
Reborn With The Author System

Xavier was your average orphan whose fate took a twist after encountering a strange crystal that fell from the sky. [ Author Class Selected ] [ Author exclusive skills: Character hack, Character control, Reality change have been added ] Xavier unexpectedly obtained a system and awakened an abnormal class, one that gods and devils envied. [ Level 5 character, President of Red Country hacked ] [ Character now under your control ] [ Level 5 character, War General Luo Feng hacked successfully... ] Using this power, Xavier amassed so much wealth that he became bored. "Having such a powerful system in a world like Earth with these weak characters is becoming too boring," he thought. With this thought, he initiated an exchange with the system creators. Asking for a chance to be reborn in a better world where he could use his system with no restriction. Luckily, his request was accepted and he was reborn. Now in a world with supernatural beings and magic, Xavier set out to explore his Author class to the fullest. ..... "The world is a script written by God. Every character has its own story interwoven in the grand script. But I, Xavier, can hack into this script and edit any character, event, or even the whole world to my satisfaction," ~ Xavier

Sage_X · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Xavier [ IX ]

While Xavier's body got swallowed by pain, his soul drifted into a different dimension. 

"Where is this?" He wondered, looking around him with puzzlement etched on his face. 

The space around him was as dark as a moonless night, it stretches wide and seems to have no end. 

While he gazed around this dark dimension, suddenly, a hologram with unfamiliar scenes began to float around him.

The video on the hologram featured a young man whom Xavier seems to be familiar with, even though he hasn't seen him before. He felt a connection with this young man in a strange way.

In the first scene, the young man could be seen with his parents, playing, enjoying his teenage life under the love and guidance of his parents. 

And then suddenly, several cloaked figures attacked and slaughtered the parents using supernatural powers. The mysterious figure dragged the young man away. 

After this came the scene of the young man getting dragged away, along with other young men his age into a facility hidden deep inside a mysterious forest. 

The last scene shows the young man, a bit more mature than before, getting injected with a strange substance, which caused him to fall into a long, deep sleep. He was then carried into a room by two guards. 

"I know those two," Xavier muttered when he saw the guards. They were none other than the thin guard and huge guard he had interacted with. 

With the strange connection he felt and the familiarity with the guards, Xavier realized the scenes on the hologram were no other than memories of the body he is inhabiting.

Although Xavier already suspected that this body was some kind of slave, he did not expect that the owner of this facility would do such an evil act to take him from his parents. It was totally unacceptable. 

Apart from the fragments of memories he received, which made him more aware of himself and his current situation, he also made a new discovery.

Mysterious powers, diabolical experiments, a magical forest and a hidden MISTRESS—all of these lead to one conclusion: Xavier is in a fantasy world. 

Joy greater than any he has ever felt appeared in his heart. 

Xavier wasn't certain about this world in the beginning; at first he thought he had reincarnated on earth, but in the past, where history was being written. 

Later when he learnt about the experiment and a mysterious mistress, he suspected that he was also in the past, but an era where scientists prevailed with their intellects and inventions. 

While Xavier smiled happily in this dimension, suddenly, pain coursed through his body and sent him back to reality. 

Now in reality, the pain in his body has decreased to a bearable level. 

The black smoke spewing out from his body earlier has disappeared. Though Xavier didn't even know about it since he was unconscious during the process. 

His body was healing slowly. 

While his senses were returning to normal, the familiar voice and floating text of his system appeared. 

[ DING! ] 

[ Download completed ] 

[ System Online ] 

"Open Character Status," he commanded without hesitating. 


HOST: Xavier Ashcroft

CLASS: Author 

—SKILLS: Character hack (E) Character control (E) Reality change (FF) 

SUB-CLASS: Warlock

—BLOODLINES: Nefarious Beast Lord (S) 

—SKILLS: (LOCKED: Level 5 Mental Strength Required to unlock bloodline skills)







* * * * * 

While Xavier reunited with his system, Carla arrived in front of a large door. Guarded by two fierce looking guards who gave off a dangerous aura. 

They were dressed in black armor and their faces were covered in masks which only revealed their glowing red eyes. One could see slight unnatural twitches in them as they gazed at Carla. 

Meanwhile Carla was breathing really fast, trying to catch her breath after running a long distance from the cave down here. 

She looked up. 

"Is Mistress Liana indoor?" She asked. 

The guard on the right nodded his head. 

"I need to see the mistress immediately, I have to inform her about this before it's too late," she reported, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. 

"Hmm?" The guards hummed questioningly, as though asking for specific details. 

"The specimens, one of them has exuded a dark soul!" She revealed. 

After she said that, the eyes of the guards twitches uncontrollably, displaying their shocks. 

After processing her reports, they proceeded to open the large door. Their actions lifeless and lacking a natural flow, they behaved like robots more than humans. 


The large door opened, revealing a sacred place. 

It was a large hall, unlike any other hall; a large tree could be seen growing in the middle of the hall, with elongated roots that spread across the room. On its branches, several silvery fruits shaped like apples could be seen, hanging. 

Beneath this mysterious tree, a stunningly beautiful lady could be seen, exuding an authoritative aura that forced Carla to her knees.