
Reborn With The Author System

Xavier was your average orphan whose fate took a twist after encountering a strange crystal that fell from the sky. [ Author Class Selected ] [ Author exclusive skills: Character hack, Character control, Reality change have been added ] Xavier unexpectedly obtained a system and awakened an abnormal class, one that gods and devils envied. [ Level 5 character, President of Red Country hacked ] [ Character now under your control ] [ Level 5 character, War General Luo Feng hacked successfully... ] Using this power, Xavier amassed so much wealth that he became bored. "Having such a powerful system in a world like Earth with these weak characters is becoming too boring," he thought. With this thought, he initiated an exchange with the system creators. Asking for a chance to be reborn in a better world where he could use his system with no restriction. Luckily, his request was accepted and he was reborn. Now in a world with supernatural beings and magic, Xavier set out to explore his Author class to the fullest. ..... "The world is a script written by God. Every character has its own story interwoven in the grand script. But I, Xavier, can hack into this script and edit any character, event, or even the whole world to my satisfaction," ~ Xavier

Sage_X · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Xavier [ VI ]

"Stand back," The loud voice of the huge guard warned Xavier.

Seeing this reaction, Xavier decided not to push the matter further and kept quiet. Once his system is back online, he would be able to know his fate. 

But still, he wondered what might have happened to the previous owner of this body, why and how was he locked up? Who are these people and what were they trying to do to him, and also who this mistress person is. 

Xavier also wondered why he hadn't received the memories of the previous owner yet. Most reincarnators receive the memory of their body's previous owner the moment they gain consciousness but this was different, why? 

"Here he is," 

The voice of the slim guard arriving quickly woke Xavier from his thoughts. He looked at the entrance and was greeted with the appearance of a lady. 

The lady has shoulder-length black hair and was dressed in a long flowing black cloak that covered her entire body, and on her head, there was a crooked hat, reminding Xavier of witches from fairy tales. 

Her face was beautiful, she could easily win a modeling job on earth, but she wasn't as beautiful as top models on earth. 

Xavier observed her for a while, he wondered if she was a witch or she was simply cosplaying as one. However when his eyes met hers, he couldn't help but shiver and take two steps backward in fright. 

Her eyes were blood red with a dark eyeball that observed Xavier keenly, the eyes looked lifeless and also appeared to be alive at the same time, it was quite a scary and unexpected sight. 

But this confused Xavier because when he first saw her, he didn't notice anything wrong with her eye. 

'Perhaps, i failed to notice but this is scary,' he thought. 

"Strange, all subjects shouldn't be awake till at least 3 months and this one has barely been asleep for a week," The lady muttered inaudibly as she sized up Xavier. 

The slim guard standing beside her, heard her words and quickly replied, "Not only that, my lady, this one is also able to communicate and he sounds as sane as an average person. I'm sorry I forgot to inform you earlier, Lady Carla" he reported. 

"He can speak?" Lady Carla asked without taking her eyes off Xavier, there was a slight frown on her face this time when she spoke. 

"Yes, ma'am." The guard answered immediately, he was worried that she might punish him for not informing her earlier when he came to report the matter. 

Carla observed Xavier, judging from his gaze, she could tell that he is actually sane but she needed to confirm for herself if he could really speak and how sane he actually is. 

"You, tell me your name," she asked. 

"Me?" Xavier pointed at himself and asked. While he still found those eyes strange, he couldn't endanger his life by annoying her. 

'He can really speak? This is confusing, could the mistress's experiment be considered a failure or a success with a subject waking up three months early and with sanity intact?' Carla thought to herself. 

'I need to confirm this myself as soon as possible,' She made up her mind. 

Carla turned to the two guards, "Both of you, bind him up and bring him with me. I have to run some test on him to confirm something before making a final report to the mistress," 

Hearing her calling mistress, Xavier came to a realization that she is not the mistress they spoke about. He recalled that when the huge guard asked the slim guard to call the mistress earlier, he also mentioned her assistants so he figured out this lady is the mistress's assistant. 

'So I am just an experiment subject to these people,' Xavier noted down inwardly, he still couldn't decide what world this is but there is a suspicion in his mind that his world actually has magic. That eyes changed just now couldn't just be a mistake.

"As you command, my lady."

The two guards bowed slightly before strapping their swords back on their waist and moving on with the order. The huge one brought out a black cuff-like object and placed it over Xavier's hands. 

Xavier felt slight itchy pain from the handcuff but he did not bother to complain. 

"Move," The slim guard prompted, pushing Xavier to follow behind Carla who started walking away. 

Xavier obeyed and began to move his feet. 

He was brought out of the room and greeted with a long passage lined with up to twenty doors on each side. The only source of light in this place were torches placed on the side of each door. 

Nevertheless, before Xavier could fully observe this place, Carla instructed the guards to blindfold him.

Xavier couldn't resist as the slim guard placed a dirty cloth bag over his head, completely hindering his vision. Then, the same guard pushed him from behind and asked him to keep moving. 

Xavier was confused, he didn't understand why they blocked his vision. Nevertheless, he did not panic; instead, he focused on using his sense of hearing for observation. 

Apart from the footsteps of Carla and the two guards, there was no other sound coming from the passage, but Xavier suspected that he wasn't the only person trapped in this place. The others might still be under the effect of the experiment conducted on them. 

Xavier hadn't grasped his situation completely yet, but based on the treatments so far he could tell that this place is definitely not meant for him.