
Mistress of darkness

In the depths of Blackrock castle, in a dimly lit dungeon, a figure sat upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor. Her once elegant attire was now tattered, her makeup streaked, and her hair a wild, dishevelled mess. On her neck were two puncture wounds like something with sharp fangs had sunk its teeth in there. There were streaks of blood dripping down her collar staining it bloody. Her blood had long dried but the memory of how it happened was still fresh in her mind. 

Her lips quirked into an eerie smile as she moved her hand slightly making soft clanking sounds. There were chains of dark iron binding her limbs, their cruel enchantments sapping her innate power. Despite her dire circumstances, the sinister smile playing upon her lips grew bigger as she gazed into the abyss of her shattered mind, spirit, and soul. From a distance, she could hear two people conversing about her. It was two vampires who had been tasked with the duty of guarding her. 

Guard one, "Did you see her?" 

Guard two, "Yeah, I saw her. She's a real piece of work, that one. Circe, the mistress of darkness. That's what they call her."

Guard one, "More like the mistress of the night. I heard she slept with half the court and almost ended Countess Marianna's marriage." Circe sneered before letting out a soft chuckle that would send shivers down one's spine if they heard it. 

Guard two, "She deserves to die for what she did. I heard that they plan to make an example of her."

Guard one, "Good. I hope she suffers. I hope she screams and begs for mercy. But she won't get any. Not from me. Not from anyone."

Guard two, "Me neither. You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we should visit her tonight. Before the execution. Give her a taste of our fangs. Suck her blood dr-,"

The guard's voice was suddenly drowned by the cackling echoes of her laughter reverberating off the dungeon walls. 

"This bit-," yelled one of the guards as he stormed over only for him to bump into Elder Song's tall figure. 

"El-el... elder," they stammered while bowing their heads. They didn't know how long he had been standing there and how much he had heard. Elder Song was Countess Marianna's mate and just now they were talking about Circe almost ruining their marriage. 

Elder Song just glared at them before commanding, "Bring her out."

"Yes... yes elder," the replied before dragging her out. When she saw who had come the smile on her face grew bigger as she said nonchalantly,

"Oh, it's you... would you like to take a bite like these gentlemen and suck my blood dry before my trial?" her words were provocative. She tilted her head slightly with an enticing smile.

Elder Song felt his fangs ache as he gazed at her slender neck. He could see the pulse of her blood, the delicate veins that ran under her pale skin. He wanted to sink his teeth into her flesh, to taste her magic and life. He swallowed hard, trying to control his hunger. He knew she was dangerous and powerful enough to take down the most powerful of them all. But still, he couldn't resist drinking poison to quench his thirst. 

Circe sensed his inner turmoil and smiled wickedly. She stepped closer to him, her chains clinking softly. She tilted her head, exposing more of her throat. She looked at him with seductive eyes, as if inviting him to bite her. Enchanted by her he leaned in closer the sweet send setting his body alight. Just as he got closer he heard her whisper, "You are still so pathetic. You don't deserve her."

Elder Song felt a surge of anger. Who did she think she was? Even in her current circumstances, she was still acting like she was better than him. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the dungeon. The two guards removed the chains from the wall and floor but kept them around her wrists and ankles. 

"Walk!" he commanded while shoving her so hard that she stumbled forward. 

"That must make you feel like a big man. Is that how you treat the Countess," she said with maniacal amusement, her eyes ablaze with a terrifying glint. 

Elder Song tried to ignore it but she suddenly turned her head slowly, fixing him with a chilling glare. With a voice that seemed to carry the weight of a thousand curses, she silently mouthed, "I will kill you."

He lifted his leg and with a powerful kick he struck the back of her knee and her legs gave in. With a loud thud, she hit the cold floor with her knees and forehead. 

Blood flowed down her forehead and Elder Song clutched the back of her head forcing her to look up. He was about to break her but he was mesmerised by her venomous beauty. Coupled with the blood dripping down her face and that sly smile it stirred something in him. His self-control was cracking and he was on the brink of losing himself. 

One of the guards noticed his abnormality and called out his name snapping him out of it. She let out an unsettling smile before standing up. She walked away with her head held high. She had not done anything wrong yet these people were set on condemning her. With her sister there she was confident that the execution would be delayed. If they would listen to anyone it would be her sister. 

As she entered the hall she fixed her dishevelled hair, but it did no good. Her beauty was marred by the bruises and cuts on her face, the result of the torture she had endured. 

Inside were several alliance members sitting in a semi-circle and court members standing around staring at her with deep hatred and contempt. Seven of the ten alliance members were present ready to deliver a final judgement with no trial. 

She snorted coldly and said, "Wow, I didn't think it was my birthday today. We are probably missing a cake and some presents."

A pale-skinned tall woman with puffy eyes probably from the crying punched the armrest of her chair with a loud bang cracking the wood. Her name was Ervina an antediluvian vampire who had grown alongside the vampire King. 

Her eyes blazing with hatred she yelled, "Shut your mouth or I will end you right now."

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