
Rebrith in Danmachi

AtemYugi · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The start of a fall of a familia

It has been a few days now since Bell got the quest, and during that time time he was either working or with Koneko, Kuroka, and Kitsune. While Bell was working he heard people talking about how Freya's familia will be going in the dudgeon to tomorrow night to hunt down the 15th floor boss, when Bell heard this he knew that this would be his change to kill them. After work Bell went to the Macross to get everything ready for his fight tomorrow. So they did not know it was him just incase some got away, he made Scorpions' mask to hide his face and eyes. The next day he went to work with the mask and acted like everything was normal. At the end of the day he said goodbye to everyone and took the girls to the ship and then left to the dudgeon.

When he got to there, he saw about 160 people from Freya's femilia ready to go. As they were setting out Bell was right behind them, trying to find the right change to take them out. After about 15 minutes of them walking, they were already on the 9th floor and some lvl 1's where having hard time staying out of the way of the monsters that were on that floor. Seeing this as a time to act Bell ran as quietly as he could and cut the legs of the lvl 1's that where over taken by monsters to make it look like they were killed but them. When Bell cut their legs, the other people heard seaming and looked back to see that 5 of their team were killed and being eating by the monsters, not knowing that they were taking down by a human they thought that the monster got them and decide that on their way back they would pick up what was left of the body's to their family's.

As time went one they did not notice that they were now down to 120 because right in front of them was the boss of floor 15. Know that they had the numbers, the stronger ones were letting the weaker one's be in front so they could tire out the boss and one of them would go in for the kill. As they were watching the lvl 1 and 2's fight, Bell went to work and went to killing the lvl 3's that where their. Bell knew that even though he was a little stronger than them, they were more in numbers so he had to do it one at a time. Looking for the weakest one Bell ran up to him and slit his neck and held his moth so he did not make a sound. He repeated it over 8 time, but when he got to the last one he knew that that would not work so he lifted up his hand and used scorpions spear and aimed right for the head. Right after it hit he looked over at the lvl 1's and 2's and saw that they had just taking down the boss and were laying down trying to breath, seeing this as the time to act he summoned chastiefol and used form four sunflower and used it on the ones that were on the ground. When did one of the people that were on the ground looked up and saw a huge sunflower and was about to get up to fight again but as he was about to it opened up and shot out many beams of light and vaporized everything on the floor but him because he used form eight Pollen Garden.

When the beam was done Bell made chastiefol turn back into a pillow and made it go small and put it back in his pocket. After he did that he walked over to the ash pills and started to kick them all over the place to make it look like them were apart of the dirt. As he was about to start to head back he heard a ding sound in his head

Quest Completed.

Kill all Lvl 3 and below members of Frey's group

100/100 lvl 1

50/50 lvl 2

10 lvl 3

reward: 2 skills from any anime/videogame.

As soon as he got the notation that he was done, he know which skills he wanted. The first on was charm resistance max and Izayoi's Gift. As soon as he chose those two, the info about them was put in his head. Now that he was doing choosing the skills he wanted to started to go back up and out of he dudgeon. When he got out of it, he went out of town and went onto the Macross and went to bed. The next day when Bell came out of his room and was getting ready for work the girls came out of their rooms and were already for work. When they got to the inn, there was soldiers all over the place asking people questions. When they where about to past them and go to the inn to start to work, one of the soldiers stopped them to try and asked them some questions.

When he was about to ask them, his boss came over and told him to go and ask other people. When he was about to ask why, he got yelled at because he was questioning his bosses orders. After he left, the boss looked at them and then started to walk away because he knew that the one of the people in front of him could kill with out them evening knowing how they died. When the boss left, Bell and the girls walked into the inn and saw that everyone was their and they were just sitting down and talking with each other. When they saw Bell Ryuu got up and walked to Bell and looked him in the eye and said

Ryuu: Do you know any thing about what happened last night.

Bell: What are you talking about?

When Ryuu heard his answers, she got hers and left it be, because she knows how Bell is about things and this was one of those times. As she was walking away, Syr walked up to Bell and bent down to his ear and said

Syr: You know that even though Ryuu and I are a couple, I would not mind sharing her with you.

When Bell heard what Syr said, he froze for a bit because he was not excepting her to say that. While Bell was standing there Syr went back to Ryuu and started to do their work. Though out the day Bell would notice that Ryuu was looking at him every now and then and when he looked over to her, her face would become red and she would look away. At the end of the day as Bell and the three girls where about to leave, Ryuu and Syr came up to him and Syr started to talk

Syr: So I talked it over with Ryuu and the three girls that are with you and we all agreed that Syr and I could come and live with you if that is all right.

Bell: That should be fine, just come with us and tomorrow we will get your stuff from the house.

As they were walking, Bell stopped and looked behind him and started to look right at the spot that he was being watched from. As he was looking that way, he started to think to himself. "Looks like I will have to step up my plain to kill her before she makes her move on me or the girls." After standing there for about 5 minutes, Bell started to walk again and got to the spot where they always stand and grabbed Ryuu's and Syr's hand and they teleported away from that spot.

As they got to the main room, Syr and Ryuu started to look around and when they saw that they where no longer in a grass field but in a room that was made of metal and there things that they never saw before and when they where about to say something, Bell spoke up

Bell: Welcome to the Macross.