
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Sewers

Sora through all of his attention in training worked out at least 3 hours a day, trained his mental state for at least 3 hours, and did Stretches experiences for at least 3 hours. adding this to a strict diet, and many pills which helped enhance a person's mental and physical capability, Sora's strength reached a notable improvement,

In his past life, Sora was capable of easily bench-press 1,000 lbs. In this life, even before putting all his attention into working out, he was capable of doing that but better, although it dropped over time since he was not working out as much

with such strength back then, it put Sora at around level 6. back then Sora realized it was faster for him to work out than it was to cultivate, putting his body through hell and having it grow stronger even allowed him to keep out with the other's talents and even surpass them.

So, now Sora was going all out. he was sure he only needed a month to regain that strength thanks to the many things he shall be taking in to maximize his workout.

As for his parents, they found out what happened to Lin. His mother was enraged but couldn't do anything due to the background behind it, his father on the other hand ignored the matter, so long as he was not hurt what was the big deal?

but as days went by and Sora spent more and more time to himself and buying all types of stuff to help in his training, his mother grew uneasy. She tried to talk to him, but Sora never had much to say, the air about him remained cold and distant, so she tried to get him a new pet, which Sora didn't want.

So, she tried putting him into therapy, to which Sora dodged completely. in the end, she gave him space, so long as he was not drinking or throwing himself into harmful acts, she would give him some space for time.

'45 minutes seems to be my limit.' Sora thought while sitting at the bottom of a swinging pull with his legs crossed. he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the watch on his arm, which read 44 minutes and 54 seconds.

'thats impressive, in my past life I could only do it for 21 minutes and 2 seconds, but thanks to the drugs I was taking I could never go higher.' Sora thought as he stood up, kicked the ground, and shot up to the surface of the water, where he went on to take a deep breath,

Sora climbed out of the swimming pool and went on to look at the body he spent the past 6 months of hard work to get. Sora's muscles were rock hard, they were so dense and bulky to the point they were stronger than most metals. even those enhanced with Qi. The defensive power behind such muscles would reach a new height once Sora bulks up.

All this was thanks to a unique oil that Sora bought, that oil helped strengthen his muscles, at the cost of him feeling unimaginable pain on the spot the oil was placed. normally it was used for torture, but Sora used it along with his workout to bring out its full potential, allowing him to train his body to the point it was not only physically powerful, but also fast, and durable,

Sora was not working out to get a body of power, but a body of speed, strength, durability, and stamina. Picture the image of GigaChad, which was pretty much Sora's physique, but with nobody fats.

there was little to no body fat anywhere on his body, even his face, as Sora even faced his facial muscles.

Standing at 6'9, Sora was extremely powerful, capable of branch pressing 10 tons easily for his daily workout. his strength easily matches level 16, which was just a huge jump in power in a short 6 months,

Now, Sora could match those of his age group, as those in his age group were at level 13 to level 20. one could see just how far behind Sora was, to only be at level 4, sure if Sora put in more work he would be at level 5, but would that be a huge difference?

Sora was sure he was stronger than most people his age, he had mastered all forms of martial arts and was capable of using all forms of weapons, from a gun down to a pencil to kill more than 3 men.

but he was not all about fighting, these 6 months were not simply forced on his body. Sora only needed 2 hours' worth of sleep to get the full 8 hours one would need. Sora could go 7 days without speed, a full 7 days without the need for water, and even longer without food.

this world Qi seemed to have had some effect on his body, allowing him to go beyond the human limits. there were his senses, his nose was as sharp as a bear, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk, his ears were as sharp as a bat, his sense of touch could feel the slightest of vibration, and his sense of taste was capable of breaking down anything he tastes.

this was the power of his mastery over his body, it allowed him to maximize his body capability, and even control things like when he needs to go to the bathroom, his body smell, and even things like how his hair grew.

Sora mastered his mind, meaning that he pretty much told his body what to do. not his brain, this meant that Sora's mind can't easily be tricked, Sora only needs to think about it and his body should be able to do what he wished just the way he pictured it. with mastery of his mind, it allowed Sora to have mastery of his dreams, easily recall stuff, and so on.

Stuff like entering a room and forgetting why he went in would not happen to Sora, stuff like flinching, and so many other things would not happen to Sora, for he is in control.

In the past, it took Sora 10 years to reach this level of mastery of his body and mind, training with monks, martial arts, and many others around the world was something he did. From the age of 12, Sora finished his training at the age of 22. Sora would admit, he was never talented, but he was smart, capable of catching on to things quicker than others. it was even more so after his training.

Sora went on to take a shower and upon getting out, once he dried himself and got dressed, he went on to go sit before a screen he had personally set up. upon sitting down, a screen keyboard formed in front of him, which he began tapping.

"Alaxdner Raion..." Sora said softly as an image of a young man around the same age as himself popped up, this was one of the people who held him back that day. he was a young master of the Raison family household, a powerful family which stood on equal ground to his family.

Sora spent 9 hours training, the remaining hour he spent researching his enemies, and Alaxdner would be the easiest target to get. he was the oldest sibling within his family, and only have 1 younger sister who was currently 15 years old. the two were extremely close, being the best of friends.

Sora had hacked into Alaxdner's phone to see the text messages which went back and forth between the two, and it was clear Alaxdner was sis con, he was overprotective of his sister and would drop anything he is doing to rush to his side.

the reason behind this was because of his sister's birth which lead to the death of their mother, their father blamed her, causing her to grow up blaming herself. but Alaxdner stepped up and shielded her. Sora guessed it was because she looked a lot like her mother, leading Alaxdner to see his mother within her.

As for how Sora could hack into his phone, it wasn't really hard to do or anything like that, be it in this life or the last life, Sora mastered hacking. although in his past life, he only learned to hack to cheat games,

"my lady is something wrong?" a young woman in a back suit asked seeing her young master suddenly stopped while looking at her phone. She was her bodyguard, a level 30 expert,

"yes... my big brother needs me to meet him, I will be back later." She said with a sweet smile, making the guard frown slightly. She knew how close the brother and sister were, and liked to spend time together without anyone bothering them, this was the same with many young masters who liked to dodge their guards to have some alone time. after all, who liked someone being your shadow and reporting everything you do?

The guard sighed helplessly before giving her a watch, that watch would allow her to see where she was at all times, and allow her to stay within one mile of her. this way she could quickly move to be by her young master's side if anything were to happen, this was the most she could do. one mile was nothing to her,

"Thanks, Linda," The young master said with a bright smile while putting the watch on, she was a beautiful young man with young brown hair, she had a beautiful dress, which waved in the wind with her movement.

Linda nodded slightly at her before disappearing, watching from afar to make sure everything was good. she too had a unique relationship with her young master, seeing her as a little sister, and even a close friend.

She couldn't help but smile seeing how her young master was rushing to her car with a huge smile, unable to tell her big brother of the many things she did when he was away. every few months her brother would go away to school and would come back, her brother came back yesterday but she didn't get the chance to see him.

"Lady Lisa, be careful." a man on the street said with a smile seeing her running down the street. Lisa was famous and well-loved by many who lived around the mansion, she was a sweet little angel who used her own money to help others, mostly those abandoned by their family or who lost them,

She was loved by many, and many people considered her their biggest fan, the perfect example of what a celebrity should be.

Lisa waved at everyone, she knew some of them, and some of the people helped her know where the best places to eat in this city were, as she was used to those rich people's places, but she got to know that just because of a place was expensive didn't mean it had the best food,

Soon, she arrived at a place where plays were normally held, this is where she and her elder brother liked to meet and watch over a good play. She looked around and quickly saw her brother was at an ally, seemly talking to someone.

confused, she slowly got closer, wanting to listen in, but her brother suddenly moved, turning the corner into the alleyway while laughing, hearing that laugh, she was sure it was her elder brother, but now she was more curious as to who can get her elder brother to laugh like that, so she got closer.

"what is she doing." on top of a tall building, Linda was looking at Lisa through a pair of binoculars. She frowned as couldn't see what Lisa was seeing. but seeing as Lisa was about to get outside her field of sight, she moved so Lisa can still be within her sight. but there the alleyway was too tight, making it so she couldn't see her.

feeling uneasy, she disappeared and almost instantly appeared on the roof above the alleyway, but to her horror, Lisa was nowhere to be seen. only a cardboard image of Lisa's elder brother remained. The cardboard was not simple, as it had moving parts,

She looked around trying to find where Lisa could have escaped to, and quickly she noticed an opened window. which had a string coming out of it, which pulled the cardboard. once someone pulled that string, the cardboard would move, causing the legs to start moving as if someone was moving the thing. it of course didn't look natural, but just enough to trick someone who wasn't paying close attention to such details.

She quickly entered the window while pulling out a phone which showed the location of Lisa's watch, she tapped a button, and instantly a hologram of an arrow appeared, pointing down. she was stood, but she stepped to the side and destroyed the floor, causing to drop to the second floor, but the arrow kept pointing down, forcing her to keep destroying floors until she reached the sewers,

She looked at saw that in the water, the watch she gave to Lisa was dropped, she picked it up, confused as to how someone was able to remove the watch as only she had the key to do so. she looked around with a heavy heart, there was to paths one could have taken, behind her or in front of her,

she looked up and saw that there was an entranceway to enter the sewers, but how did she not see it from above? jumping up, she climbed up and opened the sewers sentences and found a blanket covering the entrances. the blanket blended in with it surrounding it, making it almost impossible to see the entrances,

She quickly contacted for backup before dropping down in the sewers, Whoever ever took Lisa had planned things through, and knew what they were doing. She quickly marked the walls of the sewers, showing others which way she left towards, and disappeared...