
Reborn with power

You are to be introduced to Eli Han a character that many would label as a lost cause. He enjoys sleep more than anything and prefers silence to the constant yapping of people. He is a guy that prefers to be lazy than active, will always take the shortest route if the other wasn't interesting enough. This all changes with his death however and now must get accustomed to a new world, new dangers and gifted power.

Ivan_Jefferson · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The legend in motion

The Elven Queen could now move onto the topic she wanted to address. Now that everyone, that was anyone, was present she could now move to the topic of why everyone was gathered.

"You are all wanting to know why I called this gathering right?" as she looked directly at the King of Urfyra, who held her gaze in response. "There is evidence that the awakening of the demon lords has begun."

All the representatives who were present held their breath simultaneously, the table was at it quietest since their arrival, even the dwarf had stopped tinkering with his metallic item.

She looked to each one of the people seated specifically noting down their reactions. Two struck out, firstly the late comer, representative of Shiaso still wore his smirk: unbroken by the news. The other was a bit more tricky, the King of Ostaria's reaction was unreadable due to him holding a fan.

She was reading the reactions, till one of the representatives spoke.

"Are you sure this is true?" was a question asked by one of the people at the table.

King Urfrya was quick to join in too with a question of his own after regaining his ability to breath. "Yes, how are you so sure?" (he laughed after asking this question; it could be said it was to ease his nerves.) "Without concrete proof I will assume they are wild words, thrown out by someone who has perhaps read too much, into legends. After all its been over a 200 years since the sealing of the demon lords. All we have to go on now are legends."

"I would not make such claims without evidence, you of all people should know that." was the instant reply King Urfyra got in reponse shutting down his attacks on her. She waved her hand, and to her side responded the Leader of all the adventurer guilds collectively. He was known as Aksu Hori Master of all Guilds, a title that wasn't just awarded to just anyone.

Technically he had massive amounts of power and at the same time none of it. Most of the kingdoms had adventurer guilds in them, however a adventurer guild answered to none but to itself or the Master of all Guilds.

This was a agreement made by most of the leaders of each respective kingdom at the formation of such a foundation, this was done so that they wouldn't be embroiled in politics and used as assets in their respective kingdoms they were in against other kingdoms.

The Master of all Guilds was a title that could only be given by the collective agreement of all the kingdoms, so as to negate the influence of a particular nation over the position. This person who was to answer to no kingdom but to himself, as he was the highest authority, comparable to a actual ruler of a kingdom.

Further more only adventurers were eligible to get such a title, they were usually powerful too. But whilst the title held alot of power, for the most part all the title holder would be doing is observing, rather than influencing any guild at all.

Aksu stepped forwards at the elf's request. He threw out a severed unnatural arm covered in amour, with its fingers ending with pointed claws. It was most definitely nor human, eleven or dwarf, it could only have come from the demon race. He threw it onto the table which made some of the people sitting at the table visibly recoil.

One of the representatives threw a question towards Aksu questioning his motives for such a act. His response? "Just watch."

For a few moments nothing happened, till the fingers of the arm started twitching with movement, which alarmed almost everyone sitting on the table. As it started clawing its way towards the end of the table.

Aksu was quick, grabbed it and put it back in its cage. The message was clearly and all sat knew it, only the demon lord's Damned soldiers had such a ability. If you were not to kill them properly their bodies will look to piece themselves back together.

The representative of Shiaso asked the question that was on everyone's minds. "Where was it encountered?"

"I will not name the place as that is of no concern." Aksu purposely didn't want to name the nation that it was discovered in because he knew that politics would immediately get involved, throwing out the name would be like throwing meat to wolves. So only he and the leader of the nation it was encountered in knew: as information about the incident was repressed.

The representative of Shiaso scowled when he got such a response; it wasn't what he wanted to hear: no he wanted a name.

A representative of the church was quick to point out the foretold prophecy said in their teachings. That this was the mark, a sign of the coming demon lord, unless everyone converted to the church: they would not be safe. As usual he was doing what he could to throw spot light onto the church, some chose to ignore him, aside from the already influenced.

The Elven Queen spoke after a brief time when everyone had regained their composure. "As you know, the legends say that this will be the sign of the return of the demon lord's."

She went on to recount the legend. 'When a damned soldier resurfaces, the key will have reached age, and through sacrifice will they have freedom.' "We must be on the look out for any person with a demon mark on them, not to let the legends come true."

She went on to speak a bit more before concluding that it was the utmost important they found the key.

After the conclusion of her speech... The Dwarf King was the first to stand up, he was a man of few words but this had shaken him, he took his leave.

The rest also followed suit hastily, quick to try even if it was momentarily, try and escape what they heard, though they knew it was inescapable it was better to hope that they could.

The representative of Shiaso left with a scowl and the forest spirit representative took her leave too, to go and inform other spirits. King Urfyra and the King of Ostaria left together in conversation.

The only person who was still seated at the table was the church representative, he stayed so he could offer redemption to the Elven Queen who promptly denied the offer. The church representative took his leave too, as for Aksu, him staying was to both comfort and reassure the Elven Queen that she had done all she could.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Hope you enjoy.

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