
Rebrith in Danmachi

AtemYugi · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Getting a new weapon and Skill

Bell: The weapon and skill that I want is chastiefol from the seven deadly sins and Gates of Babylon from Fate/night.

After he said those two things a spear appeared in front of him and the info about GoB was in his head. After when he got those two things he turned chastiefol into the pillow form hoped onto it and started to fly around on it. As Bell was flying around on it Zeus walked in and saw it, shocked to see that Bell was flying around on a pillow Zeus called his name. When Bell heard his name being called he looked where it came from and saw his grandpa standing in his door way. Hoping down from it he it turn back into is spear from and was floating behind him and Bell talked to Zeus.

Bell: What is wrong grandpa.

Zeus: What is that thing behind you.

Bell: I think it is called chastiefol.

When Zeus heard what Bell said he was even more shocked because he had heard stores about chastiefol but that is what they were stores. He did not think that it was real but it was right in front of him. After a few seconds, Zeus looked at Bell and told him never tell others about chastiefol because it might start a war. After he said that he told Bell that starting tomorrow he would be training him his fighting style and some of his magic. When Bell heard that he was happy because he would get more was to fight and magic. After dinner Bell went up to Zeus and asked

Bell: Can you tell me about my mom.

Zeus: What do you want to know.

Bell: How strong was she and what quest did she go on.

After Bell said that Zeus started to tell him stories about her and every thing other thing he know about her. But not who she married and who Bell father was. As they were walking Bell hear another sound in his head but left it be because it was only a some quest with the reward of knowing more about his mom. When they got back to the house Bell went back to his room and went to bed. While he was sleeping he entered his mind space and in front of him was a phoenix that was sleeping. Seeing the sleeping phoenix Bell went up to it and tried to lay down on one of its tail feathers but before he could it moved out of the way looked at him and kicked him out. After Bell was out of the mind space the phoenix looked back at the person it was talking to and said.

Phoenix: Is it really alright to do that Felicia.

Felicia: Yes, He is not ready to see me again.

Phoenix: Yay I know but your spot is being taking by those two girls.

Felicia: They can have it for a I care but I get his first time no matter what. Even if I have to rape him.

After she said that, she started to smile but with an evil smile. Seeing this the phoenix turned into it human form and when the cloud disappared you could see a girl in her early 20's with fire red hair and green eyes. { if you want a better pic just look up X-men anime Jean.} She was wearing a green and yellow jumpsuit with an x on the belt. They both started to talk again. Outside Bell woke up and started to look around and saw that he was in his room, getting up Bell hopes on chastiefol and started to float to the bathroom. After he was done in the bathroom Bell went to the back yard because he wanted to try his new skill. So he started to do the chant and behind him opened up a gold portal and you could see weapons of all kind coming out of it. Happy with the relates Bell closed the portal and started to walk back inside but before he could he was tackled to the ground and when he looked at who did it, he could see it was Koneko and see started to throw questions at him.

Koneko: What was that little bro?

Bell: you could say a skill of mine

Koneko: That is so cool, do you thing I could have one as well.

While they were talking they did not notice that Zeus was watching the whole thing, while he was watching he was thinking to himself. " He getting more and more of HER things as time goes on, why is she helping him. Is it because of him being locked up. Is she getting him ready for the time he has to fight him."

The follow morning Zeus came into Bell's room to wake him up to get him ready for the next four years. As they were walking to the backyard Zeus looked behind him and saw that Bell was carrying his sword while chastiefol was floating behind him. When they got to the spot that was were they were going to train, Zeus turned around and told Bell that things that he was going to be learning.

Zeus: Okay the things that I am going to teach you are my own fighting style and my own magic. So which do you want to learn first.

Bell: Magic please.

After Bell told him what he wanted to be thought. He started to teach him all the magic which took him a year. After Bell learned the last spell that Zeus knew, he was shocked about how fast the Bell took to learn his spell. So the next day they jump right into fighting and after about 2 and half years later Bell was final able to use Zeus lighting step. Happy with all that Bell has learned for the last half of the year he let Bell and the girls do what ever they wanted, with him telling Bell stores about heroes and being one him self.

6 months later

While Bell and the girls where reading in the living room their was a knock on the door. Knowing what this was about, Bell got up and answered the door and saw a man in a suit and he told Bell what has happened to his grandfather and gave Bell a box with his name on it. Putting on a fake cry he went and told the girls what happened and they cried as well. The next day Bell opened the box to see what was inside and the thing that was on the inside shocked him because it was Zeus lighting bolt. Not knowing what to do with it Bell was about to close the box when the lighting bolt flew in the air and than went into his body. After it did he heard a ding inside his head. So he said stats


age 14

race: Dimigod (90% sealed/hidden)

Titles: Son of Zeus, Weapon lover


Phoenix force (85% sealed)

Hand-to-hand combat master

One with your weapon: you have master the way of a weapon that you are a weapon if you are faster/stronger than who you are fighting

Zeus's way of fighting

Ryuu's way of fighting

Gates of Babylon

Hidden skills unlocked on your 15 birth day


Zeus's magic


Your mother's sword


As he was looking at his stats the two girls came down with a sad face on, Bell thought of something and turned to them and said

Bell: How about we go and visit big sis Ryuu?

Koneko/Kuroka: Yay big sis Ryuu.

Bell: Okay lets pack our bags and say goodbye to this place for now.

After he said that they all packed their bags and got ready to leave. As they were leaving you could see an old man with a hood on watching as his son and two daughters leave and he had a smile on his face and said

Zeus: Good luck my son, I am sorry to do this put people from the past are starting to catch up to me and I can not put you in danger because of it. Get stronger and I will see you soon.

After he said this he turned around and left in the other direction.