
Twice challenged

The principal's trust made Chu Yi's heart soar, and as soon as he returned to the classroom, he immediately buried himself in his textbook.He had already skimmed through the textbook yesterday, but he felt uneasy, so he decided to memorize it again.Surprisingly, it took him much less time to recite what he had already memorized.So in just one morning, all the textbooks were revisited by him.

He was confident that he had been able to accurately memorize every textbook at the high school level in his mind.With his eyes closed, he could even flip through the textbooks page by page in his mind.However, simply memorizing the contents of the textbooks was not enough.

There is a surprising rule for the difficulty of the questions:

Difficulty of textbook examples: 1+1=2

Difficulty of usual homework problems: 1024×2046=2095104

Difficulty of the exam paper: 128888 × 65¼ + 2.66³ ÷㏑88 + 0.15% = ??????

In order to cope with the exam, the next step needs to be to work on the questions.He intends to do several meters of thick exercises to find out all the topics he doesn't understand and attack them one by one.

During the lunch break, Chu Yi didn't go home, but bought some snacks by the roadside, ate quickly and went straight to the Xinhua Bookstore in front of the school.The Xinhua bookstore is a magical place where customers can read freely without any restrictions.Every time Chu Yi came here, she saw many people immersed in the sea of books, leaning on the shelves or sitting on the floor, like a silent sculpture.

These people are mostly white whore monsters who only look but don't buy, and Chu Yi often thinks that if so many people only look but don't buy, the bookstore will close sooner or later.However, to this day, Xinhua Bookstore is still standing, and even had the energy to renovate twice, providing a more comfortable reading environment for these white johns.

Today, Chu Yi decides to take a dip in the sea of knowledge.He walked into the bookstore and took the elevator straight to the third floor.Here was a sea of teaching aids, ranging from literacy textbooks for young children to specialized exam books for universities.Particularly notable are the high school problem sets and teaching aids that occupy a large space, and it is these high school problem sets that Chu Yi is targeting.

On the third floor, Chu Yi unexpectedly found three familiar figures: Shucheng, Zhao Yu and Pingping!They were the top three schoolmasters in the whole school!These three school bullies also seemed to have just arrived and were looking for some kind of teaching materials among the bookshelves.School bullies were always attracted to each other, and the top three in the whole school seemed to be very close.However, Chu Yi wasn't familiar with them, so he didn't walk over to greet them, but instead looked for a textbook on his own.

Chu Yi wanted to take a look at the famous exercise book Five Years of College Entrance Exams, Three Years of Simulation.This book was widely circulated among the classroom schoolboys, so he thought the quality of the questions should be good.

However, after wandering around for half a day, Chu Yi was unable to find Five-Year College Entrance Examination Three-Year Simulation, but instead found another exercise book - Six-Year College Entrance Examination Three-Year Simulation.The cover was exactly the same as the one in his memory, only the name was different.

Chu Yi guessed that this should be the result of the system modifying the world.Since the world reset, many things had changed.It was not surprising that the name of the tutorial book was changed.

He picked a book of six-three for math from the shelf, sat in the corner and began to read.

The compilers have categorized and organized these GCE exam questions and mock questions into chapters.The authenticity of the questions is very strong, making it ideal for revision.

Chu Yi began to look at the first question, and after a glance, he had the answer in his mind.

The second and third questions ... he could still give the answer quickly.The high IQ is really too good, all the questions are drastically reduced in difficulty, and there is no need to make a draft or calculate at all.

Chu Yi read one question after another and found that 99% of the questions were very simple, and he could calculate the answers mentally after reading the questions.Therefore, he read very fast, reading a page in a few tens of seconds and turning the page constantly.

After reading for several minutes, he suddenly heard the sound of talking in the distance.

The familiar voices were Shucheng, Zhao Yu and Pingping!The three of them were the top three academics in the entire school!Their voices were small, but Chu Yi's ears were unusually sensitive, just enough to distinguish what they were talking about.

Shucheng: "I'm almost done memorizing my English 4th grade vocabulary the day after tomorrow, so I bought a 6th grade vocabulary book to simply look over it."Zhao Yu: "I bought a collection of full-score essays to go back and memorize."Pingping: "I just bought a book of Physics Olympiad questions, I'll have to go to the Physics Competition after one stage, so I have to hurry up and surprise myself."

Sure enough, a school bully is a school bully, all of them came to buy new materials to study Chu Yi secretly admired.

However, when their conversation turned to Chu Yi, the situation changed.

"That Chu Yi who met the principal with us in the morning, what's going on?I've asked around and found out that this Chu Yi hasn't done well in his exams since he enrolled in the first year of high school, and he's always been at the bottom of his grade in his senior year!"Pingping's voice was filled with disdain, "In the office this morning, he said he was the third from the bottom, I didn't believe him and thought he was joking, after all, the third from the bottom is not qualified to go to the principal's office, but it turned out to be true!"

Chu Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's none of your business whether I did well in the exam or not.Put this mind on study you will not be the third oldest for ten thousand years!

The next voice was Zhao Yu's gentle voice: "I went to ask the teacher and the teacher said that Chu Yi made two super difficult questions in front of the grade director and that the director randomly made the questions on the spot.He said that he had been hiding his strength and intentionally tested at the bottom.So it might be a character similar to the Shaolin Temple's sweeping monks who are actually hidden masters."

Chu Yi in his heart secretly nodded to Zhao Yu's good feeling straight up how beautiful girl people beautiful soul also beautiful ah!

"Che, intentionally scoring less on the test, I've done it too, to sprint for the scholarship for the progress award.But I only scored fifty points less on the exam.And Chu Yi under-scored by a few hundred points, and for three years in a row.As for hiding it to such an extent?It's probably because he was lucky and a blind cat touched a dead rat to make the questions given by the director, it's not a hidden strength at all."

"Maybe he has his own plans?"Zhao Yu said.

"Where are the plans, that kid is definitely just lucky."Pingping concurred.

Chu Yi listened from the side, his brows furrowed and his heart on fire.

Discussing the rights and wrongs of others really shouldn't be done!

Who are you messing with?

Whether it's hidden strength or not, whether it's luck or not, it's none of your business!

Chu Yi sat in the corner, hidden by the bookshelf, the three schoolboys did not see him.They chatted for a few minutes and then got on the elevator to leave.For a moment, Chu Yi wanted to rush out and argue with them.But in the end he chose to sit still, firstly, there is no point in arguing, and secondly, there are two people on the other side of the room, he can't beat them even if they are angry.

In the face of skepticism, the best response is the truth!

The weekly exam in two days was the best proof!As long as he scored more than Shucheng and Pingping, all doubts would dissipate!

Chu Yi's heart was filled with motivation as he lowered his head and carefully studied the topics on Sixth Three.Before the weekly exams, he had to go through all the questions in all the subjects in Sixth Three before he could be sure of surpassing them!Unconsciously, one noon passed, and Chu Yi finished reading the whole Math 6-3 book.

During this time, he encountered about seven or eight questions that he didn't understand, but once he looked at the answers, he immediately understood them.He was sure that if he encountered these questions again, he would be able to answer them without any problem. chu Yi put the book back on the shelf and walked to school with a pat on the back.He planned to borrow a few more books from his classmates in the afternoon to continue studying.

Buy books?No way!He didn't have that much money!The feeling of whoring for nothing was the happiest!

Chu Yi was well liked in the class, so borrowing books was not difficult.Soon, he borrowed a copy of Physics 6-3, and lay down on the table to start reading.His deskmate Shen Meng noticed his efforts and was surprised:

"Zhao ah, what happened to you these two days?Studying so hard?Suddenly enlightened?"

Hearing Shen Meng's mockery, Chu Yi sighed softly.The joy of studying, how can a school slag like you experience it?

"I have a new goal."Chu Yi replied with a firm gaze, "For the weekly exam the day after tomorrow, I'm going to pass Shucheng and become number one in the whole school!"

Shen Meng sniffed and laughed out.

"You're not ugly, but you think quite beautifully."Shen Meng covered her face and laughed, "If you can be number one in the whole school, surely our school has been nuked and you're the only one who skipped class."

Chu Yi blankly glanced at his deskmate, not bothering to argue with him, and continued to immerse himself in the sea of learning.How could the number one spot in the whole school come easily?Shen Meng had underestimated him too much!

Stimulated by his classmates, Chu Yi's energy to study increased.He studied until the end of the evening study hall and went home after school.At this time, he had already completed the six-three exercises in physics, language and chemistry.If all went well, tomorrow he would be able to complete the 6-3 exercises for all subjects.Originally, he had planned to complete the exercises for all subjects today, but he still postponed it for a day.Although the progress was slower, it was good that he was able to finish it before the weekly exam.If this matter was known by other students, I'm afraid that they would all be angry and spit out blood!A book of six-three exercises was dozens of pages thick, and it would take an ordinary student several weeks to complete it.And he was able to finish it in just two days, and still felt that it was slow!

I wish you all a happy new year!

CutyLeocreators' thoughts