, right?" Xagan explained like he was getting bored.


Cyril finished a glass full of water before replying.

"So it's like that, huh."

After hearing again that Xagan can't kill him, Cyril's mind relaxed.

'I change my mind… I was just too emotional that time. I don't want to die yet, Sir Demon…'

Cyril thought as he recalled the saying about not deciding when in a temporary emotion.

'Haa~ I should've recalled that during that time… but… this is an opportunity as well!'

The young man thought as stared at the Demon.

He can finally look at him without getting scared.

Of course, he couldn't just forget the real appearance of this demon so he was a bit thankful that he chose to appear as a handsome man.

'Well, perhaps I can request him to appear as a beautiful woman instead? Ahh… he would just ask me to pay with my life span…'

Cyril quickly erased this thought as he went silent for a moment. He wanted to think about his current situation.

He returned to the past, he is young again, and hasn't awakened yet…

Aside from that, his fateful encounter with that vile woman would still happen in the next two years!

There are a lot of things that haven't happened yet!

'That's right… I should turn this into an opportunity! Since I returned to the past, perhaps… I can also use my knowledge about the new Arcane Worlds that would appear! the Artifacts, the Magical Beasts, the appearance of the Devils from the Abyss, the method to awaken Divine Artifacts, and the secrets of the Tree of Life! Ahh—'

After remembering the last part, he realized something.

'The Tree of Life?'

Cyril repeated. The fruit from that Tree has the power to extend a person's life span!

'Wait… but that would be discovered on my thirtieth birthday! Ugh! That's twelve years from now and I only have nine years left…'

Cyril calculated the time and he couldn't wait until his 30th birthday.

'I just have to find it quickly! That's right… I can do this!'

The man then took his pen and notebook as he listed the event that will happen in the next few years.

Unfortunately for him, since he Awakened as a lower class, he doesn't have much experience and could only remember a few important things with regards to the Arcane Worlds.

Most of his experience is at the lowest levels.

His only recollection about the high-level one was the one that the hateful woman arranged for him… It is a place filled with mysterious Magical Beasts that even the top rankers were unable to fight at all!

'Perhaps, if I'm not carrying that Artifact, I would've died with them…' Cyril thought as he remembers how the mysterious paper Artifact attached to his shoulder during the time the Arcane World was about to get destroyed.

If he thinks about it carefully, perhaps Xagan had saved his life at that moment.

'Hmph… He just wanted to escape for sure. He's just using me since I'm weak and would probably die soon…'

Cyril mused since he felt that if he's in Xagan's situation, he would also look for a weak person to get himself attached with.

Nevertheless, he continued writing in his notebook as the Demon watches his back.