
a Liger

"so, Sakumo. what do you think?" Sora asked with a smile. Sakumo closed his eyes as he went over what Sora told him, about the bigger world outside this small planet. just how small the planet as compared to the wider multiverse

Sora's worlds in truth only made him feel small, what was his role in such a huge world? he was like an ant working among other ants, fighting pointless battles, and so on.

he looked at Sora, Sora disdained world matter and forced on the wider world out there. he wanted to explore it and one day raise to be considered an overlord in almost such a world. did Sora see just how small and pointless the wars on this planet were?

"I can't abandon my land, my people... even if they abounded me. thank you for the help." Sakumo said as he bowed deeply towards Sora before standing up, Sora just nodded slightly as he watched him leave.

Sakumo would have been a perfect knight or something, someone as loyal as Sakumo who would stand for what he believed in was someone to come across.

"I taught you were going to use that convening ability of yours," Kushina said slightly surprised that Sora didn't convince Sakumo

"then it wouldn't be Sakumo, I want him to join me of his own free will. plus, those with powerful minds can easily resist." Sora said calmly as he returned to work,

time went by, and Sakumo didn't return to the front lines but took a break to rest his mind.

a month went by, and soon Mikiato entered the ramen shop with shocking news. She was pregnant, and with her being pregnant, she stayed off the battlefield and was forced on getting ready for her child's birth.

months later, Sora stood behind a window as he watched the alpha tree which had gained the ability to speak. the sage of six paths was asking it some questions, while a few others stood next to Sora writing everything down.

"ask it of it reproduce, it's offsprings and other stuff like that," Sora said calmly as his voice was transformed into the sage head. before he could go around changing his bloodline and adding new bloodlines he had to understand them first

he also had to understand the risk of adding more than one alpha-type bloodline to a person. These were all matters that couldn't be overlooked

the alpha plant could freely have children so long as it has energy. form things like a tree to flowers, it could make them be born however it so wishes. Sora listen in for a while before heading to the next test room

there, Sora saw a Hamura speaking to a tiger and iron fusion. it had the hair of iron, and the strips of a tiger, it was a mighty thing that was an alpha of both.

unlike the tree, this one was like any other big cat and needed a partner to give birth. but it had a shocking level of power, a skin that almost couldn't be broken through by weapons, powerful claws which could cut through space, and a powerful roar that could shatter mountains with ease. Its speed was shocking, and its senses were off the charts.

Sora calmly looked at the group writing everything down before moving on to the next room. this was one only he could enter. as he entered, he sat before a see-through window and looked at a small lizard.

Holding his hands out, chakra strings appeared out of nowhere connecting to his fingers. on the other of the window, huge weapons came out of nowhere scaring the lizard which backed away from them

"Beginning tested on making an SCP-682. testing adapting capability in 3... 2... and 1," Sora said into a recording device, flames suddenly shot down on the lizard.

the lizard was being born alive, yet no cries of pain sounded. after a few seconds, shockingly he grew flame resistance skin and hair which withstood the flames, after some time the flames began to make it stronger.

"Adapting capability seems to have gone better than expected 10 seconds in for test subject to grow immune to 3,000 2700° Fahrenheit. another 5 seconds and it adapts to absorb flames to grow stronger." Sora said calmly as he stopped the flames and watched the lizard which was confused on why its warm bath suddenly stopped.

the lizard skin had changed to adapt to the flames, turning into a dark red lizard it had also grown to the size of a human. but after a few minutes, it slowly began losing everything it had adapted to as it returned to a small lizard

"abilities or things adapted to will disappear after 5 minutes. could be a huge weakness in a matter of life or death, further research needed into these genes are required to see if the improvement is possible." Sora said calmly as he a beam of light suddenly cut the lizard in half

this didn't kill the lizard yet shockingly it began to reattach itself, healing perfectly. its life force was not damaged by this,

"healing capability even better than the normal Otsutsuki members has been reached. seek more research into this, but for now I wish not to destroy my research... it seems to have also lost its sense of pain," Sora said with a smile as fingers twitched.

countless ants suddenly appeared as they all rushed towards the lizard, the lizard backward as these anys were not normal. they were all special sage beasts Sora had created, just one of them could take down a jonin.

the lizard let out a cry as its size slowly grew, it stepped towards an at which was about to bite it. but this led to all it ants crawling all over it. but it began growing tough skin which allowed it to resist the ants. the lizard grew an extra anteater tongue and began eating the ants as it grow larger and larger

"it seems to sense its no match and would back off from powerful enemies, it also seems to have some control over how it will adapt. before anything happened, it grew in size so it will not be swallowed whole. so this shows that physical contact is not a requirement, fear, pressure or something else to drive to this adapting." Sora said calmly as he watched the lizard eating everything happening, but he suddenly noticed the lizard looking at him after it eat everything

the lizard screamed in rage as it rushed towards the window, it grow sharp claws, and tried to break it. but it was pointless

"it seems to have control over it, it's smart and could tell how is the mastermind," Sora said softly, as he went on to go more tests. form soul baize ability to body, the lizard adapted to everything. after which he tried killing it, but shockingly even after being turned to ashes, the ashes slowly gathered and it healed as if nothing happened.

the lizard was horrified as it stepped away from the flame throwers. the thing it gained from adapting didn't disappear, showing it could keep it if it wish, but most like used up energy or put too much of a burden on its mind.

Sora nodded slightly before he found the ability safe and copied the lizard adapting ability.

Sora did all of this because his copying ability weakness was that it copied everything. sure some weaknesses do disappear, but not all. so it was best he closely look at what he wanted to copy since he was creating these abilities after all.

the ability he gained the from lizard was quite shocking, he understood perfectly after all. the lizard adapted to anything which could kill it. for now, the adapting was weak, but the more it attacked the better its adapting capability will become.

so if Sora couldn't kill it in one blow, it will heal and adapt. it will reach a point where it can adapt to every conceivable way to kill it, and it's regenerating improves, allowing it to faster than it can be killed.

Sora opened the door and entered the room and stood before the lizard. the lizard let out a strange cry as it slowly backward away from Sora. it sensed Sora could destroy it with one attack, Sora power was something outside its wildest dream

"let's go," Sora said as he held his palm out, stunning the lizard slightly. the lizard was confused, but it sensed Sora didn't mean it any ill will and slowly crawled towards him,

Sora picked up the lizard and placed it on his shoulder, before leaving the room and going back to seat on his chair. he controlled the room with the window, it turned and showed his next test subject

"beginning test on making a Saiyan, the requirement to turn this adaption gene into giving one powerup, instead... well adapting was hard and tricky, I also need to adapt during combat.. beginning the first target," Sora said calmly as he looked at the monkey within the glass.

a puppet controlled by Sora fell from out of nowhere and landed before the monkey and began beating it stupid. the monkey screamed in pain before it turned into rage as its power increased.

it suddenly caught the fist of the puppet, before punching the puppet playing. the puppet landed softly on the ground before rushing towards the monkey, the two fought, but the monkey got stronger with each injury. the heavier it was, the stronger it got. the monkey also got used to the puppet combat style and soon began giving it a good beating

"adapting capability is nothing compared to the Saiyan, 5 hours for it to reach chunin level. more research into test subjects is required..." Sora said calmly the room moved, showing the next to it.

Sora calmly looked at the little girl within who was sleeping, she slowly woke upon sensing something. unlike the other rooms, this room was powerful with solar energy and had cany books, food, and other stuff.

"I told you to knock before coming here." She said as she rubbed her eyes before looking at Sora.

"Today is the day, wake up and get ready to show off your capability," Sora said calmly, She sighed softly as she was too lazy to do anything

"let's do it tomorrow. I don't even want to leave." She said softly as she rolled up back in her bed, Sora calmly changed the sunlight from an orange sun into a red sun.

"fine, turning back. i'm up, i'm up." She screamed as she jumped up, feeling uncomfortable from the red sun slight, Sora calmly turned back into an orange sun

"beginning test with the strong physique of solar energy. punch the glass window with your full strength." Sora said calmly, not even a kage could break out of this room. the little girl wanted forward and punched with everything she had

the glass shock, but it was not destroyed, Sora nodded slightly.

"only 3 years old and from just absorbing solar energy from the past 1 year, she has gained strength of an elite jonin. her skin is also damaged from lunching that punch, her defensive capabiltiy seemed to have also skyrocketed. she should be able to take what she can lunch." Sora said calmly as he moved on to the next step and test her defensive capability.

Sora had a flames thrower lunch flames at her, she was horrified, but to her shock, she was not injured. although her clothing turned to ashes. the heat got stronger and stronger until Sora saw she reached a limit at anything past elite jonin's level of destructive power. although that was so, it only burnt her slightly and she quickly heal. no true damage was made

"level of power needed to make her bleed is town level of destructive capability, but that will be a small stretch. she acts as a battery thinks to how I built her, so her body quickly heals to any injuries so long as she has solar energy within her." She said as the little girl angrily cursed at him while punching at the window.

"calm down, try we have tested your destructive force and defense capability. now it's time to start running around to see how fast you are." Sora said calmly, she snorted before she began running around at an extreme level of speed.

"speed could easily reach the speed of sound..." Sora's eyebrow raised slightly as she began running so fast she began lifting herself off the ground, she was of course shocked by this and didn't know how to control it and ended up slamming into walls and stuff.

"She seems to be able to use her solar energy for flight, test subject proves too stupid to control this yet," Sora said softly

"I heard you." She said angrily as she turned to look towards her, her eyes suddenly turned red as she shot a beam from them. she panic seeing what she was doing, leading to her destroying the books within the room

"due to hearing a fact she disagrees with, her emotions went out of control, leading to her gathering the solar energy into her eyes and shooting heat beans out... she also has sharp hearing," Sora said calmly, the little girl was enraged

"Sora I will beat you stupid. you first awake me up now you're calling me stupid." She yelled enraged to the peak, She floated up and with glowing red eyes she looked towards Sora. at shocking speed, she rushed towards the glass window and punched it with full power

'such speed.' Sora thought in shock at how quickly she built up speed, the window shattered as she shot towards Sora. but clothing was suddenly thrown on her, leading to her being caught off balance and missing Sora, and went on to slam heavily into the wall behind Sora.

"let's go, the test seems complete. the next test is outside." Sora said calmly as he stood up, the little girl stood up with a frown

"But I just want to sleep." She said unwilling to leave, this girl was one of Orochimaru's test subjects. she was perfect for this experiment as she only wanted to sleep, all she did was sleep. she hated contact with others, and just kept to herself.

"let's go. and put your clothing on." She said calmly as he looked at the papers on the desk, he put a checkmark on the lizard and an X on the monkey. he then looked at the failed experiment he had gone through to reach the level he was at today.

He sighed before he left with the little girl and the lizard who had been watching everything on his shoulder. the lizard was smart and was learning everything it was seeing,

"lord you were here this whole time?" the scientist asked in shock seeing Sora coming out of that room, before noticing a blonde-haired girl.

"This is test subject 192,114. I had many failed attempts." Sora said calmly, of course, these attempts were done on animals before humans. and not all failed attempts were bad, Sora wanted to create a bloodline he wanted and one that was powerful without any weaknesses so he had to go through many failed attempts.

the lizard, on the other hand, was the easiest, Sora only had to get a lizard which has not been caught yet and strengthen it's adapting generating. of course, there were still hundreds of lizards that died, and Sora found some lizards were not harder to adapt compared to others.

"Anyway, how is the Liger," Sora asked calmly as he looked at the fusion between a tiger and lion.

"it's perfect, it's a beast like none other. defensive capability is off the chart, its skin seems to be able able to take damage. you were right to give it 5 layers of powerful armor-like skin, even if it's stretched, it heals at shocking speed. plus the boost from adding the ability to absorb solar energy, we created a monster that takes almost no damage. plus its claws..." She almost jumped in excitement at their creation, her eyes were like stars as she looked at the Liger which was asleep.

"improve this Liger adapting genes, I want it to adapt to all kinds of stuff... how about we take the DNA of the 4 sage beasts I brought in and combine them. give it 10 layer skin, and a higher absorption capability of the solar energy." Sora said with a smile, the woman was stunned at Sora

"my lord, is that not too powerful?" She asked with slight worry, there should be a limit right? the Liger could only be subdued by the sage of six paths, and even the clams it was growing too powerful, and one day even he would not be its match. of should know the sage has grown to reach the peak of the Planet tier.

this beast's powerful defense was too powerful, it was only 6 months old but grew to the size of a building within that time. as time passed, its defense only grew. and thanks to Sora thinking it was a good idea to try and make it so that its skin could also defend it to the passage of time, this thing was almost immortal.

"about him... tell him and his brother to come to meet me. I will improve their bloodline." Sora said calmly, she was stunned slightly but nodded and rushed off to get the sage of six paths.

"what?" Sora asked as he looked at the little girl who was frowning while looking at the Liger

"absorbing solar energy is my thing. how is it that it grew after than me in less time?" She said with a slight pout, Sora was speechless for a moment before smiling.

"thats because I limited the amount of solar energy you can absorb. My body has its own set of limiters placed upon it, I added a few on you so you don't go up and grow too strong for your own good. you only absorbed 1/10 the solar energy it has absorbed. plus, your body was changed to better store and strengthen your body, it only strengthens its defensive capability." Sora said calmly, Sora was going to not simply make the best defense but also the best of the best.

this Liger had the best defensive ability, meanwhile, this little girl can absorb solar energy to a much higher level than this Liger. Sora will not simply copy them and absorb solar energy, he will also take the bloodline he gave them and give it to himself.

than Sora will become the best of both of them, but we can't forget the lizard. he had set to take its bloodline,

"there you are." an annoying voice sounded as Kushina came walking towards Sora, Sora allowed Kushina to come to the moon and leave as she wished. he set up a teleportation formation, she only needed to put her chakra into it to appear and leave from here.

"what?" Sora asked in confusion, Kushina was annoyed

"you have a bad sense of direction, not time, how did you miss out on our special day? I stood there waiting for you for hours. you spend more time up here than with me..." She said with a frown, Sora froze as he looked at the clock

"I seem to have lost track of time, I thought this would have taken around 1 to 3 hours, not 7 hours. my bad," Sora said helplessly, Kushina snorted slightly before her eyes landed on the lizard on his shoulder, it was adorable she couldn't help but reach out to grab it. but the lizard should grow sharp teeth and let out a demonic-like sound to warn her off.

She froze as she remembered why she didn't like coming up here, there away some freak stuff. she took her hands back before looking at the little girl

"We had a deal no experimenting on children." She said with a frown,

"... you're right. I will turn her back to a normal human and return her to wherever she came from." Sora said calmly, the little girl jumped away from Sora. like hell, she will agree to that. She could sleep and get stronger, what more did she need in life?

"Mind your own business." She said angrily as she looked at Sora, Kushina was speechless, she was only trying to help this kid.

"let's get going, you just reminded me. Aika is pregnant, I promised her to help her out with the new child stuff." Sora said with a smile

"whatever... what's that?" Kushina asked as she looked at the Liger which had awakened up to look at her. it seemed to be able to sense the 9 tails within her

"it's called a Liger, a fusion between a tiger and lion. it has a defense which is off the charts, you want to go fight it?" Sora said with a smile, Kushina shrugged as she went into the room and stood before the beast.

"you have balls to enter my chamber without my permission," the Liger was enraged and let out a might roar which caused the whole moon to shake, Kushina was horrified, as she quickly drew upon the 9 tails chakra,

She transformed as the pigments around her eyes become black and stretch up towards his makeshift fox ears, and he takes on 9 tails' red-slit eyes. The coloring of her clothes turns slightly darker orange, and she gains a chakra cape with a black swirl in the middle of his chest. Flowing from the back of his cape are four red chakra tails, with five more at the end of the cape; each tail has a black line down the center that connects to the middle of the cape as a swirl.

She flashed as she easily dodged the attack of the Liger and punched it, but to her shock, the force from her punch was absorbed and spread all over the Liger's body, making her attack do nothing before it.

the Liger defense was not only its 5-layer skin, its skin absorbed all forces launched upon it and spread it out, this greatly refuse the force from a punch, and adding its already powerful defense, it was a defense capability to withstand even the greatest of attacks.

Kushina was sent flying as Liger shot out compressed air from its mouth, sending her slamming heavily into the wall.

Kushina quickly held her hands out as she caught the sharp claw which almost cut her into pieces. her tails moved as they wrapped around the Liger

'its defense is something I can't break, my attacks are pointless. so blinding might work' She thought as she watched the tiger struggling to break free, but the tail lips it on its back, making it unable to reach the tails to break free.

Sora was annoyed slightly, he needed to give this tiger that ability to adapt so something like this does go around happening.

"you have balls." The Liger was enraged as it took a deep breath before it was covered in lights, the lightning spread out as it covered the tails and made its way towards Kushina, who was quickly hit by it.

Kushina screamed in pain as she drop the Liger which landed on its legs. the liger opened its mouth as chakra gathered, in front of lit forming lighting like a ball.

Kushina was widened as this was similar to a tail beast boom but was pure lightning. the Liger eat the lightning ball before it shot a huge lightning beam from its mouth

Kushina placed her hands in front of her block, while her tails moved to cover her as well. but waiting for the attack to hit, but it never came. looking up, she found herself standing next to Sora

"well, you got your ass handed to you," Sora said with a smile, Kushina was annoyed as she returned back to the base form.

"I will defeat it next time I return." She said as she looked at the Liger who was snorting at her, Kushina almost exploded in rage. but she was no match for it

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