
Reborn with some cheats in Pirates of the Caribbean

You know how it goes, guy dies, meets a ROB, gets some cheats and goes to another world. Dante Dark woke up in a black room and couldn't see anything until he looked around and saw a table, two chairs, and a swinging light that blinked every so often. "Yea, that's not at ALL creepy."

RJTStories · Movies
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6 Chs

Ch. 1 The End And The Beginning

AN: [This is just a random story I thought of that I may not continue, but if y'all like it, I may write more chapters]

Dante Dark was just your everyday 25 year old, he spent most of his free time playing video games, going out with friends drinking, and reading. He didn't do anything worth writing about and at the moment he is very confused.

"Ugh, where the hell am I? Why can't I see anything? Last thing I remember is I was over at Mike's and we had been drinking for his little bro's 21st. I know I drank a lot but I don't think I drank enough to wake up in a random place. Huh, now that I think about it, aside from the little bit of pain in my head when I first woke up, I don't feel any pain, nor am I hungover."

Dante then finally looked around and he realized that the reason he couldn't see anything was because he was in an almost completely dark place, but when he turned around he saw light in the distance. He felt some sort of pull from deep inside himself that told him to head toward the light, and not in an accepting death kind of way, but as a heading to a warm safe place. As Dante slowly moved closer and closer to the light he finally got to see a little of his surroundings.

Dante saw a table, two chairs, and a swinging light that blinked repeatedly.

"Yea, that's not at ALL creepy. Why does this seem like the same scene of every horror movie ever?"

Dante decided to ignore all the creepy feelings that the scene in front was giving him and just sat down on one of the chairs.


"Whoa, random sounds now. Yep, this is definitely giving me horror movie vibes."

Just then the room slowly brightened so as to allow Dante to adjust to the light and he was now face to face with some ROB.

<I apologize for the scene just then, I didn't expect to see anyone here in area I created>

Dante looked at this figure that was very imposing. he was tall, most likely nearing 200 feet, he had on an armored white cloak with runic symbols throughout it's length, and bright white wisps of what could possibly be wings flickering behind him. The cloak didn't do much to hide his muscular build, and the cloak had a hood that went over his head. There was a sort of shadow that fell down over where his face would have been that kept his face hidden in darkness.

<This place is something I created originally to symbolize a person's nightmares and apparently the most recent nightmare was one of corny yet creepy horror movies>

"Oh I see, like a manifestation of their thoughts?"

<Exactly right young man, Now on to business, how is it that you came to this place as I did not bring you here and most souls of the dead do not pass through my domain and go through the domain of the Goddess of Karma and Reincarnation>

"Huh, so I guess I'm dead. Well I suppose it had to happen sometime. As for how I arrived here, I have no idea. One second I was just Downing shots of tequila after a long night of drinking, and the next, I was in this almost completely black space and then had a feeling that I just followed and that eventually led me to this area."

<You seem to be handling your death well>

"Well I am very sad that I didn't get to say good-bye to my family, nor did I ever get the chance to start a family of my own. But what kind of adult would I be if I didn't wish to just be done with the drama of adulting and just chill ya know?"

<You are not wrong in your assumption that most adults, especially nowadays, have a tough time being a fully functioning adult and they want to 'just chill' as you say, but that is beside the point. Since you have no idea how you arrived in my domain, and you never passed through the Goddesses domain. I shall pass the judgement and send you to where I believe you should go.>

"Sounds good. It's not like I have anything better to do anymore."

<Fair enough. I see you have very little negative Karma, but not a lot of positive Karma either. You seem to be an existence that sits firmly in the middle of the scale>

If that didn't perfectly sum up Dante's entire life, I don't know what would. He had always been in the middle, neutral, noncommittal. He never did any abnormally crazy acts that had a drastic positive impact on the world, but he also didn't have anything drastic on the opposite end of the spectrum. He was never very attractive, but neither was he ugly. In short, he was average in every sense of the word.

<Very well, I will just choose a random world from your recent memories of the last month and give you a cheat or two and send you to that world.>

"Wait, do you mean like even fantasy worlds?"


Dante asked this because he had many different memories of a fantasy and super-hero like genre recently. In the last month he had done a few things. He watched the new Spiderverse movie, replayed Jedi:Survivor and Modern Warfare, and even rewatched all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies to satisfy a random idea he had of the movies stuck in his head.

<Alright, I have selected the world to send you to, now all that is left is to choose your cheat or cheats>

"Before I choose the cheat, can I know what world you selected? Also what did you mean by 'cheat or cheats?"

<Certainly. I selected the Pirates of the Caribbean world. As for my meaning, the number of cheats would depend on how powerful the individual cheat is. If it is a cheat that would disrupt the reality of the world I selected like choosing the powers of superman, then it would not be allowed. Or something that wasn't that crazy, but still close to world breaking you'd be limited to only that cheat with no other bonuses including choosing anything about yourself. I would have to limit you to cheats that could be seamlessly incorporated into the world>

"Okay I get it now. I will now choose my cheats."