
Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System

https://discord.gg/9HzpZJQHcq Reborn on another planet far outside of the nearest Galactic Empire that was searching for our Hero. His existence already breaks the very fabrics of space and all of creation, yet he sent through to experience another whirlpool of life-threatening problems before the actual problems were dealt with. The Hero originally passes away to be sent forward centuries into the future to awake in the body of the ailing Galactic Empires Crown Prince who shortly passed away before took over the body. From that moment forward, the hero did everything in their power to lead their empire as the Crown Prince, with the belief the new life meant something big, instead all his work was for nought and his own Imperial Familys internal problems caused his downfall and exile as a traitor. Having escaped with the last project he had worked on as the Crown Prince which would have solved many of the issues the Empire faced and helped create a unified Council that controls the Empires within space, instead his sibling’s greed got him killed and reborn once again, this time in the past. Back in a body similar to his old one with the knowledge of the far future and bound with a Primordial System that could make the moon a Death Star and help him create his own fleet of clone troopers with space wizards. He could also recreate the pillars of the old Gods and recreate the Mountain of Olympus and Asgard to serve him. Both on Earth and in Space as the Hero summons legends of anime, video games, science fiction and Humanities perseverance to fight beside him and build a Galactic Empire that cannot be rivalled among the stars…

PhantomMedjay · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
205 Chs

A Silent Knight in Prague…


[Scanning surroundings… Analysed!]

[Quest activated in conjunction with Spectral Consciousness Ability]


[Please select difficulty…]

[Easy] [Normal] [Hard] [Hardcore] [Nightmare] [Hell]

[Nightmare] [Accepted!]


[Media: Film]

[Name: xXx]

[Year of release: 2002]

[A Silent Knight…]

[Anarchy 99, a Russian terrorist group are willing to cause the deaths of millions using a weapon lost during the fall of the Soviet Union.

Xander Cage, with support from NSA Agent Augustus Gibbons, is on his way to deactivate the sub with the bomb, however neither of them nor the people behind them are aware of the several other small bombs set up across Prague through a splinter organisation]



[Due to certain attributes of Hosts have reached certain thresholds, the following mission parameters will be adjusted accordingly]

[Host will be provided with additional Optional requests and tasks to perform to achieve greater evaluation grade]


[Host needs to:

- Locate Hidden Base of Splinter Terrorist Organisation in Prague

- Find Information pertaining to bombs location

- Disable Bombs

- Discover NSA leak of information in relation to Xander Mission

- (Optional) Release information on bomb technology and origin

- (Optional) Deal with Traitor NSA Operative]


- 6,505,000,000 Credit

- 7,000,000,000 Exp

- Hidden Government Division (Creation Ability) – Mortal Grade

- Advance Mechanical Savant Lifeform Card – Mortal Grade]


[Any other Rewards are based off evaluation]


[Time to complete: 15 Minutes to disable bombs (Overall 30 minutes)]




'Hehehe, I told you beforehand that I would be taking you away the second I heard you were done in the Retail Market World.

So, stop complaining and get ready for some work!

Shit isn't so simple this time round…'

"… I am going to crush you when I get back.

Now hurry up and tell me where I need to go." Esmond grumbled while walking through the streets of Prague.

He was supposed to visit the old city soon, after visiting the British Monarchy for Prince Philips birthday party.

Maximilianto, Esmond's fraternal grandfather, wanted Esmond to associate with his distant British cousins, especially if he was hell bent on taking over the planet.

They could help the British government with accepting Esmond's influence, even more so when the various companies in association with the Space Ark would cause significant changes, either to the land or waters around the island nation.

But that all was to be dealt with after the current problem Carter threw in Esmond's face, which seems problematic with no exact lead on the location of the splinter terrorist organisation that formed after breaking away from Anarchy 99.

Carter had some idea where they hid themselves in the city of Prague, but the specified area was still wide and far to be fully examined in the specified time, especially with the underground tunnels and hidden network of pathways that could be utilised.

Esmond decided to use some drones to spread out and triangulate the location of the bombs across the city, while another group searched for the base of the splinter group.

More than usual, Esmond felt his overpowered abilities being sealed, so he couldn't use superspeed, flight or his vision to find the bombs, but the little strength he was awarded still gave him plenty of power to accomplish everything.


Cutting through the cold, murky underground tunnel network of the city, Esmond surprisingly came across the first bomb by accident, which was placed below the city square, which was known to a major tourist point for Prague.

'Chuck it into your Inventory.

I'll bring over the bomb into the Space Ark after I'm sure its deactivated.'

Carter said, allowing Esmond to easily move the large glass encased bomb system the size of a suitcase into the inventory.

The System notified him that it was the first of five, but as there was no clear idea where the others were, Esmond continued to move underground until Carter gave him a better idea of the terrorist headquarters.

It wasn't too far away from his current location but enough of a distance to force Esmond to move as fast as he could before the other bombs imploded.

He made sure not to bulldoze through the tunnels as he started moving fast enough to be sprinting at superhuman speeds.

Esmond caused the murky water in the tunnels to spray wildly in his wake as he rushed through the tunnels until he appeared below a supposed empty warehouse, which had been turned into a terrorist base with plenty of guns and ammunition.

'Should I go in like Batman or be a little menacing like an assassin?'

'Why not xXx this bitch, Esy?'

'Because… we need information.'

'Ohh… yeah…. Um… just assassin it up.'

Esmond smacked his forehead out of exhaustion at Carter's constant need for chaos, to the point he felt Carter was more inline for the title of Prince of Chaos.

Equipping his personalised and improved CE-01 Powered Armour Suit, Esmond concealed his appearance through a dark hood and mask.

'Might as a well look the part.' Esmond thought while equipping a pair of daggers.

Entering the basement of the warehouse, Esmond found himself in the concealed room they used to sort all the information related to the bombs.

It was done as a means to hide their affiliation with certain political powers and influential groups funding the splinter group.

Esmond couldn't help but smirk as he stored all the information and asked Carter to compile a thorough report and article to be released on the web and authorities.

In the meantime, Esmond went on a hunting spree through the warehouse after he sensed around 35 people.

Each of them was heavily equipped with assault rifles and grenades, but none of it was capable of shredding through Esmond's armour.

Taking a page out of Carter's page, Esmond decided to use some of his new nano-magnet grenades, as he threw them across the interior of the warehouse, hoping to take out majority of the enemies who were using the walkways in the ceiling.

"Time for some fireworks…"

Smirking, Esmond activated the bomb, which blew apart all the windows of the warehouse and neighbouring buildings within a couple city blocks.

It alerted plenty of people, who obviously notified the authorities, who couldn't believe they were caught off guard by two different acts of terrorism on their city.

While one was stopped by Xander Cage, Esmond was currently hunting down the few remaining people who lived through the explosion yet weren't lucky enough to escape from any injuries.

Crippled or heavily injuries, Esmond tracked them down in the semi destroyed warehouse and either shot them through the head or stab them with his daggers.

Eventually he moved on from the warehouse and decided to hunt down the other four bombs before the police arrived at the warehouse.

By the time they were found, Carter had started uploading all the information pertaining to the splinter group and their associates within various governments and organisations.

It started causing massive headlines across the global news networks, with media news eating up the information as it uncovered various plots within European and Western governments.

The massive information dump and articles also released data on the leaks from the NSA, including the Agents involved.

This alerted American government to move fast to stop them from escaping.

Unfortunately, they couldn't grab a hold of everyone but plenty of people were arrested.




[Media: Film]

[Name: xXx]

[Year of release: 2002]

[A Silent Knight…]

[Host needs to:

- (Completed) Locate Hidden Base of Splinter Terrorist Organisation in Prague

- (Completed) Find Information pertaining to bombs location

- 5/5 Disable Bombs

- (Completed) Discover NSA leak of information in relation to Xander Mission

- (Completed) (Optional) Release information on bomb technology and origin

- (Completed) (Optional) Deal with Traitor NSA Operative]


- 6,505,000,000 Credit

- 7,000,000,000 Exp

- Hidden Government Division (Creation Ability) – Mortal→Rare Grade

- Advance Mechanical Savant Lifeform Card – Mortal→Rare Grade]


[Evaluation: A+]


- 5,000,000,000 Credit

- 4,000,000,000 Exp

- Underworld Criminal Syndicate (Creation Ability) – Rare Grade

- Mulkatrn Crime Families – Rare Grade]



"What the hell did I just gain from the System?" Esmond said out of astonishment for receiving strangle items that he didn't think he'd ever require or use.

He decided to spend a bit of time understanding his rewards, which left him puzzled.

The Government Agency creation ability related to a new System function where Esmond was able to design his own government organisation that could be utilised by his own sovereign state or another.

Much like the xXx Program that was operated by the NSA, Esmond could create his own and have it operated out of the CIA for example, but he chose not to.

Instead, Esmond found the Rare Grade enabled him to create a multi-national government division, much like NATO, or the United Nations but on a smaller scale.

For now, he kept it aside and planned to discuss its use with his family and friends.

The same couldn't be said for the Advance Mechanical Savant Lifeform Card.

Esmond could customise and create his own mechanical specialist, who could create gadgets for operatives or work on major projects from development of vehicles to massive structures and operational systems.

Their skillset enabled them to create a whole range of different items and equipment, but it depends on their knowledge and know how that allows them to create all sorts of incredible goods.

Esmond planned to create someone who could start working right away, as he expected the individual would join the Necthea Institute immediately to use the Virtual Labs to begin project designing.

Of course, Esmond was able to choose the personality and behaviour traits of the individual during the creation process, which was similar to creating a gaming character, but through the System Interface.


The other two rewards were rather interesting for Esmond, especially the Mulkatrn Crime Families but first off, he examined the Underworld Criminal Syndicate creation ability.

Much like the Hidden Government Division, Esmond could use it to form a criminal entity that could operate across the planet.

The Rare Grade enabled it to manage itself to a greater extent, which including spawning appropriate people with the necessary skills and abilities.

Esmond figured they would be perfect to be deployed across Earth, since the underworld activities of Earth weren't being managed by someone related to him.

This is where the Mulkatrn Crime Families could be used, as they were something Esmond remembered from another lifetime.

They were known to run one of the largest crime syndicates across the Galactic Society with their imposing manner to control any opposition through various means.

But their downfall came when their distribution network started to be corrupted by internal conflicts and powerplays as the Crime Families vied to remove one another.