
Who Is that girl?

"Yu-jin, what do you mean by she's not talking to you anymore?" Song Ae-Cha's voice could be heard on the phone that Hwang Yu-jin was holding.

"Yes, Ae-Cha. I don't know what's wrong with her attitude. She wasn't like this yesterday morning when we went to school together, but she's changed now. I'm so confused. I went to her today to call for school, but she slammed the door in my face and her way of talking to me was cold and harsh. Not only that, but I'm getting tired of this craziness, if not because of our plans. Furthermore, I would rather not have anything to do with that ugly chubby face of hers." Hwang Yu-jin said between his teeth on the phone while speaking to Song Ae-Cha about the changes in Song Chae-yeong this day.

"No, you shouldn't get tired. Try to coax her. She must be under your control, or we'll both lose the battle to her. Grandpa came last week and mentioned her name. He said he was going to send his P. A to bring her back to the family, then she can continue her study here. Grandpa and Grandma thought they owed her a lot and she had the most share in everything. Do you know we can't let this happen, right?" Song Ae-Cha said angrily on the phone.

" Why don't we just kill her clean once and for all, before they come to drive her out of here back to the city? I'm tired of acting along with that stupid girl. And I've missed you so much. I can't wait to finish my score with this bitch." Hwang Yu-jin said softly.

" I missed you too, but we need to get rid of her first. I and mum will take care of her stupid brother here. We just need to get rid of the twins, then everything will be mine and what is mine is also yours. You know?" Song Ae-Cha said on the other side of the phone and rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"Okay, I'll find a way to get rid of her at once, give me three or four days and I will give you good news about it being successful." Hwang Yu-jin said softly with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you should do it as soon as possible. Let's talk later. I've got to go now." Song Ae-Cha said softly.

" Okay bye. I love you." Hwang Yu-jin said on the phone, but Ae-Cha hung the call, not saying it back.

Hwang Yu-jin looked at the phone in his hand and tightened his grip on the phone angrily, running his hand through his hair in frustration. " Song Chae-yeong, that bitch." He said between his teeth. Clenching his fist angrily and frustrated.

"Why does she have to give him a hard time now? She's no more the obedient lover girl she was before." Hwang Yu-jin thought angrily made a call talked to someone for 3 minutes and hung up the call.

He walked forward to the class and looked over to Song Chae-yeong's seat, where she was always sitting with a bright baby smile when she saw him. But now she's not even in school.

"Hey, do you miss your girlfriend, huh?" A voice jolted him from his thoughts and looked over to the owner's voice that was standing in front.

" She's not coming to school today because she's sick." Hwang Yu-jin said pitifully like he missed her.

" Oh, I don't even know what you see in her. That ugly duckling face." The tiny voice said and scoffed, annoyingly. Rolling her eyes before walking to her seat.

Three days later.

" Are you sure you're ready for this? What you told me, was you're going to plead with the man that you're not ready for marriage, but now you said you both got marriage certificate yesterday." Kim Da-Eun said worriedly to crazy Song Chae-yeong who was smiling stupidly.

" Don't tell me you like that man already? That man is far beyond who wants a marriage. He's wealthy and powerful. Men like him only used girls for their desires and dump when they're done using them." Kim Da-Eun raised her brow, questioning.

Song Chae-yeong frowned before speaking up. " Aunt, why would you say I like him? I just accepted a deal because I have my reasons, and I'll need him for some reason in the future. About the likeness, huh, hell capital big NO, okay? And he also requires this for his reasons. So we know our limits. We both will use each other for benefit purposes… So I don't see any big deal in that." Song Chae-yeong said explaining herself, but her Aunt was still worried about her facial expression.

"Trust me, aunt. I know my limit. And me going back to my father will be hell, which means I'll need to be prepared and get some back." Song Chae-yeong said and held her Aunt's shoulder, comforting.

"Okay, but please be careful. You know what happened to your mother." Kim Da-Eun said, showing what she was afraid of.

" I understand, Aunt. Please be rest assured, I, Song Chae-yeong will be careful, and you will be proud of me later in the future." Song Chae-yeong said and hugged her aunt.

Kim Da-Eun hugged her back and Pat her hair.

Though, she doesn't know what's going on with her niece's change in attitude. But she prefers the new her, who appears to be more mature like an adult. Now confident in herself, unlike before, always clung to that person and was never serious and childish all day.

"Okay. So what are you going to school to do since you're leaving back to the song family tomorrow?" Kim Da-Eun asked, wondering what she wanted again to do in that school.

"I have some things to do, I need to see the principal and give a reason for my absence from school," Chae-Yeong explained.

" Okay, come back after school, and by then I'll get your bags ready." Kim Da-Eun said and bade her goodbye before Song Chae-yeong exited the door.

Song Chae-yeong aboard a taxi to school. She reached the school entrance and walked in with her bag packed with a cold, powerful Aura. Looking more beautiful than ever, since she trimmed her hair and did not put on weird makeup or wear double clothes before her uniform.

She looked neat and white, which got everyone's attention.

"Who is that girl? Wow, she's so beautiful." Different comments, but she was careless and walked further to the school with her cold face, not even caring about the gazes that all fell on her.

It took the students some time to recognize it was Song Chae-yeong.

She walked to her class and dropped her bag on her chair before turning back to walk out, but she was stopped by a voice that called her name.

"Chae-yeong?" She stopped on her track and looked at the girl who called her.

" Wow. Is this an illusion or what? Chae-yeong looked a bit different from before. I thought you were sick but seeing you like this denied it." The girl said, crossing her arm on her chest.

Song Chae-yeong furrowed her brows coldly before looking, "I don't understand you."

The girl looked at her from head to toe. So surprised to see Song Chae-yeong looking different with a different attitude. She was a carefree girl who didn't mind any insult but always put on a smile and clinging to Hwang Yu-jin. But she looked so cold and arrogant today.

"Oh never mind." The girl said and turned back and went back to her seat.

Song Chae-yeong walked out of the class with a different gaze, while she met Hwang Yu-jin at the class entrance door.

"Chae-yeong." Hwang Yu-jin called, but she did like she never saw or heard him call her and walked past him with a cold and arrogant look.

Hwang Yu-jin was surprised and annoyed at the same time, but he held back his anger and walked to the class, lost in his thoughts.

He walked to his seat took a seat and looked back at Chae-yeong's seat with a cold face.

"How dare she ignore me? Who does she think she is." Hwang Yu-jin thought, looking so frustrated.

" I will make sure you don't get away with it today, just wait and see your death come today." Hwang Yu-jin thought and brought his phone out and typed on his phone for some time before putting his phone back in his pocket.





Song Chae-yeong walked out of the principal's office and walked straight back to her class, she walked to her seat and sat down.

Everyone in the class, and their gazes all fell on Chae-yeong, but she took her seat and lay her head on the table.

The students all whispering, looking so surprised.

Seeing the same Song Chae-yeong this way was so surprising.

"Who else noticed Song Chase-yeong is changed, and she is looking more beautiful than ever." Said a person's voice from their class while the class chorus, "Yes she is."

"She is changed, and her appearance too, but I'm very sure her brain remains the same. Dull and useless. " A girl said annoyingly and snorted loudly.

" Who noticed the change between the song Chae-yeong and Hwang Yu-jin? They seemed not on good terms, and she did not even go to him and was not clingy like she was used to. " Another voice said.

Hwang Yu-jin stood up from his seat and walked to Song Chae-yeong tucking his hand in his pocket.

"Song Chae-yeong. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Hwang Yu-jin said softly, showing some hint of emotion.

Song Chae-yeong raised her head and looked at his face coldly.

"There is nothing we need to talk about, and I thought I made myself clear that I don't know you anymore." Song Chae-yeong said coldly and stood on her feet, looking into Hwang Yu-jin's eyes coldly.

"Why are you like this? If I offended you in any way, please tell me and I will apologize. Please, Song Chae-yeong. " Hwang Yu-jin said, pleading and looking so pitiful.

The class looked at them with interest, some girls were so angry with Song Chae-yeong's attitude because they never liked her, and some girls had a crush on Hwang Yu-jin. They were jealous of her and annoyed when she was always clingy around Hwang Yu-jin, but now she's giving their idol a hard time.

"You know how to act, Yu-jin. Why don't you just join filming then, Hun.?. I'm so sure you'll be the best actor of the year. " Song Chae-yeong said sarcastically, but her voice was so cold that it chilled like ice which made everyone, including Hwang Yu-jin fear the tone.

"I don't know what you mean by all this, but I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way. Please forgive me. " Hwang Yu-jin said and knelt looking so pitiful like a real lover boy who is about to miss his lover. Song Chae-yeong snorted and rolled her eyes annoyingly before walking out, not even glancing at him or moving by him kneeling to her.

"Chae-yeong, you're too much. Who do you think you are to be so arrogant? Even after he knelt for you, forgetting his dignity. You're so heartless, you ugly duckling face. " Jessica yelled from her seat.

Song Chae-yeong stopped on her track and looked back before turning to the direction Jessica was sitting.

"Oh, Jessica. Look at me very well, if I look like what you called me, or check the mirror to see what you seem like before blurting rubbish bitch. " Song Chae-yeong said sarcastically, making everyone in the class burst out laughing.

"You… You bitch, I'll kill you today." Jessica said angrily and rushed towards Song Chae-yeong like a mad woman and wanted to pull her hair but Song Chae-yeong dodged her hand, making her miss her spot and fell hard on the floor.

The class burst out laughing again, then a teacher walked in, while everyone ran back to their seats.

Jessica stood up shamefully and walked back to her seat with her head down but clenched her fist.

Song Chae-yeong walked back to her seat walking past Hwang Yu-jin who just looked down at his shoe and walked back to his chair angrily but didn't make it obvious but looked so pitiful like he was hurt.

"Alright, everyone. Back to your seat. There's an announcement that Song Chae-yeong is leaving the town to the city back to the Song family, so be nice to her today as her last day in school and congratulations Song Chae-yeong for going back to your family." The teacher said smiling and friendly to the class.

Song Chae-yeong rolled her eyes. "Who sent this talkative teacher to blurt all this out." She thought while all gazes fell on her again, which was annoying.

" Oh, so she's going back to her wealthy family. That's why her attitude is full of arrogance. Even so, she still belongs here and was raised here, so nothing is different, why so arrogant? God knows why she was abandoned for so many years, maybe she's just an illegitimate child. " One of Jessica's friends said and rolled her eyes annoyingly.

" Alright, bring out your books, let's learn and stop the murmur." The teacher said and started teaching.

After the lessons, he asked some questions which Song Chae-yeong answered, unlike before when the lesson was going on, she never paid attention but slept or was clingy to Hwang Yu-jin all the time. But she changed and even answered most of the questions, which made everyone surprised, including the teacher and Hwang Yu-jin.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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