
Rebrith in Danmachi

AtemYugi · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A girl who gets her dream

As Bell was just arriving he was hearing things he did not what to hear. He went up to the front door and knocked. A few minutes after the knock a big man opened the door and when he saw Bell he said

Man: what do you want little boy.

Bell: I am here to buy someone off of you.

After Bell said that the man let him come inside and lead him to the office and told him to set down. After he sat down and fat man with rings and chains all over walked in and sat front of Bell and said.

Fat man: So I was told that you want to buy a slave off of me.

Bell: Yes sir that is right.

When the man header Bell answer he got all happy because it meant that he could get money off of this kid. So he looked at his henchmen and nodded his head and he left a few minutes latter he came back and behind him was 5 males and 5 females right behind him. When they were all inside the room the man was about to start to tell Bell about each of them when they heard

other man: that bitch is knocked out again.

man: Why do we still even have her.

Other man: because the boss paid 250,000 for her, and it would be a huge lose if we kill her.

While they were talking Bell had a small smile on his face because he knew that was the girl he was after. After a few seconds the fat man was about to start to tell Bell about the one that was in the room with them when Bell said.

Bell: Tell me about the one that keeps on being knocked out.

Fat man: Why are you instated in her.

Bell: Maybe, tell me her problem and I might take her.

Fat man. She keeps on falling asleep when she she a naked man, the men are not instantiated in a girl that can not stay away. But why should I sell her to you, I paid 250,000 on her and I don't want to lose any more money that I have.

Bell: How about this I will pay 500,000 for her and another 25,000 for all of the money that you lost because of her.

When the fat man header this he was shocked because of how much Bell was going to pay for her. Seeing this as a change to get reed of a bitch and to make money he looked at Bell and said.

Make it an even 50,000 for the lose and you have a deal.

Bell know what he was doing took out the money that he needed and payed the man. The fat man seeing all of the money looked at the many that brought the others and told him to go get the girl. After a while the man came back with a girl with blond hair and green eyes. When she got there, she was told to stand behind Bell so she did. As she was standing behind Bell, the fat man counted the money and everything was there. When he saw that he got the girls contract and gave it to Bell and it stated that Bell now owned her. The fat man happy that the girl was no longer his problem, was happily counting the money that he got while Bell and the girl were walking out of the door. When they were almost back to the inn, the girl bowed and said

Girl: Thank you for buying me master, I will try and make you happy.

As she said this she had a frown on her face, seeing this Bell took his hand and started moving it to her head. The girl seeing this thought that she was going to be hit and she got ready for it, but it did not come and the next thing she knew she felt something patting her head and heard

Bell: You are safe now, no one is going to hurt you.

Hearing this the girl started to cry, Bell seeing this pulled her to his chest and let her cry. As she was crying Bell hugged her and started to pat her back. After crying for a while she noticed that she was in Bells arms leaning on his chest. As she was about to back away something stop her, it was herself and her mind was telling her that she was going to be alright so she stayed there until she fell asleep. After she fell asleep, Bell picked her up and brought her to his and the girls room and walked in. When he got inside he saw that the girls where shearing a bed and the other was open, setting the girl down he started to walk to the chair but fleet something was holing him. When he looked back he saw that it was the girl. Realizing that he could not move he sat down on the ground and fell asleep.

Half way though the night the girl that Bell bought woke up and saw that she was not in her room, looking around she saw that on the other bed was two girl sleeping. Feeling that her hand was holding something she looked down and saw the person that bought her and everything that happened last night came to her. When she remember what he told her and what she did her face became red, while it was red she looked at Bell and with a red face said to her self.

Girl: My hero, even if you do not love me and just want me to do anything I will do it for now i a yours and only yours.

After she said this his laid back down and fell back sleep, while she was falling back sleep Bells stats changed.

Name: Bell

Age: 14

Race: Dimigod (85% sealed/hidden)

Son of Zeus, Weapons lover


Phoenix force (80% sealed)

Hand-to-hand combat master

One with your weapons

Zeus's way of fighting

Ryuu's way of fighting


Hidden skills unlocked on your 15 birth day

Foxes power: You are surrounded by your magic and it makes you look like a fox. For 15 minutes you have to treats of a fox. Cool down one hour


Zeus magic

Fox fire: You are able to use the fire of the fox one per day.


Your mother's sword


Sealed Holy sword The Last Light: The last hero who used this sword died while they killed the demon king, the hero sealed their sprite in the sword to teach the next hero how to use their power. ( The hero was sealed inside the sword over 5,000 years ago.)

When Bell got the new stats it woke him up because of the new info was going in his head. When he saw that he got new powers he looked at the girl that was sleeping on the bed beside him and realized that that he got it from her. Happy that he got new power, But he fell back asleep because he know that he needed to go to work tomorrow. The next morning when he woke up he saw that he completed a hidden quest and when he saw the rewards, his eyes almost popped out of his head because of it.

Quest Complete:

Save the next queen of the fox-ken from her fate.

Reward: 2 weapons and 1 skill form any anime/game of your choice.

As soon as he got them he stepped outside and left the city so he could choice the weapons and skills that he wanted. When he was outside he went to spot that not that many people could see what he was doing and chose what he wanted. After he chose, a new skill info was in his head.

Sharingan: Can copy techniques of your opponent and can see through illusions

After he got the sharingan he felt pain in his eye that was red and when it was over he looked down in the water that was near him and saw that he had one tome in it. After he was done looking at it he decide on the weapons that he wanted. The first one was Scorpion's Spear from Mortal combat, and the second one was the space ship Macross from Macross/Robotech. After Bell chose those two weapons the kunai appeared on his arm and the ship was above him and he could think what he wanted it to do and it would do it. Thinking that he has be away to long, he starts to walk back to the inn. When he get to the inn and back to his room he hears the girls talking, he knocks on the door and a few seconds later the door opens and he walks in. Seeing that the girls are dressed and ready he tells them that it is the start of the day that they work and it was time to get going. As they were walking, Bell looked at the girl and said

Bell: I am sorry, I did not tell you who I am. My name is Bell and you are?

Girl: Hello Bell, it is nice to meet you. My name is Sanjouno Haruhime.

Bell: It is nice to meet you. We are going to our job, would you like to work with us, and is it alright if I call you Kitsune.

Sanjouno: If it is alright with you, yes I would like to work with you. But please call my Kitsune when we are by ourselves.

When they got to their work place, Bell took Sanjouno by the hand and lead her to the boss of the store. When they got their Bell asked his boss if Sanjouno could work here as well. When the boss asked why, Bell asked Sanjouno to leave the room real quick and told her what he knew about her past and her trauma. When the boss heard it there was different looks on her face but than Bell said something

Bell: Why don't you let it happening. From what I could gather from the little time I was here yesterday. Almost every worker here has a trouble past they want to forget or atone for.

When she heard what he said she was about to kill him when she looked to her side and saw that Ryuu was standing there ready to save Bell if she attacked. Seeing this she just sighed and asked if he could keep it quit about what he knew and Bell nodded his head. After he did that she said that Sanjouno could work here and Bell left. Later after closing, Bell left with the three girls and they were heading out of town.

Meanwhile, after Bell and the girls left their boss was just sitting down going over the events of the day. Remembering the things that happening today, the thing that she found funny was that even though the girl could protect themselves if needed Bell was doing it so they don't kill the person that was trying to cop-a-fell them. She let out a small laugh but after she did the office door opened and in walked an old man with his hood up. Before she could attack him he took of his hood and showed that he was Zeus. Seeing who it was she back down and said

Boss: What do you want old man.

Zeus: Just to talk about Bell.

Boss: How do you know about him.

Zeus: He is my apatite grandson.

After he said that, they both started to have a long talk about Bell. It was about what he was like as a child to what he has done the past few day. As they were talking more, she told him about what Bell did to day. When Zeus heard this he started to laugh because he found it funny that Bell was saving the men that was being rude to the female workers from being killed or hurt bad. As he was laughing the girls walked in and and saw that their boss was talking to an old man and were about to leave when she stopped them and asked

Boss: What do you think of Bell:

Girl 1: Nice to have around

Girl 2: Feels like we have our own little brother that protects us even tough some of us don't need it.

Ryuu: It is fun to work with him.

Syr: It will be fun to mess with him about how he protects us.

Hearing what the girls say, Zeus smiles and gets up and puts on his hood and leaves. After he leaves, the girls start to asked their boss who that was besides Ryuu because she could tell who that was just from looking at his back. While their boss was trying to answer their questions Ryuu and Syr leaves.

While with Bell and the three girls, Koneko was looking at Bells eye because she noticed that there was something different with it but could did not ask because she knew that Bell had a lot of secrets. When they were quit a bit away from town Bell told the ship to beam them up and they all noticed that they were no longer in the grass field but some where different. While they were trying to find out where they were Bell started to walk to the chair in the middle of the room and sat down. Seeing this the girls looked at Bell and saw that it fit him really well and Bell said

Bell: Welcome to the Marcoss. This is now our home and more people will soon be join us.

Kuroka: So by others do you mean, both boys and girls or just girls, so you can make a harem?

Bell: We will what and see.

When he said this Sanjouno looked down and said in a small voice " am I going to be in the harem?" When she said this Koneko looked at her because she heard what she said and she just smiled because she knew that Bell only saved her so he could do just that. The next day while everyone was still asleep, Sanjouno woke up and saw that she was in Bell's bed hugging to his arm. When she saw this her face went red because she did not even remember how she got here. Looking around she looked back at Bell and saw that Kuroka and Koneko was also in the bell laying on top of him or hugging his other arm. Seeing this memorys about last night came to here and her face became redder.

Last night with the three girls. Bell had just gone to bed after soon everyone where their rooms where and went to his to sleep. Sanjouno coming out of the shower saw that Koneko and Kuroka was whatting for her. Seeing this she was about to turn around and go back in the shower room when she was grabbed by the arms and was being taking to Bells room. She was trying to get out of their hold but could not, while she was doing that Koneko started to talk.

Koneko: Why are you trying to get away.

Kuroka: Yay, we all know that you started to have feeling for Bell after he saved you, nya.

Hearing this Sanjouno stopped trying to get away and her face went red because she know that they were right. Bell saved her and gave her a new life, she just wanted to give herself to him but she did not know if he would take someone like her. When they got to Bell's room, Koneko ran to his bed and lade on his chest and Kuroka went to his side and took his arm. Seeing the two do that Sanjouno slowly went to his free side and lade down next to it, and went to sleep.

After she was done remembering what happened she got up and ran out of the room. A few minutes later the other three soon followed and saw that Sanjouno was beside the chair that Bell was sitting in yesterday. Bell went and sit down and said

Bell: So who is ready for work today.