
Rebrith in Danmachi

AtemYugi · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Reborn and Five years later

It was a dark and stormy night and inside a small house in a small town you could hear screaming because a woman was giving birth. Outside the room you could see two little girls asleep on a chair and a old man walking to and fro. About 10 minutes later the screaming stopped and the doc walked out of the room holding a baby boy with white hair and the baby was sleeping. When the doc came up to the old man he started to talk.

Doc: I am sorry Sir Zeus, but the mother did not make it.

When Zeus heard this he went right to the room that the doc came from and after a few minutes came back and looked at the doc then the little boy and spoke.

Zeus: Does anyone now that I am the father.

Doc: No Sir Zeus only you, the boy mother and me.

Zeus: Good I want to keep it that way until the time is right.

Doc: The mother says, she would like to name him Bell, if that is all right for you.

Zeus: Yes it is, I told her that if it was a boy it would be Bell, and if a girl Liz.

After the naming was done, the doc gave Bell to Zeus said goodbye and left. When the doc left the wind came blowing inside and it woke Bell up, when that happened Zeus got a good look at his eyes. His left eye was red while his right eye yellow. When Zeus saw the yellow eye he was shocked because it showed that he was related to him. So Zeus went to the bag that was by the door and genteelly wrapped it around Bells right eye. When he was done with that, he put Bell with the two girls that were asleep on the chair. After he did that, he went and got a shovel and wrapped Bells mother up and took her outside to bury her. While that was happening Bell was talking with the system in his mind.

Bell: Why did that man wrap this over my eye.

System: To answer host, he did it because of the color of your eye.

Bell: what is wrong with my eye for him to do that.

System: It is the color yellow which only Zeus has.

Bell: Hold on I am the son of Zeus.

System: Yes, here are your stats.

Name Bell

age 0 (17)

race: Demigod (100% sealed){ the idea is not mine, I got it from the story: Empire of Heroes: Fate x Danmachi by Artchine245}

Titles: Son of Zeus (hidden): you are the son of Zeus, weapon lover: you love any weapons.


The Phoenix Force (locked until your 5th birth day)

Hand-to-hand combat master both old and new world

hidden skills locked until you turn 15

When Bell saw his stats he was shocked because of how powerful he could get in the future if he does things the right way. As he was thinking about what he should do next Zeus came back in and looked at Bell and saw that Bell was looking off into space. At that time the girl with Black hair woke up and saw that Zeus was in front of her and saw that he was looking at something, following his gaze, she saw that right next to her was a baby boy with white hair and a red eye while the other one is wrapped up. When she saw the boy next to her and his cuteness she started to hug him and fell back asleep. Feeling being hugged Bell looked to his side and saw a girl with black hair with cat ears and a tail. As he was looking at the tail swing side to side. I felt something move on his other side and looked right at what it was only to fine another girl but she had white hair with cat ears and a tail. Not knowing what to do Bell looked right at the person that was in front of him and started to wonder how far did Zeus really fall, to be hiding here.

5 years later.

There was three kids playing in the front yard of the small house. One was a boy and the other two were girls. While the three of them were playing a person came up to them asking them if they have seen a person that has yellow eyes and looks like and old man. Bell knowing who this person was talking about told him were to find him and started to play with the two girls again. After he walked off, Kuroka ran up to Bell and talkoled him to the ground and started to purr. Koneko seeing this got mad at her sister for doing that and did it as well. Even though Bell was enjoying it he know that it had to stop.

Bell: Koneko, Kuroka, what has Grandpa said about doing this when we are not at home.

Koneko/Kuroka: To not to.

Bell: That is right, so please get off of me so I can get up and ask grandpa who that person was.

After he said that the girls got off of him and they started to walk back to the house. As they were walking they saw the person that wanted to talk to their grandpa running away from their house and right behind him was a lighting bolt flying right at him. Bell knowing this person did something to piss Zeus off, took the girls by the hand and ran to the side as the man ran pass them. When the man got 5 more feet away the lighting bolt hit him but did nothing to him. Bell knowing why decided to walk back home. Right before he got there his head started to hart and he fell do to the ground and was holding his head. Right when this happened Zeus was running up to the three and started to check Bell and saw that there was something trying to lach onto him. Zeus being Zeus tapped Bells forehead and entered his mind space where he saw a Phoenix looking right back at him. Right when Zeus was about to attack it spoke to him.

Phoenix: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Zeus: Why you are taking over my grandson.

Phoenix. I am not, I just want a host to use my powers while I sleep as long as I want. And this is not your Grandson but your son.

Zeus: How do you know that.

Phoenix: Because I was there when he was born.

Zeus: Okay but how did I not notice your power until now.

Phoenix: His body could not bare the power of my when he was born so I sealed it. But thanks to the training you have been given him, he can now take it. Now get out I want to sleep.

Right when the phoenix kicked Zeus out of Bells mind space. Bell was fast asleep. Zeus looked right at the two girl and told them that it was going to be okay and that Bell just needed some sleep and he is going to be okay. When they got back to the house Zeus put Bell down on his bed and left the room but Koneko decide to stay with Bell until he woke up. Zeus said that was fine and left. Kuroka not wanting to lose stay behind as well and sat on the other side of the bed. After a few hours Bell was still not up and it started to worry the girl but right before they were about to go and get their grandpa Bell started to wake up.

When he did both girl pushed him back down and started to cry because of what happened. Zeus hearing the crying walked in and saw that Bell was now up and they girl were crying tears of joy. After the girl claimed down they left Bells room only to see that Zeus was wanting for them, right when they entered the room Zeus said

Zeus: Happy birth day Bell

Koneko/Kuroka: Happy birth day.

After they said that, they had a fun party. After the party Zeus go up and went to the closest and took out a box that looked like it had been in there for year, and walked back over to Bell and handed to to him telling him it was something that was left to him form his mother. When Bell opened the box inside of it was a sword. When Bell pick it up and looked at it more closely he saw that on the blade there was a lighting bolt. While he was looking at the light Bolt he notice that there was some sparks coming out of it. Not realizing what it was he got shocked and dropped the sword chasing Zeus to look at him. When Zeus looked over at Bell he saw that Bell was looking at the sword that was on the floor with sparks coming out of it. Zeus knowing what was going on went over to the sword pick it up and pored his magic into it to claim it down and started to talk with the sword while doing it. After a few minutes Zeus gave the sword back to Bell, who in turn tied to do what Zeus did but failed at it.

After a few more tries of it not working Zeus told them that it was time for bed and everyone but Zeus went to their bedroom. After they left Zeus who was still in the living room started to talk.

Zeus: You can come out now Ryuu Lion

Ryuu: How long have you know I been watching him.

Zeus: 3 years now, I think it started around the time when he got lost and you helped him back and to thank you he hugged you out of the blue. The look on your face was priceless to be honest. So what do you want.

Ryuu: I want to teach him my way of fight, it that is all right with you.

Zeus: so be it you can start to train him when he is seven and it will last for three years and in those last three years he will learn fighting and magic under me. Come back in two years and you can start to train him and the two girl that are always on top of him.

Ryuu: Okay, Sir Zeus, It is good to talk to you again after all of these years.

Zeus: Yes, it is good to talk to you after all of these years as well.