
Chapter 21: Grave Keeper

As much as I'd like to just take an easy stroll through the forest, I don't really have the time so I'm rushing through the greenery, barely avoiding branches that seemed to appear all of a sudden until one finally got me. Well, rather than a branch, it's more like a fallen log that I tripped over, rolling along the ground for a few metres before smashing into another, more upright tree.

[Kai] "maybe I should take it a little slower..."

It's not like it hurt but it would be quite embarrassing if someone happened to be around at that moment.

Rather than continue at high speeds and risk tripping again, I think I'll just walk the relatively short remainder of the path to Solben.

The path that I've been walking so far has been nothing but trees. Just how long is the path to this place? While the never ending green scenery has a calm pleasantness to it, it's a little... boring. So much so that I can't help but let out a long sigh from beneath my mask.

A small while later, the smell of something rotting has started to fill the air, the trees have begun to wither the further I walk and the green grass has become a dull, lifeless grey dirt. Even though this place seems unwelcoming, there's an odd sense of familiarity about it. Perhaps even a weird, almost comforting one. Continuing through the dirt, a large, foggy graveyard comes into view.

[Kai] "Sure, that's not foreboding at all."

Entering the strange, tomb filled area and reading a few of the names on the tombstones, it makes my situation of being in a different world that much more real.

[Kai] "Slack cargin, Gallo bols...What kind of demons were they to have such strange names...?"

After thinking about such things, an odd weariness seems to be coming over me. I can barely keep my eyes open as I stumble backwards, tripping into what appears to be an open grave. Rather than the feeling of dirt or even a coffin, what I ended up falling onto feels soft, supplying ample comfort as my mind continues to drift away. The soft feeling underneath me feels like it's moving but with the state I'm currently in, I don't have the energy to look.

I seem to have dozed off. Though difficult, I manage to open my eyes, revealing the sight of the night sky above me. I had never noticed before on account of being locked up in that giant castle but the stars, really are different here. I can't recognise a single constellation. Snapping out of the trance the sky placed me in, I attempt to move, however something seems to be laying atop my chest. Moving my head to look, what enters my sight is the relatively small figure of a raven haired girl with a black, gothic style dress and what appears to be purple highlights around her closed eyes. She doesn't appear to be breathing which means...did they toss a dead girl's body on top of me while sleeping? I lightly shake the girl, just to make sure, and I'm surprised to hear the young looking girl stirring. Her body begins to move, wrapping her arms around my body and snuggling closer.

[Kai] "Uh...This isn't exactly how I thought my first night away from the castle would be spent."

As I spoke, I noticed that my mask was still covering my face and the petite girl began to stir once more while her eyelids slowly fluttered open. Her emerald eyes met my own gaze and we stayed like that for what felt like forever. Eventually, she stood up, brushed the dirt from her dress and placed the blade of her scythe at my neck...Wait, what?

[Kai] "Uh-"

[Girl] "Who are you?"

[Kai] "A traveller?"

The girl continues to give me a blank, accusing stare while pressing her scythe harder against my neck.

[Girl] "Doubtful. A simple traveller wouldn't have the same feeling you do."

[Kai] "Huh?"

Unable to comprehend what the girl was saying, I unintentionally let out an idiotic sound.

[Girl] "You smell of death and give off an aura of one that has been to the afterlife. How is that possible?"

Ah, I think I'm starting to understand. Slowly, I begin moving my hand towards my face, placing my fingers beneath my mask before waiting for a moment. Since the girl didn't move, I continue to remove my mask, revealing my dull, grey eyes. This girl doesn't seem ordinary in the slightest so I just hope my disguise spell is enough to trick her. She quickly removes her blade from its' position near my neck and leaps out of the grave. I follow suit after brushing the dirt from my cloak. Now standing in front of each other, I can finally see just how small she truly is, only reaching to about my middle in height.

[Girl] "Are you going to tell me who you are?"

[Kai] "oh, right. My name's Kai."

[Girl] "Ilima. Grave keeper of Solben."

[Kai] "Grave Keeper? So you look after this place?"

[Ilima] "That's one of my duties. I am also tasked with guiding lost souls to the afterlife and dealing with anyone who dares to desecrate this place... Speaking of which."

The small girl thrusts her large scythe towards my neck in an attempt to remove my head from my shoulders. Thanks to my status as a Vampire and Vale's training, I was able to react in time, leaping away from the swinging blade.

[Ilima] "What are you?"

I sigh, knowing that I would have to tell this girl at least some of the truth. Using my disguise ability, my dull grey eyes begin to glow with a crimson hue, startling the girl.

[Ilima] "What is a vampire doing here?"

[Kai] "I was on my way to Solben city when I ended up here."

[Ilima] "And your reason for sleeping in the open grave?"

[Kai] "No clue. It almost felt like something was trying to lull me to sleep."

The girl's eyes widen for a moment before returning to her usual, expressionless self.

[Ilima] "Then I suppose I should apologise. There's a spell over this graveyard that causes spirits to become placid, making my job easier."

[Kai] "The fog?"

[Ilima] "Indeed."

The fog around us begins to clear, giving me a much clearer view of the area. The barren trees and dead grass only seem to exist within the radius of the graveyard before everything springs back to life further out. Focusing my sight, I manage to make out the walls of what appears to be Solben City in the distance.

[Ilima] "You should be able to see the city from here."

[Kai] "I can. Thanks."

When I turn to face the young looking girl, I notice that she's snuck up closer to me, extending her hand towards my own. Alright, let's see where this goes. I let her grab ahold of my left hand and she gently brings it closer to her face. I couldn't help but raise my brow as she brings her lips close to my ring finger, kissing it.

[Kai] "Um...what are you doing?"

[Ilima] "This is my apology. And a small gift."

When she lets go of my hand, the base of my ring finger begins to glow with an emerald hue, before fading to reveal a black ring with intricate, green tunes running along the strange metal.

[Kai] "Did...Did we just get married?"

Confused and a little taken aback by the current events, I failed to notice the slight blush present on the petite girl's face.

[Ilima] "Don't be a fool. That was the simplest way for me to share some of my power with you."

[Kai] "Oh. Thanks, I guess."

This is awkward. It's been awhile since I had to deal with anyone other than the vampires and I get the feeling I don't want to be on this girl's bad side.

[Ilima] "So long as you have that, other Grave Keepers should understand that you're not a wandering soul. There's also a few more surprises but you can find those out for yourself."

So this little thing is pretty important. I hope Lucile doesn't misunderstand anything when I come back with a ring on my finger.

[Kai] "Well, I suppose I'll be going now."

[Ilima] "What do you plan on doing?"

[Kai] "Hm? Let's just say that you'll probably be busy soon."

I smile to the girl before placing my mask back on and walking towards the city. The fog begins to collect and thicken around the Cemetery again but not before I spot the petite reaper sighing.