
Chapter 6: Dungeon Master

- Kai's pov

After heading upstairs and to the right, a door with a similar plaque as the one on Lucile's room with the word library on it appeared in my line of sight and to the left of it, is Lors' office.

I opened the door, entering into a rather strange looking room with chains on the walls that reminded me of where I was previously held captive only this was more... weird. Like someone's dungeon bdsm fantasy had come to life. It's dark, damp, the stone is cold to the touch. The walls are lined with the familiar looking chains and quite a few of them at that.

[???] "ngh, ngh, a-ahhh~"

The male sounds I can hear coming from deeper in the dungeon are only confirming my suspicions. The fact that the woman in the prison was called a "toy", the chains, the weird noises, this... this guy is fucked up.

[Kai] "hey, asshole!"

[???] "w-what? Wh-who's there?"

He sounds startled. No doubt that's Lors.

[Kai] "no one important. If you don't value your life then just keep doing what you're doing!"

[Lors] "y-you threaten me?!"

[Kai] "yes! Now get out here and die!"

Two glowing red lights appeared in the dark area of the room, and emerging from the shadows, was the tall, relatively well built man wearing round-rimmed glasses with slicked back black hair tied into a short pony tail and the all too familiar red eyes.

[Kai] "have fun back there?"

I couldn't help but mock the guy. He's a disgrace.

[Lors] "who are you?"

[Kai] "right to the chase? Fine, then I will too. A young woman asked me to come kill you."

[Lors] "huh? Oh! You actually got that thing to speak! Haha, how did you do it? What did you have to touch?"

[Kai] "you and your kin are disgusting you know that?"

[Lors] "my kin? Are you not one of us too?"

[Kai] "nope, <reveal>"

My eyes faded from the glowing crimson red back to their original grey.

[Lors] "oh~ so you're a magician. *sigh* if only you were female. Human magicians are much easier to house train than fae."

[Kai] "question. How many girls do you have back there?"

[Lors] "hm? About 7. But don't worry, I pay special attention to each one every day. Although I was about to break in a new one before you rudely interrupted."

[Kai] "that... I'm going to make you suffer you know that?"

[Lors] "well, before you do that, i'd like to ask you a question since you asked me one yourself."

[Kai] "I suppose that's only fair."

[Lors] "thank you. How the hell did you get past my illusion!"

[Kai] "illusion?"

[Lors] "you can't be serious. You broke it without even knowing? Haha~ this is rather distressing. I'll have to rectify that after I disembowel you."

[Kai] "oooh, quite the talk from someone who can't even make a proper illusion."

[Lors] "tch, why you- Die!"

It worked! Perhaps a little too well! He raced towards me at break neck pace. Literally, I think he was actually aiming to break my neck.

[Kai] "<reverse!>"

I used reverse to create a barrier around myself to bounce back all kinetic force, causing not only the sex crazed lunatics claw-like hand but his entire body to be sent flying backwards. By focusing on reflecting all the kinetic energy rather than the attack itself, I think I was able to limit the mental power it used up. After all the words I've been using, I definitely need to save my power, especially if I'm going to end up facing off with the lord.

Lors collected himself quite quickly, curiously staring at me as though he were looking at something from another planet.

[Lors] "what an interesting magic."

[Kai] "I'd rather not be complemented by a rapist. <Burn>"

[Lors] "wha-"

A small flame appeared in front of Lors before expanding as if to swallow him whole. He was barely able to avoid the surprise attack so I decided to follow up, using the fact that he hasn't recovered from the surprise yet and his small amount of knowledge about the ability in question and created another ball of flame at his side which he noticed but snickered at, thinking I had missed. The flame however, expanded towards him once more, catching him off guard again and swallowing half of his right arm, setting it alight.

[Lors] "gah!"

Lors quickly regained focus and enveloped his left hand in a thin red aura before using it to slice off his own burning arm.

[Lors] "fucking bastard."

While I was still staring at the slowly regenerating arm, Lors returned the favour by catching me off guard and slicing my left arm off from the shoulder down before quickly jumping back to avoid any more surprise attacks.

[Kai] "..."

[Lors] "haha, what's wrong? You were so talkative before. I'll bet you wish you were one of my "kin" now huh?"

It's true that the pain is horrendous. From the phantom pains to the fact that I was bleeding out fast, but, I have an image to uphold. I can't show him that it hurt. I smiled, sending an obvious chill down Lors spine as shock enveloped his face. I bent down slowly and picked up my dismembered arm before placing it on the spot it used to occupy.

[Lors] "eh? The hell are you trying to do? You're human. Only a fae has the kind of healing magic to help yo-"

[Kai] "<reconnect>"

I could feel my arm re-attaching itself to my body as the nerves, the muscle and the bones among other things regenerated and filled the gaps, though the loss of blood would take a little bit to recover from, it's fine for the moment.

[Lors] "w-w-what are you?!"

[Kai] "<Push>"

A tried and true spell, with a little bit more force than before since he went flying back into the wall at the back of the room, cracking it before falling to the cold floor. Bending over once more, I touched the stone floor.

[Kai] "<glow>"

The stone floor began to give off a soft yellow light which illuminated the interior of the dungeon, revealing many unwelcome sights you would expect in a place like this. Not only that, he was telling the truth when he said he had 7 women, though they all wore bags on their heads, their torn clothes displayed enough to tell their gender.

[Lors] "<b-bring down the f-forces of the dark s-Sky and-"

[Kai] "<bolt>"

Holding out my arm towards Lors, a bolt of blue electricity shot towards him at lightning speed, hitting his outstretched arm, causing him to scream, tore his sleeve to his shoulder, left a long scar that trailed off when it reached his neck and disrupted his chanting.

[Lors] "nnngh!"

[Kai] "huh, so the sound of pleasure and the sound of spasming uncontrollably in pain is one and the same. I wonder if these girls would like to see what I'm about to do to you?"

As I got closer to the slightly spasming Lors, a tough hand reached out and grabbed my wrist, shocking me and causing me to react on pure instinct.

[Kai] "<Push!>"

The ground cracked under the pressure since I was surprised and didn't have enough time to determine how strong to make the attack, I just went all out, but... Nothing. The hand that held me still gripped tightly. Looking up at the figure that made my power useless, I saw a middle aged man with short, tidy silver hair, a well kept, short silver beard and golden eyes.

[Kai] "y-mmph!"

He grabbed my mouth with his other hand and drove me into the wall behind me while still gripping me tightly.

[Lors] "l-lord Verren! You're h-here! That's fantastic! Th-this man-!"

[Verren] "I know exactly what he did Lors. I was watching the whole time.

[Lors] "wh-the whole time...?"

The man Lors called lord Verren sent a piercing gaze towards him and I swear I saw him piss himself.

[Verren] "the very beginning. I know everything Lors. I will decide your punishment when the time comes but for now, seyird, take this filth to the dungeons. The real ones."

[Seyird] "of course my lord."

A man half the size of Verren and much skinnier yet still giving off a similar oppressive atmosphere, with black hair and red eyes walked over and grabbed the injured Lors before disappearing into thin air.

Verren released my mouth, revealing the bloody and broken jaw I now possessed. If I can't talk I can't use my magic. He really was watching the whole time.

[Verren] "now then. What should I do with you."

I have to think fast. I have to-. I slowly stood and grabbed a piece of metal off the wall before falling back to my knees and began to carve words into the stone. I just hope it translates.


[Verren] "you want us to heal you? Why would I- oh, you're still writing?"


[Verren] "what could you possibly offer-"

I removed my hand from my mouth and placed my blood covered hand next to the word *exchange*.

[Verren] "*smirking* you think your blood can suffice?"

*not mine.*

I tried to think of a way to explain my idea.

*water. Explain. Show*

[Verren] "hm? Seyird!"

[Seyird] "yes, my lord?

[Verren] "grab a glass of water."

[Seyird] "of course."

Seyird vanished as quickly as he appeared before showing up once again with a glass of water in his hands. He went to hand it to Verren but was instead directed to hand the glass of water to me. The young man complied with his lord and placed the water within arms reach. I reached for the glass and took it under the watchful gazes of both vampires.

Now then, I hope this works. I took the metal in my hands and scratched an arrow pointing towards the water in the stone. Following that-

*Turn to Blood.*

[Verren] "oh? I think I finally understand but, are you truly capable of such a feat?"

I nodded so much that it further damaged my jaw and caused me to wince in pain.

[Verren] "while I am intrigued as to whether you can really do this, and it would be quite valuable if you can, I can't waste resources on a chance."

[???] "I'll heal him then."

The three of us looked over towards one of the captives. a young girl with long ears and blonde hair. Oh, I'm no good with elves.

[Verren] "what's in it for you?"

[Elf] "if he truly is capable of what he says then you will let me go."

[Verren] "and if he can't?"

[elf] "then you can kill me, or drink my blood or whatever it is you people do."

[Verren] "you seem to have quite a bit of faith in this boy. Why is that?"

[Elf] "you saw what he did didn't you? I'm willing to bet on someone like that."

What makes me so worthy of your trust? Or are you just interested in me the same way the other elf was. I must have unintentionally shown my distrust on my face because her next words told me I had.

[Elf] "I don't know what kind of history you have with my kind but I just want to get out of here. Plus, you did save me from going through what these girls did. So I kinda feel like I owe you."

Since I couldn't reply, I simply gave up and nodded my head, knowing this would be my best chance of surviving this.

[Verren] "then I guess it's settled. Seyird, take these two to a private room and have the young fae get started immediately."

As Seyird helped unshackle the elf, I grabbed the glass of water and got to my feet. Looking around the room, I couldn't help but feel pity for the six remaining girls so I pointed them out to Verren.

[Verren] "in this state you feel you can still bargain? Impressive. Alright, I suppose that after what Lors did to them they aren't in any condition to be used so I'll give them an option."

I nodded to show my gratitude and Verren walked over to each one separately, removing the bags that blocked their sight. When they first laid eyes on Verren they were frightened but seemed to calm down quickly the longer they looked at him. He gave each of them two choices. Leave with the promise that they will not be attacked by the vampires living here but fend for themselves as they try to return home, or give up and take death as a way out. Safe to say they all chose the same as that woman in the prison I killed. Verren looked back towards us and motioned that we should leave now.