
Reborn With an AI

Raven was reborn back in his high school years. From the start, he acquired an AI system. As long as he provides the system with information, he could learn and do anything in a instant. Want to learn all the languages in the world? Just take a glance! Want to solve the worlds hardest math problem? Just take a glance! Want to understand how the universe works? Just take a glance! With his new found power, Raven will change his current life and live the life that every person wishes to accomplish. ——- - Writing this for the WSA 2023 contest, so all love is open here - Cover art made by an AI - Daily uploads in chapters

XRavenX · Urban
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41 Chs

Winter time fun!

Two months had slipped by since Raven's birthday, and the once vibrant autumn had given way to a winter wonderland.

Outside the frost-kissed windows, a white mist veiled the world, casting an enchanting glow into the home.

Inside, the air was filled with a sense of tranquillity as Mia and Raven navigated a subtle shift in their relationship.

Mia and Raven, who had once shared many beautiful moments, had recently drifted apart, causing their previous intense connection to diminish.

Since Raven's birthday, they had not shared the same bed and instead had been retreating to their own private spaces to sleep.

It wasn't a deliberate choice to distance themselves; rather, life had presented them with new challenges and responsibilities that demanded their attention.

Raven has been devoting a lot of time to his online content creation, including live streaming on Twitch and producing videos for his YouTube channel.

Because of his hard work, he has amassed an impressive following of over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and 300,000 followers on Twitch.

Besides his other ventures, Raven has also been working on creating his own version of social media.

He called it 'Vision'.

This platform offers a one-of-a-kind experience by integrating YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

In contrast to Twitch and YouTube, this platform treats its users with respect and doesn't impose penalties for swearing and other issues.

And there are only two paid subscriptions, one which is the plus subscription that gets rid of all ads for a month.

The other is a membership plus for people who wish to support their favourite creator.

Because of some unforeseen challenges with the art, Raven has delayed the release of the project, which was originally intended for Christmas day.

Mia had been practising soccer skills with Raven over the past two months, who uses Vanessa to improve her skills.

With her perseverance and hard work, she could finish every single one of her soccer games and ultimately claimed the championship trophy.

Since the end of soccer, she has been practising her art skills, drawing different anime characters she likes.

Overall, the two have been focusing on themselves, then on the relationship.

Despite their unique aspirations and goals, both Mia and Raven shared a common longing in their hearts.

They longed for the days when they were close and shared a warmth in their connection that now seemed to have faded away.

As the temperature dropped and the winter nights grew colder, their separate paths were converging once again.

As the frosty evening drew on, Mia made her way to the window, where she caught sight of Raven trudging up the snowy path to their home.

Her face lit up with a bright smile.

She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach at the sight of him.

Raven stepped inside, and Mia could hear the crunch of snow beneath his boots as he shook off the excess snow and brushed off his coat.

As she looked at him tonight, she noticed a new spark in his eyes that she hadn't seen before.

"Mia," he said, with an excited tone in his voice. "I have an idea for us to do tonight."

The mere thought of spending time with Raven again made Mia's heart leap with joy. "What is it?" she asked.

"Let's build a snowman together," he said, grinning.

Mia's face lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds like so much fun!" she said, clapping her hands.

As they stepped outside, the frigid air made them bundle up tightly, and they listened to the crunch of the snow under their boots as they gathered snow for their snowman.

Raven and Mia were working together when their hands touched, causing a sudden spark of electricity to course through Mia's body.

She couldn't believe how much she wanted him, how much she wanted to feel his lips on hers.

Raven seemed to sense her desire, and he moved closer to her as they worked.

His hand brushed against hers again, and this time he didn't pull away. Instead, he clasped her hand in his, his fingers intertwining with hers.

Mia's heart raced as she looked up at him, their eyes meeting for a moment, before Raven leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

The kiss was soft at first, tentative, but it quickly deepened as their tongues met and danced together.

"It's been a while since we had such a moment," Raven said, sending his hot breath onto her face.

Mia nodded, they've been way too busy these last couple of weeks.

They finished building the snowman, but their attention was no longer on the task at hand. Instead, they found themselves drawn to each other, their bodies pressed together in the cold winter air.

Raven held Mia close, his hands running over her back and hips as they kissed passionately.

It wasn't until a car pulled into the driveway, honking at the two.

"Darlings, can you take this inside and so I can park the car?"

Mia and Raven came back from their senses and smiled at each other.

They are no longer embarrassed having this scene happen and walk into the house hand in hand.

Raven took Mia to his room where he showed off his new platform he made with Vanessa doing all the work.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Mia asked with worry.

Raven nodded, then sighed softly.

"The only problem I have is with the graphic design."

What Raven said wasn't a lie.

Even with Vanessa, it takes hours just to get one thing done completely.

Only if he had some models that Vanessa could go off of…

"Hey love, how about I help you?" Mia asked

Raven nodded in a daze.

He forgot Mia could draw.

Also, the name 'love' caught him off guard.

"Alright darling, you can just make rough drawings."

This time, it was Mia's turn to be surprised. And smiled right after.


With that planned, the two focused on one project together, advancing their relationship to another level.