
Reborn With an AI

Raven was reborn back in his high school years. From the start, he acquired an AI system. As long as he provides the system with information, he could learn and do anything in a instant. Want to learn all the languages in the world? Just take a glance! Want to solve the worlds hardest math problem? Just take a glance! Want to understand how the universe works? Just take a glance! With his new found power, Raven will change his current life and live the life that every person wishes to accomplish. ——- - Writing this for the WSA 2023 contest, so all love is open here - Cover art made by an AI - Daily uploads in chapters

XRavenX · Urban
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41 Chs

Buying a ring

The next morning, Raven nestled in the comfortable confines of the passenger seat, the deafening roar of engines and screeching tires assaulted his ears, reverberating through the air.

Raven was surrounded by the captivating symphony of urban traffic, with the rumbling bass and whistling exhaust notes blending together to create a unique sound.

Raven leaned against the plush upholstery, fixating his gaze upon the world unfolding beyond the tempered glass, lost in thought.

While driving, Raven's mom cast a curious glance at her son.

"Darling, why are we going to Tiffany?"

Raven stopped gazing out the window, and with a serious face, he turned to his mother.

"Mom, do you remember when I told you that me and Mia will get married at 16?"

His mother nodded.

The announcement hit her like a ton of bricks, and she was left reeling for a while.

"Yes? But what does that have to do with anything?"

"It has a lot to do with it. I bought Mia a ring online and I'm picking it up."

As her son spoke, his mother's eyes widened in shock, and she involuntarily gasped.

"How did you get the money to buy a ring at Tiffany?"

Raven's smile widened as he described how he had become a sensation on the internet.

"Darling… you're outstanding."

She was at a loss for words to describe her current mood until one thing came to mind.

"Do you want your own bank account?"

Raven's eyes sparkled with anticipation of hearing this news.


"Alright, I'll help you set one up later."


Raven's smile never faded as they made their way to Tiffany.

As he stepped outside the car, his expression turned serious and straightened his posture as he walked into Tiffany.

His mother chuckled, watching him with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh, look at you, darling. A mini adult you are."

Raven was startled by his mother's words and stumbled, but quickly regained his footing and continued walking into Tiffany.

Raven walked into Tiffany's elegant showroom and was immediately greeted by the shimmering display of exquisite jewellery.

As he approached, the diamonds on their velvet cushions sparkled and gleamed, as if daring him to touch them.

Raven made his way to the counter where Emma, a friendly sales associate, greeted him with a warm smile.

Upon seeing the young man, she was momentarily taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure and approached him professionally.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I assist you today?" Emma asked, her voice filled with genuine interest.

Raven took a deep breath, feeling his nervousness dissipate as he gathered his confidence and presented his request.

"I have a ring to pick up. It's the Soleste Round Brilliant Engagement Ring in Platinum. The name is Raven."

The ring choice clearly impressed Emma as her eyes widened further.

"Ah, the Tiffany Soleste is a stunning piece. Let me check for you, Mr Raven."

She turned to her computer terminal, the screen glowing in the dimly lit room, and began her search.

She paused, and then a smile lit up her face.

"Yes, here it is. The Tiffany Soleste Round Brilliant Engagement Ring in Platinum. Is this the one?"

Raven's heart raced with excitement as he glimpsed the sparkling ring on the screen.

He couldn't take his eyes off the exquisite design, which featured a halo of glittering diamonds surrounding a stunning centre stone.

With a nod, his eyes lit up with uncontainable excitement.

"Yes, that's the one."

Emma's smile was warm as she gestured for Raven to follow her.

She led him down a winding path to a secluded viewing area before retrieving the ring from a secure display case.

Raven's hands trembled as she placed it in his outstretched palms, his eyes filling with awe and joy.

The Tiffany Soleste Round Brilliant Engagement Ring felt weighty yet delicate, a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

The soft light made the platinum band gleam as if it were on fire, while the diamonds sparkled like stars in the night sky, taking Raven's breath away.

Raven's heart swelled with anticipation as he held the ring, picturing the joy on Mia's face when he gave it to her.

Lost in his thoughts, Raven was jolted back to reality by Emma's gentle voice.

"Mr Raven, the total cost of the Tiffany Soleste Round Brilliant Engagement Ring is 85,000 CAD. Would you like to proceed with the purchase?"

Raven nodded, his determination unwavering.

"Yes, but I bought it online."

Emma's smile widened as she reached for his phone to check the purchase number.

She took charge and walked him through the pickup process, making sure everything went off without a hitch.

Raven felt a rush of gratitude as he watched the jeweller carefully place the ring in a stunning Tiffany & Co. box.

His mother watched in a daze from the side, her mind reeling at the thought of how much money he had spent on the engagement ring.

As she thought back to her husband's proposal, she couldn't help but compare it to the expensive ring on her finger.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for her daughter.

"Come on mom, let's go!"

Just as she was lost in thought, Raven's voice brought her back to reality, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, quit your nagging."

The two exit Tiffany and enter their car.

"Hey, darling. Can I see the ring?"

Raven nodded.

Upon opening the box, he carefully removed the 1.60 carats Diamond, admiring its VVS2 clarity and excellent cut.

His mother's eyes sparkled as she looked at it.

"When do you plan on proposing?" She asked.

Raven thought for a while.

Christmas is not far away and adds more of a meaning to it, so Christmas it is!

"I plan on doing it on Christmas. When she opens up the gift that has a note saying 'turn around', I'll propose."

His mother nodded and thought it was a good plan and started the car and started driving home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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